Max and Min Price



I need to get Highest and Lowest price for particular currency pair within a certain period of time, e.g. Highest and Lowest price for EUR/USD between

October 4, 23:00:00 and October 5, 6:00:00. I usually need to go back to 1-2 previous trading days?

Could anybody help me?

Thanks draho


Are you writing some code, or just fishing around?


Are you writing some code, or just fishing around?

I am trying to write a code and I want to get highest and lowest price for certain period of time.

The period can start and end in different days (e.g. over midnight) and won't probably be longer than 6-8 hours.

I want to use it on 15min chart.




You want to find High[ iHighest(...) ] and Low[ iLowest(...) ]

if you are finding those values for the charted pair.

If getting prices for a different pair you would have to use iHigh and iLow
instead of the High and Low above.