should service providers be allowed to have multiple user names ? - page 2


1. It's OK to have multiple user name, and MetaQuotes knew that. Even so, it's better to tell MetaQoutes about your other user name, though they will delete the $ 2 registration bonus credit from that other username ;D. 

2. If there's money involve, MetaQuotes will use user Passport as reference, and show user real name on profile page. The problem for other users is that other users don't know that this user have several user name in 

In real world is OK for everyone to have several unrelated business, and so is the same in Say for example, is OK for me to have and run, Restaurant, Grocery Store, Shoe Shop, Book Store. Of course you never know who own that, except if I name it as phi.nuts_Restaurant, phi.nuts_Grocery Store, phi.nuts_Shoe Shop, phi.nuts_Book Store.

You have points but i'm not totally agree with you. On account to one person is the best.

I do not understand the point of this discussion, if you want only one account create one, if you want more, do it, as long as you follow the rules, what is the problem?