Automated Trading Championship 2007: Video Interview with Rashid Umarov


On the website of the Automated Trading Championship 2007, a Video Interview with Rashid Umarov has been published. Rashid Umarov participated in the Automated Trading Championship 2006. Rashid continuously studies and analyzes financial markets, develops analytical tools. In his video interview, he tells about how he analyzed information for the new Championship's reporting - "the main conclusion is that it is insufficient to have a profitable strategy: it is necessary to strengthen its advantages and smooth its disadvantages. This is the point in money management: You should gain the largest profit from your approach, your Expert Advisor, your system with minimal risk and in maximal amounts, without being short of it. This is the most important thing, to my mind."

The video interview was published on the website of Automated Trading Championship 2007 in the News section.

The Automated Trading Championship 2007 is organized by MetaQuotes Software Corp. and co-sponsored by ODL Securities Limited, Alpari (UK) Limited, FXDD and the popular TRADERS` magazine.