DLL import alias problem (decorated names)


I have a DLL which I use in MT4, but it doesn't seem to work in MT5.

All functions are in this form: _nameOfFunction@24

instead of 24, some functions there are with @40,@4 etc...

from what I saw, these are under the term of "decorated names"

MT4 recognized these names of functions, but MT5 doesn't compile because of the @'s presence: 

'@' - unknown symbol 


Is this a bug? Or it's just undocumented? 

Can someone please help me?

Because documentation says nothing about anything like this, and I don't have anywhere to look elsewhere, as I just finished searching the web.


I resolved this issue myself after more investigation into c++, dll, decorated names, compiling dll, etc.

In MT4 I imported the decorated names and it worked.

Looking into DLL file, you find the list of functions with decorated names (probably created by the compiler I guess, I'm new to this). So you have to see the source of dll.  

After looking inside original c++ sources Now, I had to import the original name of the function.

It worked:)

Anyway, maybe someone will post here if decorated names will be supported in the future in MQL5.


Last time I made a dll it was in the 90s. I remember there was the option to export by name, by a fake name, and by index. And I'm sure that in the index version compiler didn't place any kind of names in the compiled dll. Alas, these were 16 bit dlls.  I don't know if after switching to 32 bit model the index export still remained valid. But I think a dll with functions exported by index could not possibly be imported here.

Do you know how to import a COM dll in MQL5 ?

TheEconomist :

Last time I made a dll it was in the 90s. I remember there was the option to export by name, by a fake name, and by index. And I'm sure that in the index version compiler didn't place any kind of names in the compiled dll. Alas, these were 16 bit dlls.  I don't know if after switching to 32 bit model the index export still remained valid. But I think a dll with functions exported by index could not possibly be imported here.

Do you know how to import a COM dll in MQL5 ?

You are more advanced than me in knowledge about dlls. 

If I were you, I would try MT4 to see if it can. If MT4 can't, small chances MT5 can:P 

ifmihai :

I resolved this issue myself after more investigation into c++, dll, decorated names, compiling dll, etc.

In MT4 I imported the decorated names and it worked.

Looking into DLL file, you find the list of functions with decorated names (probably created by the compiler I guess, I'm new to this). So you have to see the source of dll.  

After looking inside original c++ sources Now, I had to import the original name of the function.

It worked:)

Anyway, maybe someone will post here if decorated names will be supported in the future in MQL5.



Please read about "name mangling". It impossible to support all decorations.
mql5 :
Please read about "name mangling". It impossible to support all decorations.

It sounds logical.

Thanks for clarification (name mangling).