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Timid... ME? yes - got the message - really appreciate your recommendation.
Have been spending hours this morning reading thread you directed me to - SetOrder() does 66s marktime then calls ExistOrders() which scans all trade pool orders until match or endList. I like the openTime which SetOrder() setsup one statement before OrderSend(). Had wondered about usefullness but ExistOrders() condition is openTime<=OrderOpenTime() which was interesting (obviously, <= condition could prevail - I originally decided what's point because how guarantee equality and seeing <= made sense then)
I have to admit that my generic orderSend function does as SetOrder() with retryLoop and 'looking' for order if need to - so nothing new there. One difference is that I coded error handling in generic errorHandler() since various conditions must be dealt with by many different terminal calls so why recode for each func.
All that being said - trully such valuable link. SetOrder() error handling is indeed interesting and will incorporate into my errorHandler()
Here I go again but... think it can be argued that Timeout is still not 100% dealt with. Of course having done xx retryloops with marktime and still not find in pool, so we get up to xx OrderSend()'s and if still failure, SetOrder() just exits... seems dodgy. The global boolean gbDisabled never gets touched in this case and surely caller will not be any wiser.
But, perhaps is absence from trade pool that is decider. Maybe is best can do [presently :]
Again, thank you for encouraging recommendation.
I often poke around the MQL4 book and when some links are used, Russian language pages displayed.
That's why made this post... :o)))
So ok, finally! I cobbled together way to post direct link to Russian pages via an English to Russian translation tool.
No need to go to for example Google or AltaVista Babel Fish and then enter Russian webpage url and then select from dropdown menu "Russian to English"
Just use below next time you want to give some help to people and the page is in Russian.
If you use the toolbar to create a link (ctrl+alt+L) via popup form and fill in the LINK and TITLE fields ... hey presto!
as an example that I have already used in a post:
(title) MQL4 Tutorial - Trade Operations - Modification of Orders
(remember: the link is all one long line with no CarriageReturn, tabs or spaces)
The RED is the Russian language page address, is what you see on your browsers Address Bar - highlight it and Copy to clipboard and replace above example's RED text with your clipboard Russian page address.
Then you have your link to paste into link popup.
Hope this helps anyone wanting to point others at Russian language web pages