I had many code program in mq4 file extension and want to compile all of them with bulk mass compile to ex4 in a time not one by one. Anybody how to do it ?
Delete mqlcache.dat file and restart MetaTrader 4.
You can use command line and create batch file to do this:

1- Find your metalang.exe path, it will be the same path of MetaTrader (here my path is D:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4).

2- Create a batch file and name it compile.bat (or any name you prefer).

3- Write these lines into the bat file then save it:
cd D:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4
metalang -q "D:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\my_first_mql4_script.mq4"
(Don’t forget to change the path to you MetaTrader installed path).

4- Run the batch file.

5- Enjoy. ;)

What I mean is I had many collection such as indicator, ea, etc. in .mq4 file extension, than I want to compile all of them to .ex4 in one of time like bulk mass compile not per one file. Any conclusion ?
I told you:

cd D:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4
metalang -q "D:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\file_1.mq4"
metalang -q "D:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\file_2mq4"
metalang -q "D:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\file_3.mq4"
metalang -q "D:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\file_100.mq4"

Can I use this command

cd D:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4
metalang -q "D:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\*.mq4"

So, it compile all of *.mq4 file to *.ex4 extensions.
no. metalang does not support wild cards
I had many code program in mq4 file extension and want to compile all of them with bulk mass compile to ex4 in a time not one by one. Anybody how to do it ?

To recompile:
- all experts: delete /experts/mqlcache.dat
- all indicators: delete /experts/indicators/mqlcache.dat
- all scripts: delete /experts/scripts/mqlcache.dat
- all libraries: delete /experts/libraries/mqlcache.dat

Then restart MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal. That's all.
Rashid Umarov:
Delete mqlcache.dat file and restart MetaTrader 4.

14 years but thanks