Profits from mql signals.


Does anyone profits from mql signals on mt5 or mt4? After the end of the championship i dont see many subscribers.


I do not know about MT4 signals but as far as I see from MT5 signals - yes, there are subscribers. I saw 120 subscribers for one signal for example. Оf course I agree - it may be good to get more subscribers. But the subscribers will not come by themselves in some cases - signal providers should promote the signals. How to do it? Read this small article for example MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals Widgets and this my post about how to place widget on google blog. Besides, I am planning to open some special thread where I will explain about how to promote the signals and/or Market products on social networks and everywhere spending just 10 or 30 minutes in a day for that. Because I am sorry but clients are not coming by themselves in some cases. Because as I see - signal providers are not very active to promote their signals here and everywhere ...

If we have many subscribers so it will be easy for everybody, and I as subscriber can ask the question ... something as "I am planning to subscribe to ... signal. Does anyone have experience with this signal?". 


Does anyone profits from mql signals on mt5 or mt4? After the end of the championship i dont see many subscribers.

ATC is over. So every subscription to ATC is cancelled and terminated.

I;ve seen some providers are sharing their signals at other copy trading platforms for free  and here they are charging a monthly fee. Maybe that is the reason they dont have many subscribers.


I;ve seen some providers are sharing their signals at other copy trading platforms for free  and here they are charging a monthly fee. Maybe that is the reason they dont have many subscribers.

Hi sov,

Any external signal service is out of competition with our mql4/mql5 related signal service. Why? Did you read this article? General information on Trading Signals for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 Example with image:

Do you see 'Metatrader Signal Server'? No any external signal provider is having it (because no one is having official MT4/MT5 API which is out of any broker for example). So, this our mql4/mql5 signal service is primary one, and any external service is just secondary service existing by using market infrastructure created by Metaquotes for example. So, no any competition for mql4/mql5 signal service for now.  


I;ve seen some providers are sharing their signals at other copy trading platforms for free  and here they are charging a monthly fee. Maybe that is the reason they dont have many subscribers.

signal providers were paid from fraction of subscriber spread - so indirectly it's not free.