Why not make servers always send the quotes in GMT time?

Is there a way to find server's timezone in MQL? So far I couldn't ifnd a way to do this.

I know that if I "tell" my program what my own timezone is (i.e. by means of an input parameter, e.g. extern int MyTimeZone=8 for GMT +8) then I can compare local time to server time and calculate server's time zone. But this is not a generic solution. And our beloved Mr. Bush proved it with his next idiotic idea - this time by screwing around with he Day Light Savings Time. So even the above solution wouldn't work (well it would - you'd just have to change 8 to 7 and then 3 weeks later to remember to change it back to 8 again. Oh joy...)

Actually I don't even understand what was the motivation to allow the servers to report their own time? Who gives a s*** about server's time of a server sitting on a rack somewhere in Montana? Those of us who care about absolute time usually want to know what time it is in London (or NY or Tokyo - but these are easily calculated if you know one of them). So if just make it always GMT time and it solves all our problems (as users/programmers). We know that every time we get a new quote - the time is reported in GMT, and no matter whether you are in Russia or in Hawaii - your experts work the same, your charts look the same, your history is the same.

This woiuld have been simple and uniform. What we have now is a mess. Not only it is a mess - it looks like there isn't even a function in MQL which would help us in this mess (e.g. GetServerTimeZone or something like that)?

You can determine server timezone using this script https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/46133 Determine your own timezone, then difference between your local time and server time. Difference of these 2 values is server timezone.

Such function will not be included into standard functions list because rarely using.