2d surface? - page 2

Thank you, and sorry if I am too stupid or something but.... When I use exactly the same value as you it works, but if I set the Stop of start and end to 5 instead of 2 it is screwed again...
I don't understand. What you mean on therm "it is screwed again."

Is it ?

By "screwed" I mean the rectangles are random, unlike your screenshot.

I use the modified script that you posted. Maybe I am doing something else wrong? And to make things even more strange there is no output in "c:progra~1MetaTrader 4expertsfiles"...
I use the modified script that you posted. Maybe I am doing something else wrong? And to make things even more strange there is no output in "c:progra~1MetaTrader 4expertsfiles"...
No, I'v written

And open csv-formated file in folder /tester/files

You need set X axis as X and Y axis as Start.
OK I probably misunderstood about the CVS file, but this is not the issue really. Of course I set X axis as X and Y axis as Start. Notice the values for X are 0. .500 (the range for x) and for Y 1.2..5 (seems this is End on Y axis in the screenshot but I tried both of them anyway)...
May be your expert different from my own. Check csv file (compare my file and your file).
Bobev nedei da zanimavash horata s gluposti - dai im istinskia si kod ako iskash da ti pomognat. Rosh toku shto ti obiasni che 2-d surface si raboti pravilno i go dokaza s primer. Iavno neshto stava v tvoia expert taka che 'x' vliae na rezultata. Zatova ti kazvam - dai im koda da go poglednat. Ako ne iskash da go postvash tuka - poiskai emaila na Rosh i mu go prati lichno. Picha e stabiliaga i sas sigurnost e vidial poveche MQL experti ot vsichki nas vzeti zaedno na toia forum taka che ne se pritesniavai.
Ot deka si by the way? :) Az sum ot Sofia ama ne jiveia v BG ot izvestno vreme, makar che si hodia ot vreme na vreme. Bih se radval da se zapoznaia s rodni BG fx-traderi taka che drasni edin mail ako iskash - moia e ilisten_to_jack at yahoo dot com ;)

...just advising bobef that it's a good idea to submit his real code if he wants to get any real help on this problem, cause obviously somehow x becomes involved in the calculations and it's impossible to figure out what the problem is without debugging the real code...
Maybe I should use a screen recorder or something? I see it is working for Rosh but unfortunately it is not working for me. I am not hiding any code, just experimenting with simple examples to narrow down the possible reasons... Maybe it is something in my system, who knows.
And by the way the output in the csv file is totally different. Mine is 6k and the one Rosh posted is 120k. I am starting to think it has something to do with the history data. I've experienced this problem - for some timeframes some periods are just not tested. I will write when I can say something more...