Why can't I close a trade?

When I am trying to close a trade, I am getting a common error and can't seem to close the trade. I tried it many times but with no luck.

What does common error mean? How do we get around this mess?

See attached screen shots.

Try uncheck "Enable maximum deviation" box.
Maybe it will help!?!?
I tried that unchecking that too... it still does not work. I tried after 30 minutes, and it still did not work.

I hope that someone from Metaquotes will offer some kind of explanation for this weird behavior.
Still no answer from Metaquotes.
If this is a demo account, delete the whole account, create new one and try again :)
That is what I had to do. However, if it was a live account, it would have been a disaster. I hope you can find the cause and take care of it in your next update.
What the build number and date of client terminal do You use? What the broker do You connect to?
It was the latest build as of December 31, 2006. I was using it with StrategyBuilderFX. com.