Problem with .dll I'm writing - page 2

C# program is managed code. but C/C++ and MQL are unmanaged code.
if you want call betweent them, need some complex consideration.

see Interop or P/Invoke in VS 2005 help.

I think you need a C/C++ code to pack or wrap C# code, give a interface in a general native dll.
MQL4 only can call native dll. (note there are 2 kind of dll now !!! )

so using C# to code a dll, which can not called by MQL4 directlly.

if you not know what is managed code and unmanaged code (native ), you cannot know how to do.

so only can use C/C++ to code a native dll for MQL4 using.
or wait MT can supply interface for C# in future.
suggest MT constructs a interface for C#, only a dll with functions transfering data.
Don't waste your time with VS. If you like C/C++ so much use Dev-C for native C/C++ dll. I was a Pascal programmer, and now I'm using Dev-Pascal to create dlls usable by MT.
Don't waste your time with VS. If you like C/C++ so much use Dev-C for native C/C++ dll. I was a Pascal programmer, and now I'm using Dev-Pascal to create dlls usable by MT.
Could you post the code required for this simple dll, as I've been experimenting with dev-c++'s default dll project without success.
I would appreciate any help here.
My zap.cpp is below. What should be in the header?
I have a zap.def as well.
It all compile to a zap.dll, importing which I get the err127 when calling Hello().

#include "zap.h"
#include <windows.h>

#define MT4_EXPFUNC __declspec(dllexport)

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain (HINSTANCE hInst /* Library instance handle. */ ,
DWORD reason /* Reason this function is being called. */ ,
LPVOID reserved /* Not used. */ )
switch (reason)




/* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */
return TRUE;

MT4_EXPFUNC void __stdcall Hello()
LPCTSTR lpText="hello world";
LPCTSTR lpCaption ="";
UINT uType = 0;
