help me find mql4 courses

Hello everybody,

I am willing to learn how write my own methods in mql4 expert advisor. I get lost even in the 'orders' type commands...could somebody direct me to an online basic course..articles...guidelines...books...samething that allow me to write a method based on bars comparing.

thank you in advance for reply.
trader1960 wrote:
Hello everybody,

I am willing to learn how write my own methods in mql4 expert advisor. I get lost even in the 'orders' type commands...could somebody direct me to an online basic course..articles...guidelines...books...samething that allow me to write a method based on bars comparing.

thank you in advance for reply.

Hi trader - here's a course written by Coder's Guru I found on (great site btw).
Because of file size constraits there's 3 zip files coming through...
trader1960 wrote:
Hello everybody,

I am willing to learn how write my own methods in mql4 expert advisor. I get lost even in the 'orders' type commands...could somebody direct me to an online basic course..articles...guidelines...books...samething that allow me to write a method based on bars comparing.

thank you in advance for reply.

the next...
trader1960 wrote:
Hello everybody,

I am willing to learn how write my own methods in mql4 expert advisor. I get lost even in the 'orders' type commands...could somebody direct me to an online basic course..articles...guidelines...books...samething that allow me to write a method based on bars comparing.

thank you in advance for reply.
mikep wrote:
trader1960 wrote:
Hello everybody,

I am willing to learn how write my own methods in mql4 expert advisor. I get lost even in the 'orders' type commands...could somebody direct me to an online basic course..articles...guidelines...books...samething that allow me to write a method based on bars comparing.

thank you in advance for reply.

trader1960 wrote:
mikep wrote:
trader1960 wrote:
Hello everybody,

I am willing to learn how write my own methods in mql4 expert advisor. I get lost even in the 'orders' type commands...could somebody direct me to an online basic course..articles...guidelines...books...samething that allow me to write a method based on bars comparing.

thank you in advance for reply.

Thanks Mike ...
I like this course, what a nice course.
Thanks all!
Happy Xmas!

I'm writing a new complete book about the Great MQL4 programming language!

I just have 2 hopes!

1- MT4 APIs
2- List box (string array) type as new variable type (ex: extern ListBox MovingAverageType = {"SMA","EMA",SMMA","LWMA");)

Hope 2 is very useful believe me (I'll not swear)!


I'm writing a new complete book about the Great MQL4 programming language!

I just have 2 hopes!

1- MT4 APIs
2- List box (string array) type as new variable type (ex: extern ListBox MovingAverageType = {"SMA","EMA",SMMA","LWMA");)

Hope 2 is very useful believe me (I'll not swear)!



I've learn so much from your previous lessons, can't wait for the new book. When will it available?


Very good stuff !

Thanks to mikep and codersguru !