How to get user input in Testing Mode?

I've converted this ( to a dll and now call to InputBox from within a MetaTrader. However, after I get the InputBox, fill the text field and click Ok, the program crashes. What can be some of te reasons for that? Thank you for your help
I've almost the same question but I've just tryed to write my own DLL and written in VisualBasic just
Class Class1

Public Function InputWindows(ByVal prompt As String, ByVal title As String, ByVal defaultstr As String) As String

Return InputBox(prompt, title, defaultstr)

End Function

End Class

but when I put DLL to the proper directory and try to use the function I get runtime function call error. Tell me please why and how to fix it. May be I can call the standard Windows function but I've not found any information about such function in other excepting VB compilers. Tell me please what is the simplest way to make an input box in MetaTrader script.
Now I try to use a DLL created in C# and it doesn't connect too. Tell me please what type of Visual Studio 2005 projects can be used as a DLL for MetaTrader. Or can I find somewhere a source of some example of a DLL usable for MetaTrader.
There is a sample in your \experts\samples\DLLSample
only can use stand DLL,  not dll created by managed code
One more question - has somebody tryed to this DLLSample include afxwin.h or something like this - I need a dialog window, but as when I just include this module with CDialog class, it shows a lot of link erros like unresolved external symbol ___argv etc.