New Search Engine for


For the, we created a new search engine that can search in different sections:

It is a beta version yet, and we are improving it now. The search form can be found at the top right of each page.

Use instructions are very simple and resemble those of standard search engines:

  1. In the search term box, several key words can be entered. They must be separated by spaces, for example: test metaquotes, the engine cannot search for complete phrases, only words.

  2. The following logical operators can be used in requests:

    space or & or andLogical AND
    At the request, all messages that contain all key words combined by this operator will be found.

    | or orLogical OR
    At the request, all messages that contain at least one of key words combined by this operator will be found.

    ! or notLogical NOT
    This applies to one key word. At the request, all messages that do not contain this key word will be found.

    ( )Round brackets
    order logical operators.

    ((expert | test) & genetic) !metaquotes – search for messages that contain expert and genetic, or test and genetic, but not metaquotes.

  3. The search considers grammatical form of key words. For example, it will not be able to find messages that contain the word duplicate at the request for duplication. So, for search to scope maximum messages, please specify incomplete key word, for example, without ending (like duplicat for the above example).

  4. If you need to find an exact word that would not be a part of another word, just quote it. Thus, for example, for the key word of "intercept", there will not be any results containing interception or intercepted.

  5. Search for message texts ignores the following:
    • key words consisting of only one character
    • key words that contain letters not included into the standard alphabet
    • colloquial words
