Errors in NormalizeDouble docs and functionality

double var1=0.123456789;
  // output: 0.12346

The example above is taken from the description of NormalizeDouble in the docs. Two problems with this.

1. The output is NOT 0.12346 as indicated but rather 0.1235.

2. Changing the precision value does NOT work on anything >4.

Print outputs numbers with precision 4 digits by default. see
stringo wrote:
Print outputs numbers with precision 4 digits by default. see

Okay. Then you should update the doc for NormalizeDouble() and not include and example which tries to set the precision to 5 digits on a Print() function. Right?

Regardless, I'm seeing Print() output > 4 digits on other routines even with precision set at 4. So, the confusion only runs deeper...

Yes we'll change description