Discussion of article "MetaTrader 5 on Mac OS" - page 3

Good evening, ask to the company Metaquotes software corp. to provide to create a native metatrader application for mac os systems possessors, thanks.

Hello Metaquotes,

Please can you provide a MT5 installation tutorial for iMac, working in 2018/2019.

This one https://www.mql5.com/en/articles/619 is unfortunately outdated.

Many thanks guys, 


MetaTrader 5 on Mac OS
MetaTrader 5 on Mac OS
  • www.mql5.com
Apple products have become very popular. MetaQuotes Software Corp. attentively follows the progress of the IT industry and has already released the special mobile applications for iOS-based devices - MetaTrader 4 for iPhone and MetaTrader 5 for iPhone. There are many topics on MQL5.community forum, where people are seeking a solution for...


Are you really not going to develop a Mac app? How about porting the iPad version to desktop via the new option in Xcode?

Really hoping you guys can pull it off!





Are you really not going to develop a Mac app? How about porting the iPad version to desktop via the new option in Xcode?

Really hoping you guys can pull it off!



There are so many people using a Mac now. I recently joined an online trading community and just in that small group tons of people where looking to install mt5 on their Macs.
There are so many people using a Mac now. I recently joined an online trading community and just in that small group tons of people where looking to install mt5 on their Macs.

Hi this was released today: https://www.winehq.org/announce/4.0.1


Rather pathetic i have to say

Part of my job is to market our training package which focuses only on the MT-5 platform to my clients and so many of them are on mac's. Yes i even live in what is considered to be a 3rd world country (Imagine !!!). The workaround you guys give is so outdated that it doesn't even work with Catalina.

c'mon people. What are we in the 15th century here ?

Sharpen those pencils and get cracking on a native MT-5 platform package for Mac

Is this not what you pay developers to do ? or do they sit at their desks chewing gum all day ?

Perhaps I'm missing the plot completely


All above didn't work for me as a Mac 10.14 Mojave user and I went for another approach.

Used Virtual Box + new Windows 10 home installation (free). You can run Ubuntu and other systems also (but MetaTrader runs best on Windows)


1. download Virtual Box on you Apple OS X mac system, install it: https://www.virtualbox.org/

2. download windows 10 https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows10ISO

3. follow the installation guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuAVOpO7yF

4. when you have an up and running windows 10 home system on  your mac, use the MetaTrader 5 inside that virtual world/machine.

5. enjoy your windows system with MetaTrader for windows on a mac ;)

Virtual hosting for MetaTrader 5
Virtual hosting for MetaTrader 5
  • www.mql5.com
Virtual hosting for MetaTrader 4/5 is the best VPS solution for Forex. It is cheap, it requires no configuration and it features minimum delays to the server. For only $10 per month, you obtain a virtual platform that works around the clock, saves your profit and pays off. Create a remote copy of the application directly from the platform...


is there still no way to install the MT5 on MacOS Catalina? If there is a possible kit, would it be possible for someone to put the instructions in here?




There is no way to run MT5 on Catalina. I've searched almost everything to do run it, but right now, nothing works. 

I know that several people are using windows, but I know other several people that have Mac and have to try other things like Parallels, VirtualBox or bootcamp just to run MT4 ou 5.


Here my thoughts:

  • Wine - doesn't work
  • PlayonMac - doesn't work
  • MT4/5 on Catalina version - doesn't work
  • MT4/5 Mojave version - works but I gave up on it because MT5 crashes constantly and it is slow on Mojave.
  • VirtualBox - doesn't work (Mac gets really slow and it is hard to setup)
  • Bootcamp - works, but you use your storage just to install windows and MetaTrader. So boring to have to restart to access my files on MacOS
  • Parallels - works, but ($) and you use storage just to install windows for running MT5. 
  • WebTrader - works, but limited. 

Thus, I am using the WebTrader version of MT5 or if it is possible I restart my Mac in bootcamp.

I really hope we have a proper Mac version of MT5 soon.


I too am frustrated that n 2020 with the Mac market approaching double digits worldwide, there isn’t a native MT platform for Mac OS.

My background is unix programming and development so pretty familiar with the Mach kernel under Mac OS. It seems if there’s a unix version (not running ontop of Wine), it could easily be ported to Mac OS. I’m guessing there isn’t a non-PC version out there since all the notes point to running MT4/5 on top of Wine or PlayOnMac or VirtualBox which all emulate in some way a PC. 

Seems the market is over ripe for a native Mac MT platform!

I did try running on Parallels but it is pretty clunky and difficult with right mouse clicks which are abundant in MT4/MT5. At this point, getting an old laptop from a friend and am going to run MT4/MT5 on it solely. Pretty sad - brings back memories of 1995 days!