Become an Author! - page 2

XPWorx wrote:
That's a great idea indeed! It'll enrich the MetaTrader knowledge base and make the world easier for the MetaTrader's users!

My question:

When could we submit the articles and where to submit?


You can write articles from first of May. For this you need to go to Articles section of MQL4 Community and click New Articles link.

Best Regards



3 for you to consider, Lenar. My pictures may be too wide. I have the original bitmap screen captures, if you would need them to change their format from GIF. I hope they're useful.


3 for you to consider, Lenar. My pictures may be too wide. I have the original bitmap screen captures, if you would need them to change their format from GIF. I hope they're useful.

Thank you, we will take a look at them and give our comments.

Best Regards
Here are the specifications previously asked for that were provided after article submission. Might be useful to anyone else considering submitting an article:
- The article must be 300 to 500 lines long and can contain some screenshots.
- It is prohibited to set font style or size in HTML-sectoring of the article. No styles are allowed, except for longtext, tablekul, mqstable, mqstable2, code, or fquote.
- The source code of an MQL4 program must be inserted with the built-in editor by pressing the button named MQL Code. After this command has been selected, the source code should be inserted into the editing field. After OK has been pressed, the highlighted code will be inserted into the text. The code width may not exceed 95 characters.
- Before making screenshots, it is necessary to set the heading size of 18. The screenshot width may not exceed 750 pixels. Formats gif or jpeg are allowed. When making screenshots containing graphs, the color scheme "Black On White" must be used.

A question I still have is how lines are counted. Since they tend to wrap depending on window width, how is 300 to 500 lines measured?

screenshot limit of 750 pixels total? So a 30x25 pixel screenshot?

Or was some other size intended?

I think most programmers are used to some specification, preferably supplied prior to submission rather than after. Hopefully once folks know what's expected, many articles will be written for the site.



screenshot limit of 750 pixels total? So a 30x25 pixel screenshot?

Or was some other size intended?

Please read again more carefully:
"The screenshot width may not exceed 750 pixels."

Bravo !

I want to congratulate the development team of MQL4 as you have done an amazing tool §
I am new in the expert devlopment but I fully agree to the idea of sharing articles.
We could also maybe start a french speaking topik later...

Je tiens à féliciter l'équipe de développement de MQL4 car vous avez fait un outil remarquable !
Je commence la programmation d'experts et je trouve excellent l'échange de routines que vous proposez.
Pour les français nous pourrions démarrer un topic en français prochainement...


//| take the wave: wave.mq4 |
#property copyright "Freeware : Copyright © Mai 2006, Lagarde"

// This routine for beginner shows how to setup a Limit Buy and a Limit Sell,
// waiting for a good wave-trend with a minimum size defined by GAP.

int start()
double LOTS = 0.1;
double CI; // Initial
double GAP; // Gap
int SP=MarketInfo("EURUSD",MODE_SPREAD);

OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYLIMIT,LOTS,CI+GAP,0,CI,CI+2*GAP, 0, 0,0, DarkOrange );
OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLLIMIT,LOTS,CI-GAP,0,CI, CI-2*GAP, 0,0,0, Yellow );

MQL4 Community is being updated at the moment in order to allow all visitors writing of articles for remuneration. Updating is planned to have been completed by the 1st of May, 2006.

All articles about auto trading or programming in MetaQuotes Language 4 (MQL4) will be accepted for publishing. Every article will be proofread and checked by moderators for free. At this, we guarantee preservation of the author's writing style and copyright.

An important note: Every original article will be remunerated. Authors of the most interesting and successful articles will be rewarded with additional valuable prizes.
MQL4 Community is being updated at the moment in order to allow all visitors writing of articles for remuneration. Updating is planned to have been completed by the 1st of May, 2006.

All articles about auto trading or programming in MetaQuotes Language 4 (MQL4) will be accepted for publishing. Every article will be proofread and checked by moderators for free. At this, we guarantee preservation of the author's writing style and copyright.

An important note: Every original article will be remunerated. Authors of the most interesting and successful articles will be rewarded with additional valuable prizes.

Dear Moderator,

I have some experience in trading and programming languages, including MQL4. So i can write articles for MQL4 Community.

Congratulations & Regards.
MQL4 Community is being updated at the moment in order to allow all visitors writing of articles for remuneration. Updating is planned to have been completed by the 1st of May, 2006.

All articles about auto trading or programming in MetaQuotes Language 4 (MQL4) will be accepted for publishing. Every article will be proofread and checked by moderators for free. At this, we guarantee preservation of the author's writing style and copyright.

An important note: Every original article will be remunerated. Authors of the most interesting and successful articles will be rewarded with additional valuable prizes.

Dear Moderator,

I have some experience in trading and programming languages, including MQL4. So i can write articles for MQL4 Community.

Congratulations & Regards.
Yes, read 'Requirements Applicable to Articles Offered for Publishing at' please.