Lucky Khensani
Lucky Khensani
Driver and IT Technician em Self Employed
My name is khensani Lucky Mapengo, I`m 26 years old I grew up around the Johannesburg radius.I am a very energetic, very Hard working, Innovative, Portentous, Creative, Vigilant, Responsible, Dynamic, Focus, Cool, kind and loving individual, I would consider myself as smart person, hens smart people only stay smart when they do smart moves.
Respect is one of the most important values I treasure, I`m principal driven, I love and Respect each and every person irrespective of Race, Culture, Gender, or any kind of social Norms.

I have good communication skills and I learned that skill during my growing up years and experience when running my own business, also when I was in college, then expanded more when I was working. My Communication skills are so good? I have the ability to convince a potential Client to buy my product or service.
My interests are: Extraterrestrial Genetics for Scientific purposes, Extraterrestrial Mining for Archaeological artefacts findings and other elements like Gold, Copper, Diamonds, and Metals.

I have 6 main ideas which may change the way the world operates that need Research and Funding,

1) I would like to invent my own Robot which will down size extremely hard and simple every day jobs so that mankind can be free from doing certain straining jobs. I already designed it and now working with the Artificial Intelligents Operating Systems Software Application.

2) I`m on a quest to designing a Perpetual type of clean Energy for home appliances to reduce electricity expenses.

3) Security is important and also a dangerous job, so I would like to invent a special type of security Drone for patrolling and defensive purposes.

4) Water is a precious resource that needs special care, so one of the Important things I would like to build is a water purification system to preserve clean water for future generations.

5) Plants are one of the most wonderful creations of God, we need them too as much as water to survive, due to unstable weather conditions and Climate change, I decide to build my own Plant sustaining units, which will take care of a plants growth, this product will have a massive impact in the farming industry.( “ I recently saw this type of technology on the internet used by NASA Astronauts, the ramifications are shocking ” )

6) The most Bazaar Idea I have is.. I want to build my own Space Station, I have begun doing research about Population Systems, Docking Systems, Gravitational Force systems, Oxygen rejuvenation systems, and more.. what can I say, anything is possible !!

Apart from the mentioned above, I use to run my own business, so I purchase products at a low cost and sell them at a higher price, selling them door to door, I also provided a door to door car wash service.

Moved on to working as a Security Officer, a 12 hour shift for a well known Company named G4s.

The job was too demanding so I left and got a job as a driver, 12 hours of driving got me thinking about my passion.( Computers! )

I then got a job as an IT assistant at a busy Internet cafe. My duties were: Computer Maintenance, Financial Management, Data capturing, Customer consultant, Internet usage and Faxing different documents. This job expanded my horizon because I had different challenges everyday and learned more about how to communicate with Clients also the variety of computer problems that need administrative troubleshooting.

The year 2016, I was doing my last year in the ITC NQF Information Technology and Computer Sciences Course, IT updates every day, so I programmed my brain to lean about computers every day because IT is broad. I did Some Computer Programming using Visual Basic, Electronic Control and Digital Electronics, and Data Communication and Networking.

For more info please don`t hesitate to call me : 084 9266 950

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Lucky Khensani
Publicado o postagem I am Living my dream
I need Funds to build a simple robot that will make tea for my Mother, I`m inspires by the glorified Robots In Mortal Kombat...
Lucky Khensani
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