すべての注文 - MySQL - 期限切れ




すべて 外国為替 売買ロボット/指標のデバッグ ストラテジーの最適化 統計と数学 C++ ストラテジーモジュール MySQL
30 - 400 USD
【English】                          Is it possible to convert the following "TradingView" indicator to "MT4" code? Furthermore, we would like to create an EA with conditions from the converted code. If so, what is your estimate? I would like to be able to display up to 4 indicators as follows Top : 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 day, 1 week Bottom : 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4
4 アプリ
MQL4 インディケータ MySQL
30+ USD
0 アプリ
Other その他 MySQL PostgreSQL
30 USD
I'm looking for an Expert who downloads Experts from the market in order, gets backtests, and optimizes under certain conditions. I would like you, an excellent developer, to develop it. I would like to tell you more about the detailed requirements, so please give me a message. I'll prepare the database and infrastructure, so you can think of Expert. However, I don't limit what I receive to Expert, which means that
1 アプリ
MQL4 その他 設計 MySQL PostgreSQL