Trading Signals Have Been Introduced in MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal


Trading signals have been introduced in MetaTrader 4 client terminal beginning from build 445. Update your terminal to be able to subscribe to signals from various providers. Their trading operations will be automatically copied on your account.

Trading Signals Have Been Introduced in MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal

Currently, traders can subscribe only to free signals that do not pass any tests and do not promise any profit. Paid signals should pass the test period of one month and show good results.

We already have several registered providers who are ready to offer their signals for a fee. You can find information about them on website. However, they are not open for subscription, as their test period is not complete yet. You will be able to subscribe to their signals right upon its completion. Until then, you may try free signals. Read the article "How to Subscribe to Trading Signals" to find out the details about subscription.

You can also become a Signals Provider and make additional profit. It's quite simple. You should register on as a Provider, specifying your trading account and subscription fee. Everything else will be done without your intervention. We have already solved the issues of testing your trading activity and arranging relations with your Subscribers. If your trading activity is profitable by the end of the test period, your signal will become available for subscription and will bring you profit.

An important advantage of the MetaTrader 4 trading signals is direct interaction with end users. Information about your signal will be available in all trading terminals and each MetaTrader 4 user can become your client. Find out about more advantages in another article.

The Signals service has already been tested in MetaTrader 5. We are currently working on the enhanced version of the service to provide traders with even more features.

In the meantime, use trading signals and make profit as a Subscriber or a Provider!

Go to MetaTrader 4 Trading Signals 


good news!

Amazing Service!

Yes, it's a very nice feature indeed, however, only signals using leverage of 1:100 or less are able to run. If the signal has 1:200 or more, MT4 will not allow it to run it.

I understand this is a measure to avoid people losing their shirt, but the problem I see is that it's a very difficult task to find signals using 1:100 or less... =(

Maybe Metaquotes could warn signal providers of this new MT4/MT5 feature, otherwise no one will be able to use their signal, as most of them are 1:500.

Or they could simply make a BIG WARNING advising signal followers of high leverage used by most of signal followers...

Or even adding a filter option by leverage, so the search can be easier... 

Any other ideas, guys ? =) 




Is it only possible to follow one signal at the time, when trading with Meta 4 (alpari)?

What can I do in order to follow 3 different signals at once?
