What is codebase copyRight?

Good morning.

What does code copyright protect in CodeBase? The code or the code and its idea?

I saw some code which suggests a good idea for associating indicators but I find it very poorly written.

I would like to rewrite the code and put it in marketplace.
It's possible or I'm violating CopyRight

the code , theoretically . In practice , nothing

Side note , someone has copyrighted the term "bearish" , for some reason. in general

Gerard Willia G J B M Dinh Sy: What does code copyright protect in CodeBase? The code or the code and its idea?

If you had looked up the word, you would have found out that copyright protects the expression of any idea (the code).

the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.: works granted such right by law on or after January 1, 1978, are protected for the lifetime of an author or creator and for a period of 70 years after their death.
          COPYRIGHT Definition & Usage Examples | Dictionary.com

Gerard Willia G J B M Dinh Sy:
Good morning.

What does code copyright protect in CodeBase? The code or the code and its idea?

I saw some code which suggests a good idea for associating indicators but I find it very poorly written.

I would like to rewrite the code and put it in marketplace.
It's possible or I'm violating CopyRight

You can also ask the author , and in exchange give him/her the updated code.

Lorentzos Roussos # :
You can also ask the author , and in exchange give him/her the updated code.

It's far from stupid.

Gerard Willia G J B M Dinh Sy #:

It's far from stupid.

i agree 

From a sociological standpoint you are more likely to get in trouble if you ask.

I'm going to ask him in PM and wait a good month for his possible response.

In case of future problems, it will always be easier to show that things were done correctly, which is not the behavior of a thief.

And if the answer is “no” that’s not a big deal either.
Gerard Willia G J B M Dinh Sy #:It's far from stupid.

It is not stupid. The correct procedure is indeed to ask. The copyright owner, the coder, reserves ALL the rights until stated to the contrary.

So, unless the author has specifically stated in the description or in the code comments, that some specific license or set of rights have been attributed to the publication, you are legally obliged to ask permission.

Some coders may state something like, "This work is licensed under the Creative Commons license" or something similar, usually with a link for you to read the conditions.

If they don't state anything, then it should always be assumed that the all rights are reserved as if they had written it out expressly.

This is in reference to the code, not the ideia. See my next post.


However, please note the the copyright is about the code, not the idea itself.

So if you write a totally new piece of code, completely different to the original, using the same idea, then it is not a violation of the Code Copyright and you don't need to ask permission.

Only in the case that the idea is trade-marked or patented, would it be a violation.

Fernando Carreiro # :
So if you write a totally new piece of code, completely different to the original, using the same idea

And who would be competent to define whether the new code is a vulgar copy or a new writing of the idea?

Gerard Willia G J B M Dinh Sy #:

And who would be competent to define whether the new code is a vulgar copy or a new writing of the idea?

its under the "umbrella" of you using a different method 

Its like calling the copyrighted "bearish pattern" "grizzlish pattern"