OpenCL in trading - page 2


OpenCL 1.2: High-Level Overview

OpenCL 1.2: High-Level Overview

The lecture provides a high-level overview of OpenCL 1.2, the standard, and the models within it.

This lecture provides you with a solid foundation to learn heterogeneous computing, OpenCL C, and how to write high-performance software with OpenCL.

OpenCL 1.2: High-Level Overview
OpenCL 1.2: High-Level Overview
  • 2013.11.02
This is my first YouTube lecture. It provides a high-level overview of OpenCL 1.2, the standard, and the models within it. This lecture provides you with a...

OpenCL 1.2: OpenCL C

OpenCL 1.2: OpenCL C

In this video on OpenCL 1.2: OpenCL C, the speaker introduces OpenCL C as a modification of C designed for device programming, with some key differences, such as fixed type sizes and the ability for inlined functions. They discuss memory regions, vectors, structures, and kernels, and how to achieve vectorized code. They highlight the importance of using local and constant memory and advise caution when using extensions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the basic structure and workings of OpenCL C for optimal performance and encourages viewers to continue learning about OpenCL and its associated models.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the video introduces OpenCL C as the main language for OpenCL device programming. OpenCL C is a modification of the C programming language that targets devices, but there are some differences from traditional C99 that include the absence of function pointers and recursion, as well as the possibility for function calls to be inlined. Despite some of these differences, OpenCL C is not a subset of C as it has some features that are not present in C99. This section covers some important basics such as memory regions, vector operations, structures, functions, and kernels, and the goal is to provide enough background so that viewers can start using OpenCL efficiently.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the differences between OpenCL C and C are discussed. OpenCL C provides a concrete representation for signed integers using two's complement, whereas C does not specify this. OpenCL C types have fixed sizes, including vector and image types, which are not present or less elegantly implemented in C. Additionally, OpenCL C defines the sizes for integral types such as char, short, int, and long, as well as their signed and unsigned versions. It is important to keep in mind that host and device types differ in OpenCL C, and middleware or libraries should be used to ensure correct data transfer between them.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the OpenCL C memory model and how keywords are used to specify memory regions such as private, constant, local, and global. In OpenCL C, it is important to know where the memory is located as some types cannot be communicated between the host and device. The speaker also introduces the concept of vectors and discusses different approaches to getting good vectorized code for operations happening within the processor. Moving a pointer from one memory region to another is not allowed, but copying from one memory space to another is possible.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the various options available for vectorizing code and highlights OpenCL C as a natural and efficient way to achieve vectorization. The vector types in OpenCL C are first-class citizens and are directly accessible to users. Component-wise operations between vectors involve using a general operator that can be addition, subtraction, multiplication, or any other relational operator. However, relational operators can be confusing when comparing vectors as the result is a vector with a boolean operation done component-wise, so users need to be mindful of this. Lastly, mixing operations between scalars and vectors is undefined, so users need to be careful when performing such operations.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the instructor discusses vector operations and addressing in OpenCL C. Vectors can operate on vectors or scalars, which will be padded out to the size of the vector, and components of a vector can be accessed using dot notation with the specific component number represented in hexadecimal. The instructor notes that the higher-level question is why to use OpenCL vector types at all and explains that using vectors allows for clear communication of vector operations between the programmer and the compiler and can result in better performance since the compiler can better optimize vector operations. Finally, the instructor mentions that OpenCL C also supports using structures and unions to aggregate data.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of OpenCL C structures and the importance of being careful with data exchange between the host and device. They advise avoiding the use of OpenCL C structures because it can cause performance issues and it is difficult to get the binary layout correct when copying data. The speaker proceeds to talk about functions and how they are just ordinary C functions with nothing special about them, except that recursion is forbidden. They also mention that the private memory space is implicit in arguments, which can cause problems when handling different memory regions in the same way. Finally, the speaker describes kernels as entry points for device execution and explains how kernel arguments are pointers to something global or just values that are copied.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker presents an OpenCL C program that adds two arrays together and stores the results in the same locations component-wise. The program uses get_global_ID and other relevant functions to access global work size, work group size, and global offset. The speaker stresses the importance of using local memory when possible for obtaining top performance, and provides a way to declare local memory by providing a parameter in the argument list. The speaker also recommends using "type DEP" to make programming easier.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of local and constant memory in OpenCL C kernels. Local memory is used to store data that is shared amongst all work items in a work group, while constant memory is read-only memory that is also shared amongst all work items. It is important to note that kernels cannot allocate memory themselves, and multiple kernels cannot cooperate with each other. The speaker also mentions that there are attributes in OpenCL C that can be used to optimize vectorization and convey information to the compiler.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker explains the importance of required workgroup size for optimizing performance in kernels. He mentions the use of special optimizations by the compiler when the workgroup size is fixed. The speaker briefly talks about OpenCL's image support, which is not of much interest to him as he focuses on general-purpose computing. Additionally, he mentions built-in OpenCL C functions that are like a standard library, including work item functions, math functions, integer functions, and geometric functions. Synchronization is a complex topic in the OpenCL C programming model as it is designed for performance, and there are atomic operations and parallelism provided. Lastly, the speaker mentions the extensions of OpenCL that one can utilize once they understand the basic structure and workings of OpenCL C.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker advises caution when using extensions in OpenCL 1.2, despite the extra features they provide. He warns that they are not yet fully integrated into the specification, and may be removed or cause vendor lock-in. However, he also acknowledges that some extensions can be useful, and encourages viewers to peruse the available extensions. In conclusion, the speaker invites viewers to continue learning about OpenCL and its associated models, and offers his services as a consultant for those seeking advice on designing efficient OpenCL programs.
OpenCL 1.2: OpenCL C
OpenCL 1.2: OpenCL C
  • 2013.11.03
This video builds upon the high-level overview of OpenCL that you saw in the first video, and describes OpenCL C. You aren't going to learn everything about...

OpenCL GPU Architecture

OpenCL GPU Architecture

This video delves into the architecture of GPUs in the context of OpenCL programming. The speaker explains the differences between OpenCL GPU architecture and general GPU architecture, the concept of wavefronts as the smallest unit of a workgroup, the issues of memory I/O and latency hiding, and the factors affecting occupancy and coalesced memory accesses. The importance of designing algorithms and data structures with coalesced memory accesses in mind is also emphasized, as well as the need for measuring GPU performance. The speaker encourages viewers to contact him for assistance in leveraging the technology for optimal performance without needing in-depth knowledge of the underlying processes.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker introduces the topic of GPU architecture and its importance in OpenCL programming. While many people believe that OpenCL is only for GPUs, the speaker emphasizes that CPUs also have SIMD instructions that use similar concepts. The motivation behind using GPUs for general-purpose computing is also discussed - it was an accidental discovery stemming from the development of the GPUs for processing graphics. The speaker cautions against relying on marketing departments to understand the architecture and highlights that a deep understanding of the architecture is necessary for efficient use of OpenCL.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the issue of flashy marketing techniques used to promote GPUs that often provide no useful or relevant information to developers. The OpenCL GPU architecture is then introduced, which differs from the general GPU architecture as it focuses specifically on how OpenCL views it. The constant and global memory spaces physically exist in a GPU, and the local and private memory are implemented in hardware and shared with all processing elements. The GPU execution model is characterized by having locked-together instruction pointers across processing elements. An example of four processing elements executing the same add instruction is given, which can be thought of as a four with SIMD instruction.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains the concept of a wavefront, which is the smallest unit of a workgroup that executes together. The wavefront is created by fixing the instruction pointer for work items in a workgroup to lock together, and all the processing elements within a wavefront must perform the same operations, even when dealing with different data. However, this creates issues when executing conditional statements where work items within a wavefront take different paths, causing divergence. To solve this, OpenCL has a built-in function called “select,” which compiles to a single processor instruction for efficient conditional execution.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker talks about the cost of memory I/O and how slow it is. They explain a mental experiment of a single processing element doing one instruction per second and the time it takes for global accesses for 32-bit and 64-bit values, with the latter taking twice as long. However, the memory I/O is constant, so to get better performance, one can increase the complexity of the operations to pay for the memory operation. This is demonstrated through an example of doing a million operations and achieving 100% ALU efficiency. While this may not be practical, it is useful in certain applications such as cryptocurrency mining or cryptography.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the issue of memory latency and how it affects the performance of GPUs. With the goal of achieving 100% low utilization and keeping processing elements busy, the insight is to overload the compute unit with work groups. By filling the work pool with multiple work groups, the CPU can execute instructions from these groups in a particular order for a fixed number of cycles or until a memory request. The goal is to hide the large global memory latencies and keep the processing elements busy with work groups until the memory arrives.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker explains the concept of latency hiding, which is the key to achieving good performance in GPU programming. Latency hiding is the process of scheduling useful computations in between long latency memory fetches so that the memory operations appear free. This is done through load balancing and wavefront management. The compute unit has a work pool consisting of ready and blocked wavefronts where the instruction pointer is locked. The number of wavefronts in the pool affects the compute unit's utilization, with a larger number keeping it busy all the time. The global scheduler dispatches unprocessed workgroups to compute units, with the work scheduler having a fixed maximum number of wavefronts. The key takeaway is that memory access can be completely hidden away if good code is written.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the concept of occupancy is introduced and explained as a measure of the number of wavefronts that can be executed compared to the total number that could execute. The calculation of occupancy is demonstrated, and its importance in designing faster kernels is emphasized. The limiting factor of occupancy is identified as private and local memory, which is shared among all processing elements. It is explained that interweaving ALU instructions with I/O instructions is crucial for hiding latency, and that having enough ALU instructions can improve occupancy, thus making kernels faster.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the trade-off between the use of resources per work item in OpenCL programming and the resulting number of wave fronts that can reside on a compute unit. The more resources used per work item, the fewer wave fronts that can reside on a compute unit, resulting in less latency hiding. Conversely, using fewer resources results in more wave fronts and more latency hiding. The speaker provides a sample calculation to determine the maximum number of wave fronts based on private memory and local memory sizes, as well as the fixed number of work items per wave front. The speaker also explains the concept of memory channels affecting the direct access of compute units to global memory.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses global memory in OpenCL GPU architecture and how it works physically for better performance. The memory is partitioned into subsets, each accessed by a specific channel, so memory requests can be serialized and limit performance when all compute units access one memory channel. The hardware offers a solution through efficient access patterns of adjacent work items accessing adjacent memory, called coalesced memory accesses, which hit top performance but many access patterns can limit parallelism and cause a search in performance. Informative benchmarks are key to knowing what is generally fast or slow in real hardware. Work items loading adjacent values is very fast, while loading randomly is very slow, but latency hiding helps to improve overall utilization.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker explains the importance of designing algorithms and data structures with coalesced memory accesses in mind. By using high-level facts and trade-offs, developers can limit random memory access and bias their designs to have as many ALU instructions as possible to allow latency hiding. The speaker also explains that memory channels exist, and certain patterns of memory access can improve performance. Additionally, the speaker hints at upcoming discussions on parallel programming, including atomic operations and work item cooperation, and measuring GPU performance. The speaker is currently seeking sponsorship for future work on OpenCL.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker concludes the screencast on OpenCL GPU Architecture by encouraging viewers to contact him for assistance in leveraging the technology for top performance without requiring extensive understanding of the underlying processes.
OpenCL GPU Architecture
OpenCL GPU Architecture
  • 2013.11.11
This lecture demonstrates GPU architecture in a way that should be easily understood by developers. Once you tackle this lecture, you are well on your way t...

Episode 1 - Introduction to OpenCL

Episode 1 - Introduction to OpenCL

In this video introduction to OpenCL, David Gohara explains how OpenCL is designed to enable easy and efficient access to computing resources across different devices and hardware, allowing for high-performance computing with a range of applications, including image and video processing, scientific computing, medical imaging, and financial purposes. OpenCL is a device-agnostic, open standard technology that is particularly efficient for data parallel tasks. The speaker demonstrates the power of OpenCL technology in reducing calculation time for numerical calculations and highlights its potential for scientific research and general use. Furthermore, viewers are encouraged to join the online community for scientists using Mac's, Mac research org, and to support the community by purchasing items from the Amazon store linked to their website.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, David Gohara introduces the concept of OpenCL and its specifications, which is an open computing language initially proposed by Apple in 2008. OpenCL is designed for parallel computing tasks that require a lot of computing power and focuses on utilizing multiple cores to improve performance rather than increasing clock speed. The Khronos group maintains the OpenCL specification, which means that for anyone to use it, they must have it implemented by someone. The critical factor is that OpenCL is an open standard technology designed to take advantage of computing power to enhance computing performance.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker introduces OpenCL and its design to enable access to all resources of a computer's various devices and hardware to support general-purpose parallel computations, unlike dedicated DSP or graphics-only applications. It is designed to be device agnostic and ensures code portability across implementations. Any hardware can become an OpenCL device if it meets the specification's minimum requirements, including CPUs, GPUs, DSP chips, and embedded processors. OpenCL provides clean and simple APIs for accessing different devices and performing high-performance computing with c99 language support, additional data types, built-in functions and qualifiers, and thread management framework to manage tasks under the hood seamlessly. The main goal of OpenCL is to be an efficient, lightweight, and easy-to-use framework that does not hog system resources.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker highlights the importance of OpenCL in providing guidelines for designing new hardware as people are developing new chips or pieces of hardware. OpenCL also guarantees certain values of accuracy and allows for a wide range of applications, including scientific computing, image and video processing, medical imaging, and financial purposes. The speaker explains that OpenCL is designed for data parallel computing and is particularly efficient for data parallel tasks, such as taking the absolute value of individual pieces of data, and blurring images using a box filter by calculating the sum and average of a set of pixels in a box.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker explains how data parallel calculations work, specifically with image processing as an example. Each box of pixel values is read from the image and written to a separate data buffer, allowing for independent work to be done without worrying about synchronization. OpenCL is also designed to work alongside OpenGL, which is a graphics programming language that can share data with OpenCL, making it possible to do complex number crunching and displays with little performance overhead. However, OpenCL is not suitable for sequential problems, calculations that require constant synchronization points, or device-dependent limitations.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker introduces OpenCL and explains how it is designed to take advantage of computational power in computers easily and portably. He mentions CUDA and how it is a powerful programming interface for running calculations on graphics cards but is not device agnostic and only works on NVIDIA hardware. However, the speaker explains that users can use both CUDA and OpenCL and that they are pretty much the same when it comes to kernels. Furthermore, the speaker explains that OpenCL is already implemented in Mac OS 10 Snow Leopard and is supplied as a system framework. Additionally, both Nvidia and AMD are working on their own implementations of OpenCL, which may provide access to other operating systems and platforms.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the prevalence of OpenCL-capable GPUs in currently shipping cards, particularly in Apple products such as the 24-inch iMac and some models of MacBook Pros. He notes that all Nvidia cards are OpenCL-capable, with an estimated 1 to 2 million cards shipping per week. The speaker explains how OpenCL fits into Apple's framework, as it is tightly tied to OpenGL and other graphics and media technologies. He further explains why GPUs are ideal for number crunching, boasting high scalability and data parallelism. Despite this, limitations exist in transferring data from the main part of the computer to the graphics card, as the PCI bus is much slower than memory on the graphics card itself.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses some factors to consider when using GPUs with OpenCL, including the computational expense of the problem, error handling and debugging, and specific data organization requirements. The speaker praises OpenCL for being an open specification that enables easy access to devices and is portable across operating systems and hardware platforms. The speaker then demonstrates how to move code from running on the CPU to running on the GPU using an example from their program that evaluates the electrostatic properties of biological molecules.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker introduces the power of OpenCL technology, which allows for efficient utilization of computational resources in numerical calculations. The demonstration shows a boundary value problem calculation on a single CPU, which takes approximately 60 seconds to complete. When run on 16 threads, the calculation time reduced to 4.8 seconds. The speaker then demonstrates the same calculation on a GPU, and the calculation time reduced to about 180 milliseconds. The results obtained from the GPU are identical to those obtained from the CPU, and the code used in both calculations is almost the same, with slight modifications for better performance. The demonstration highlights the exciting possibilities that OpenCL technology opens up for science and general use.

  • 00:40:00 In this section of the video, the speaker suggests a few things to the viewers. Firstly, he talks about the online community for scientists using Mac's called Mac research org and encourages viewers to join. Secondly, he mentions two other useful tutorial series, Cocoa for Scientists and X Grid Tutorials, which are also available on their website. Lastly, he asks viewers to help out the community by purchasing items from the Amazon store linked to their website as it would help with the cost of maintaining servers, hardware, and other expenses.
Episode 1 - Introduction to OpenCL
Episode 1 - Introduction to OpenCL
  • 2013.06.17
In this first episode, the Open Computing Language (OpenCL) will be introduced. Background information on what it is, why it's needed and how you can use it ...

Episode 2 - OpenCL Fundamentals

Episode 2 - OpenCL Fundamentals

This video introduces the OpenCL programming language and explains the basics of how to use it. It covers topics such as the different types of memory available to a computer system, how to allocate resources, and how to create and execute a kernel.

  • 00:00:00 The first podcast in this series introduced OpenCL and discussed the basics of using a CPU and a GPU to process data. This podcast covers the list of graphics cards that are supported for OpenCL usage, as well as explaining why CPUs are better at hiding memory latencies.

  • 00:05:00 OpenCL is a platform for accelerating calculations on CPUs and GPUs. Objects that comprise OpenCL include compute devices, memory objects, and executable objects. Device groups are a common structure for grouping together multiple compute devices.

  • 00:10:00 This video covers the differences between CPUs and GPUs, with a focus on OpenCL memory objects. The three types of OpenCL memory objects are arrays, images, and executables. The video also covers how to create and use OpenCL kernels.

  • 00:15:00 OpenCL is a powerful programming language used for graphics and parallel computing. OpenCL allows for code to be compiled at runtime or pre-compiled, and work items are grouped into work groups.

  • 00:20:00 OpenCL is a powerful, cross-platform API for GPU computing. The OpenCL Fundamentals video discusses the concepts of ND ranges and work group sizes, and how they are related in 2 and 3 dimensions.

  • 00:25:00 This video covers the basics of OpenCL, including the different types of image types that are available, kernel execution, memory management, and address spaces.

  • 00:30:00 In this video, the author explains the different types of memory available to a computer system, including global memory, constant memory, local memory, and private memory. Global memory is the largest and most important type of memory, while private memory is for kernel-level data.

  • 00:35:00 In this video, the basic steps of using OpenCL are explained, including the initialization of OpenCL, the allocation of resources, and the creation and execution of a kernel.

  • 00:40:00 In this video, the basics of OpenCL are discussed. The first step is allocation, and then the code is written to push the data onto the graphics card. The next step is program and kernel creation, where OpenCL is used to create a program and a specific kernel. Finally, the program is executed.

  • 00:45:00 In this video, the author explains the steps required to create a kernel in OpenCL. He covers the basic concepts of OpenCL, such as dimensions and work items, and explains how to queue and execute a kernel. He also provides a brief overview of the Khronos OpenCL specification and the Barbara video, which is highly recommended.|

  • 00:50:00 In this episode, the host covers OpenCL basics, including how to create a simple program and how to use the OpenCL runtime library.
Episode 2 - OpenCL Fundamentals
Episode 2 - OpenCL Fundamentals
  • 2013.06.18
In this episode, we'll go over the fundamentals of OpenCL. Discussing concepts that once understood, will make implementing and using OpenCL much easier. Thi...

Episode 3 - Building an OpenCL Project

Episode 3 - Building an OpenCL Project

This video provides a comprehensive overview of common questions and concerns regarding OpenCL. Topics covered include double precision arithmetic, object-oriented programming, global and workgroup sizes, and scientific problems that can be solved with OpenCL. The speaker emphasizes the importance of carefully selecting global and local workgroup sizes, as well as modifying algorithms and data structures to suit the GPU's data layout preferences. The speaker also provides a basic example of coding in OpenCL and explains how kernels can be loaded and executed in a program. Other topics included are handling large numbers, memory allocation, and command queue management. The video concludes with references to additional resources for users interested in sparse matrix vector multiplication and mixed precision arithmetic.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, we'll cover some common questions about OpenCL, including double precision arithmetic, object-oriented programming, global and workgroup sizes, and scientific problems you can solve with OpenCL. Double precision in the OpenCL spec is optional, and support for it depends on both your hardware and your implementation. If you have hardware that supports double precision, you can use a pragma before issuing statements for double precision calculations, but if you don't, the behavior is undefined and could result in various problems. Object-oriented programming can be used in conjunction with OpenCL, but it's important to keep in mind the limitations of OpenCL's C-based programming model. When choosing global and workgroup sizes, it's important to consider the characteristics of your algorithm and the
    specific device you're running on. Finally, we'll discuss the types of scientific problems you can solve with OpenCL, and when it might be an appropriate choice for your needs.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses double precision arithmetic and its performance hit on GPUs. While single precision floating point operations can give around 1,000 gigaflops per second, double precision floating point operations can only give around 90 gigaflops per second on GPUs, resulting in an order of magnitude performance hit. The speaker suggests using mixed precision arithmetic and emulating higher precision arithmetic on devices that do not support it if double precision is necessary. Additionally, the speaker notes that OpenCL does not support passing complex objects into the kernel and therefore, in languages like C++ and Objective C, methods can call OpenCL routines but cannot pass any instantiated objects into the kernel. Structures built up from intrinsic types from the C language or any of the extensions that OpenCL supports can be used, but any higher-level object orientation is not supported in OpenCL.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses work group sizes and how to determine what the local workgroup size should be, particularly on a GPU. The local work group size has to be less than the global work group size and must divide evenly into it. On a CPU, however, the local work group size must always be one because synchronization points on a CPU to implement workgroup communication are extremely expensive. The speaker recommends that the global and local workgroup sizes should never be less than the size of a warp on NVIDIA hardware or a wavefront on ATI hardware. Additionally, powers of 2 or even numbers are preferable, and sometimes a little bit of extra work, like padding out calculations with extra zeros, can be worth it in order to achieve a power of 2 local workgroup size. On the Snow Leopard OpenCL implementation, the maximum local work group size is typically around 512, and the maximum number of threads that can be run on a single SM on NVIDIA hardware is around 780-784.

  • 00:15:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses work group sizes and how there may not be any additional benefit from using too many threads. They also touch on the concept of dimensioning problems into one, two, or three dimensions and how this is helpful for some scientific problems. The solvability of some scientific problems on GPUs is mentioned, and while it may depend on specific implementations and data structures, it is possible to do things like FFTs, Monte Carlo simulations, and partial differential equations very efficiently on GPUs. Lastly, the video addresses the need to modify algorithms and data structures to suit the GPU's data layout preferences and emphasizes the fact that computations do not need to be run in a single kernel or queue call.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the possibility of breaking up a computation into multiple kernels or queue calls in OpenCL, although this may result in a minor performance hit. He explains this using the example of a conjugate gradient algorithm, highlighting that although it may be possible to combine successive steps in the algorithm when working on a CPU, it is slightly different when dealing with a GPU. The speaker emphasizes that the GPU operations need to be explicitly invoked for each individual step. He suggests carrying out multiple loops of conjugate gradient minimization first, followed by a check to determine whether the desired convergence has been achieved. He emphasizes the importance of executing as much work as possible without interruption and brings up the example of molecular dynamics and electrostatics as other problems that require similar considerations. Ultimately, he moves on to an OpenCL example, noting that it is a simple example just to familiarize the audience with the OpenCL tool and real code.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses some key functions in the OpenCL project that were briefly mentioned in previous episodes. The first function is CL get device IDs, which identifies the type of device that you are looking for, including CPU, GPU, accelerator devices like FPGA, and more. Once devices are identified, you can use CL device get info to understand their properties such as vendor, global memory size, maximum work items, and supported extensions such as double precision. After building your program, you may want to check the build log for errors, as you cannot compile kernels outside of OpenCL. The build log can tell you what went wrong, such as a syntax error or incorrect data type, and check the build options and status.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker explains the different types of memory buffers in OpenCL, including read-only and read/write, as well as referencing memory on the host. He suggests that it may be beneficial to queue up writes for improved efficiency, using the CL and Q write buffer function, which can be blocking or non-blocking. The speaker also briefly touches on executing kernels, setting kernel arguments, and using global and local work sizes. The OpenCL implementation may decide on a local work size automatically, and the speaker notes that this process has worked optimally in his previous experiments.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses some aspects of adjusting the size of the local work on the GPU by experimenting with its value depending on specific kernel functionality, such as using shared memory. Regarding reading the results, CL true or CL false means that it is either a blocking read or that the program does not wait for the results to come in. Blocking reads are more commonly used to ensure the accurate retrieval of results before being used for other purposes. The speaker then transitions into Xcode, describing the project as a standard Xcode project where Open CL is the only required framework. He breaks down the source code and the OpenCL kernel, annotating it for ultimate clarity. The kernel is an ADD kernel, which is simplistic; however, it serves merely as an illustrative purpose. The speaker later dives into functions such as device information and context and command queue setup.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the video discusses how OpenCL kernels can be loaded into a program either as an external file or as a C string. While it may be cleaner to load kernels as external files, the code can be harder to debug should any errors occur. On the other hand, loading kernels as C strings makes it harder for users to view the code, and there are some options for protecting kernel code. Additionally, the video explores the advantages and disadvantages of pre-compiling programs versus compiling them just in time. While pre-compiling can hide kernel code, running a program on different hardware may require different optimizations that aren't possible through pre-compiling. Overall, the video emphasizes that there are pros and cons to both options and that programmers must carefully evaluate their needs when selecting a method.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker explains the process of tying the code to the CL kernel for invoking and recalling kernels such as a Saxby or ADD kernel. Memory allocation is also covered, with the creation of input and content buffers, whereby the former will only be for read purposes, while the latter will store the results and have read-write access. Once the kernel arguments are set, the execution starts, with the global work size set to the number of elements to process, which are displayed on a screen once control is returned to the main program. The need for careful command queue management is essential, with the presenter explaining the importance of finishing the queue before proceeding with memory releases. Overall, the presented function worked, giving an expected input value of 32 across the board.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how to handle large numbers on the OpenCL project and reminds users to be mindful of available memory and to turn off prints when iterating through large arrays to avoid printout overload. The speaker also encourages users to check out a paper on sparse matrix vector multiplication on GPUs and another presentation on mixed precision arithmetic. He then ends the podcast by inviting questions and highlighting that the next episode will probably cover data layout, warps and memory access.
Episode 3 - Building an OpenCL Project
Episode 3 - Building an OpenCL Project
  • 2013.06.18
In this episode we cover some questions that were asked on the forums about double-precision arithmetic, object oriented programming, clarification on global...

Episode 4 - Memory Layout and Access

Episode 4 - Memory Layout and Access

This episode of the tutorial focuses on memory layout and access, which are essential for maximizing GPU performance. The podcast covers GPU architecture, thread processing clusters, and memory coalescing, explaining how to optimize use of the GPU and efficiently execute parallel computations. The speaker also addresses data access and indexing issues that may cause conflicts, recommending the use of shared memory and coalesced reads to improve performance. Overall, the video stresses the importance of understanding OpenCL-specified functions and intrinsic data types for guaranteed compatibility and offers resources for further learning.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the tutorial, the focus is on memory layout and access. Understanding these concepts is essential to maximizing performance on GPUs, which require data to be laid out and accessed in a specific way. The podcast focuses on the perspective of the GPU, as CPUs are more forgiving in data access, though optimizing code for GPUs can also benefit CPU performance. Additionally, the podcast covers some general housekeeping and addresses questions about function calls within kernels and the use of CL finish in previous source code examples. The podcast emphasizes the importance of using only OpenCL-specified functions and intrinsic data types to guarantee compatibility.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of functions like Rand or print in kernel functions on the CPU. While it is possible to use these functions for debugging purposes, they are not guaranteed to work across different implementations and may not be portable. Kernels can call functions as long as they can be compiled at runtime as part of the program source containing all of the kernels. The speaker also explains CL finish, which is a method for making the CPU block its execution until all functions from within the command queue have returned. While it may be useful for timing code, it causes the application to come to a halt until all tasks are complete, so it should only be used when absolutely necessary.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses GPU architecture, focusing specifically on NVIDIA hardware, and how it utilizes thread processing clusters to execute computation. Each graphics card has 10 of these clusters, each containing 30 streaming multi-processors, which in turn contain eight streaming processors, two special functional units, a double precision unit, and shared local memory. By understanding these groupings, developers can optimize their use of the GPU and efficiently execute parallel computations. The speaker uses NVIDIA terminology and encourages listeners to keep in mind the relationship between threads, work items, thread blocks, and work groups, which are all important aspects of OpenCL programming.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the different terminologies used for streaming processors, such as scalar processors, shading processors, or cores. The number of cores in a graphics card refers to the number of streaming processors per streaming multiprocessor. The speaker highlights that a core on a GPU is not equivalent to a core on a CPU, and Nvidia thinks of them separately. The discussion also covers special function units for handling transcendental functions, double precision unit for performing double precision floating-point arithmetic, and local memory shared memory used for sharing data between streaming processors and thread blocks executing on the GPU. The thread processing cluster is broken down into 10 controllers servicing three different SMs, with each SM containing eight streaming processors that can execute eight thread blocks simultaneously.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the concept of warps in GPU programming is introduced, which are organizational units consisting of 32 threads that operate in lockstep with each other. Only threads in the same thread block can share data between each other using shared local memory. Warps are further broken down into half warps, which consist of 16 threads, due to hardware requirements. GPUs are capable of managing a lot of threads, and it is important to have additional threads running simultaneously to hide memory latency and other delays. GPUs have dedicated hardware for thread management, allowing for fast context switching. The more threads, the better, and making thread group sizes a little bit bigger is recommended to utilize all threads in a warp and improve performance.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the instructor explains that loading data into local memory involves loading 16 elements, which equals 64 bytes, with each thread responsible for loading four bytes. The instructor also explains instruction scheduling and the concept of divergence, where half the threads enter a block of code and the other half wait until the first half finishes before executing their own. This can cause serialization and partition the number of threads that can work simultaneously. The local memory is broken up into 4-byte entries, with each entry addressed into one of 16 banks. If a half warp of 16 threads accesses individual banks, it can avoid bank conflicts and access shared memory as fast as the register file.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the video discusses memory coalescing and how threads in a work group can cooperatively load data into shared memory through memory coalescing, making shared memory locations effectively register files. The discussion then moves on to the concept of memory alignment relative to global memory and pulling data into local memory. Misaligned loads, permuted loads, and partial loads are all problematic as they prevent the hardware from detecting a coalesced load, resulting in the serialization of individual loads into the registers. To avoid this, it is recommended to load all data into shared memory even if it is not needed to achieve an aligned coalesced load.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses memory layout and access for CUDA programming. They explain that aligned loads, specifically coalesced loads, are the fastest way to get data from global memory into local memory or registers. They also explain that memory is divided into banks to allow for multiple threads to access it simultaneously, but accessing the same bank may result in a bank conflict, which leads to data serialization and reduced performance. Additionally, the speaker notes that an exception to bank conflicts is when all threads are accessing a single bank, which results in data being broadcasted and no conflicts or serialization.

  • 00:40:00 In this section of the video, the instructor talks about memory layout and access in multi-threaded applications. He explains that conflicts occur when multiple threads access the same bank for the same piece of information, resulting in a performance hit. He uses the matrix transpose as an example to illustrate the benefits of using shared memory for performance and the importance of reading and writing to memory in a coalesced fashion to avoid performance penalties. The instructor explains that a half-warp is typically used and recommends using memory layout patterns that avoid conflicts for optimal performance.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker addresses the issue of inverting indices or swapping indices in GPU memory and how this results in one of two options: uncoalesced memory access or one of the two having to be unco. To overcome this issue, the data is read from global memory using a coalesced read and stored into shared memory in a coalesced fashion. Shared memory is fast and once the data is there and assuming that no two threads are accessing the same piece of information, each thread can access its unique piece of data quickly. The threads load the data they need to transpose cooperatively and take ownership of that piece of data while writing it out to global memory one big chunk, resulting in performance gains for data access in and out of the GPU.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the video discusses the use of matrix transpose on the GPU and the importance of combining shared memory with memory coalescing and data alignment. The optimized version is available on the Apple website as an Xcode project called matrix transpose. The video explains that if the stride is 16 and there are 16 banks, every element 0, 16, 32, etc. will be serviceable by bank 0 leading to potential bank conflicts. To resolve this problem and achieve high-performance matrix transpose, the local memory should be padded by one element, resulting in 17 loaded values. The video suggests that these concepts are core concepts, and once understood, the viewer will be 95% of the way in GPU performance optimization.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker promotes the Mac Research website and the resources available, ranging from tutorials to expert tutorials and community discussions. The website is free to access and includes information about OpenCL and other developer resources. The speaker also mentions that there is an Amazon store associated with the website and encourages users to buy products through it to support Mac Research. The speaker concludes by stating that the next video will focus on a real-world example with code and kernel optimizations.
Episode 4 - Memory Layout and Access
Episode 4 - Memory Layout and Access
  • 2013.06.18
In this episode we cover some questions regarding function calls from kernels and the use of clFinish. Also, we'll discuss basic GPU architecture, memory lay...

Episode 5 - Questions and Answers

Episode 5 - Questions and Answers

In this video, the host answers questions about GPUs and OpenCL programming. They explain the organizational structure of GPUs, including cores, streaming multiprocessors, and other units. The concept of bank conflicts and local memory is also covered in detail, with an example of a matrix transpose used to demonstrate how bank conflicts can occur. The speaker provides solutions to avoid bank conflicts, including padding the local data array and reading different elements serviced by different banks. Finally, the speaker promotes resources on the Mac research website and promises to provide a real-world example with optimization techniques in the next session.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the host of the OpenCL video series addressed some questions and answered them. The first question was about GPU terminology and layout, and the host used an Nvidia slide to illustrate the organizational structure of the GPU, including the ten thread processing clusters and three streaming multiprocessors per thread processing cluster. The second question was about bank conflicts, which was briefly touched on in the previous episode. The host provided a more detailed explanation, focusing on a specific example of matrix transposes and the conditions that can lead to bank conflicts. The episode ended with a thank you to the hosting provider, Matias, for their great service.|

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video explains the concept of cores or scalar processors in GPUs. These cores primarily perform ALU and FPU operations, but their functionality is different from the cores found in CPUs. Each streaming multiprocessor in the 10 series architecture has eight cores or streaming processors, and there are 240 cores in total, making up the GPU's processing power. The GPUs have other units like double precision units and special function units, among others. The video also covers bank conflicts and local memory and how they impact memory access in the local memory, leading to bank conflicts. The explanation helps clear up confusion regarding the different terminology used for CPUs and GPUs.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains the concept of local memory on current hardware, which is broken up into 16 banks, each of which is one kilobyte in length. The speaker explains that successive 32-bit words are assigned to successive banks, and two or more simultaneous accesses to the same bank result in the serialization of the memory access, which is referred to as a bank conflict. However, the speaker notes that if all threads in a half-warp access the exact same bank or entry, it does not result in a bank conflict, and there is special handling for that situation. The speaker then goes on to address why bank conflicts would occur in the matrix transpose example previously presented, discussing the permutation along the diagonal and the coalesced loads.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the issue of bank conflict that can arise when a matrix transpose is performed through the example of one warp, which consists of 32 threads, divided into two halves. Each thread in a half warp is assigned to a bank, and ideally, each thread should read from and write to a specific bank. However, when a matrix transpose is performed, threads in different halves of the warp will read from the same bank, causing bank conflicts. The speaker explains this issue through a diagram and provides a detailed explanation with the example of the assignment of elements to banks.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how to get around bank conflicts when dealing with arrays and shared memory in CUDA. By padding the local data array, with an extra value that never gets used, the memory shared effectively is increased and this avoids the bank conflicts. Now all the data elements are reading from the global memory coalesced and aligned but writing to the local memory unaligned which does not incur any penalty. This process allows for each thread to offset by one and read successive elements without all serializing on the same bank, which increases performance. The broadcast is allowed if threads were trying to read the same data, but when reading different elements, serialization occurs.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how the solution to the bank conflicts involves reading different elements that are serviced by different banks, rather than the same one. The main issue causing bank conflicts in the specific example of the matrix transpose is accessing an offset equal to the bank size which is also equal to half the warp size. The speaker also highlights various resources available on the Mac research website, including German Cormac's series on writing Cocoa applications, and Nvidia's online seminar series on using CUDA and OpenCL for GPU programming. The speaker promises to provide a real-world example in the next session that will bring everything together, including optimization techniques such as using local and shared memory pad.
Episode 5 - Questions and Answers
Episode 5 - Questions and Answers
  • 2013.06.18
This episode covers questions hthat were generated from the previous podcast. We'll discuss GPU layout/terminology and bank conflicts resulting from shared m...

Episode 6 - Shared Memory Kernel Optimization

Episode 6 - Shared Memory Kernel Optimization

The video discusses shared memory kernel optimization, particularly in the context of a code used to understand electrostatic properties of biological molecules. The use of synchronization points and communication between work items in a workgroup are key to performing complex calculations for the program to work effectively. Further, shared memory, working cooperatively and bringing lots of data in, allows faster access to read-only data and increases the performance of calculations, supporting faster access speeds. The speaker also highlights the importance of avoiding inefficient treatment calculation on the boundary of a grid and the significance of the right use of synchronization points, barriers, and shared memory. Finally, he emphasizes the nuances of running OpenCL and provides advice on system optimization for GPU use, with the demonstration being performed on a Mac.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses shared memory kernel optimization and provides an example of how to take advantage of shared memory in a real-world code. He explains that shared memory allows for faster access to read-only data, which can speed up the performance of calculations. The example code, which is derived from a program used to understand electrostatic properties of biological molecules, highlights the use of synchronization points and communication between work items in a workgroup to perform complex calculations. The overall goal is to show how to take advantage of features of the hardware to increase performance and efficiency.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of efficiently treating the calculation on the boundary of a grid, which is conceptually applicable to all kinds of problems. The calculation involves calculating the contribution of all atoms in the model to each and every grid point, which can be done using either a grid-centric or an atom-centric approach. While the atom-centric approach works well in serial calculation, it can be inefficient in a parallel environment due to the overwriting of values. Hence, the grid-centric approach is a better approach as every grid point will only be reading data, making it easier to optimize for GPUs as they do not have access to locks and reductions. The speaker also mentions that they will show the performance differences between CPU and GPU in this calculation.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, shared memory and grid-centric approach are discussed. It is mentioned that during the calculation, the grid point value is getting modified, but it only needs to have a snapshot or a copy of the values for all these grid points. Using the GPU, the grid points can work cooperatively to bring a lot of data in, which increases the performance of data access speed. This approach does not require locks, and all the grid points when the calculation is complete will be fully updated, which avoids grid points stepping on other values. The core portion of the code is effectively the same, and the grid iteration becomes the nd range, which is equal to the number of grid points. The concept of shared memory is also introduced, which allows threads to bring in data in larger swaths, allowing them all to access the data as quickly as possible.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker introduces shared memory and explains how it works. Shared memory has a limit of 16 kilobytes of usable space per SM, which scalar processors must share. Typically, the problem is not addressed on a byte-by-byte level but uses floats or ints, which means there are generally fewer usable elements in shared memory. The speaker explains they have allocated a block of shared memory five times the local size (64 elements), giving them a block of 1280 bytes that will be used per work group, with each work group being 64 elements wide. They elaborate that they partition this block into five groupings and provide instructions on how to index into this data using offsets.

  • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, the speaker explains a method of optimizing shared memory kernels. He explains that the code has a security measure in place to adjust the local size of the atoms if the total number of atoms is not a multiple of the local size. The speaker points out that there is a performance bug in the code and challenges viewers to find it. The code is broken up into two groupings, where the first is a catch-all to ensure everything is okay, and the second is a copy operation using shared memory. The hardware detects that all threads are accessing data from global memory with sequential addresses and does a full coalesced load into memory, which hits the first barrier. The speaker then discusses the need for a barrier and shows a slide illustrating the process through which half warps service the load from shared memory.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the importance of using barriers in kernel optimization is discussed. A barrier is needed to ensure that all necessary data is loaded into shared memory before any work item in a work group can continue to the next stage. Without barriers, the values obtained will be incorrect. The code for the calculation is executed in lockstep, however, it avoids bank conflicts by allowing broadcast when all threads in a work group are accessing the same element in shared memory. The barrier also helps to prevent overwriting of data in shared memory by ensuring that all the warps finish their calculations before new data is written to shared memory. The demonstration of the Xcode project and how it runs is also shown to provide a better understanding of the concepts discussed.

  • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, the presenter discusses the tools and configurations necessary for optimizing kernel performance. The presenter mentions using LLVM GCC 4.2 clang 1.0 with OpenMP for OpenMP support and ensuring that regular optimizations are turned on. The video then goes on to the main calculations, including generating and padding memory, scalar calculation, and running the CPU's scalar calculation in parallel with OpenMP. Finally, the optimized GPU calculation is presented, along with a cleaning up process. The video also includes code snippets for utility routines like printing device information and information on querying kernel file problems.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker explains the steps involved in setting up the kernel for the mdh program, which includes allocating memory for the shared memory and the memory that will write data out. The global work size is equal to the number of adjusted grid points and the local work size is 64. The speaker mentions that the work group size is a matter of trial and error and OpenCL can give a recommendation on what it thinks is a good work group size. However, playing around with different work group sizes, the speaker found 64 to work best. The speaker notes that although setting up OpenCL may require more work compared to OpenMP, the performance improvements in the optimized GPU code make it worthwhile to pursue using GPUs.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker runs scalar calculations on the CPU and shows that it takes 32 seconds, but on 16 CPUs it takes about 25 seconds, demonstrating a 10x speedup. When run on the GPU, it takes 1.2 seconds, 20 times faster than on a single CPU. Additionally, the numbers obtained from both the CPU and GPU calculations were identical, showing that optimizing code for the GPU is worthwhile. The speaker warns users to be careful when running examples on a system with only one graphics card as it may appear to freeze due to the lack of preemptive interruption on a graphics card.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses some potential issues that may occur when running OpenCL and advises users to be cautious. He recommends having two graphics cards if possible and assigning one to display and the other to handle OpenCL. The speaker also notes that if the system gets bogged down, users can SSH in and kill the process to regain control. He reminds users that all of the information is available on the Mac research website, where they can also subscribe to the podcast and support the nonprofit organization through an Amazon store. Finally, he encourages listeners to visit the Chronos group website, which provides valuable resources on the OpenCL spec.
Episode 6 - Shared Memory Kernel Optimization
Episode 6 - Shared Memory Kernel Optimization
  • 2013.06.18
In this episode we'll go over an example of real-world code that has been parallelized by porting to the GPU. The use of shared memory to improve performance...

AMD Developer Central: OpenCL Programming Webinar Series. 1. Introduction to Parallel and Heterogeneous Computing

1-Introduction to Parallel and Heterogeneous Computing

The speaker in this YouTube video provides an overview of parallel and heterogeneous computing, which involves combining multiple processing components like CPUs and GPUs into a single system. The benefits of fusion-related systems on a chip are discussed, which simplify the programming model for parallel and heterogeneous computing and enable high performance while reducing complexity. The speaker also discusses different approaches like data parallelism and task parallelism, programming languages for parallel programming models, and the trade-offs between MDS GPUs and Intel CPUs.

The video covers the recent developments in parallel and heterogeneous computing, with a focus on new architectures like Intel’s Sandy Bridge. However, there is currently no clear solution to the programming model question. AMD and Intel are spearheading advancements, but it is expected that the field will continue to progress over time.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, Benedict Gaster, an architect on the programming side at AMD, provides an overview of heterogeneous computing and its importance in parallel programming. He explains the terminology used in parallel computing, such as parallelism and concurrency, before discussing the hardware and software aspects of heterogeneous computing. He notes that AMD is moving towards fusion-based architectures where the GPU and the CPU are on the same silicon, and he provides some insight into their vision for parallel programming. Additionally, he indicates that OpenCL is similar to CUDA and that it is a data parallel language designed to efficiently run on GPUs.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the concept of parallelism in computing, where portions of a calculation are independent and can be executed concurrently to increase performance. This is in contrast to concurrency, which is a programming abstraction that allows communication between processes or threads that could potentially enable parallelism, but it is not a requirement. Heterogeneous computing is also introduced as a system comprised of two or more compute engines with significant structural differences. The speaker notes that GPUs are an example of such engines, with the lack of large caches being a notable difference from CPUs.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker introduces the idea of parallel and heterogeneous computing, which involves combining multiple processing components, such as CPUs and GPUs, into a single unified system. While CPUs are good at low latency, the GPU is ideal for data parallel processes. The challenge is managing the cost and performance of these components together, especially as the traditional PCIe bus creates a bottleneck between them. The solution is to integrate the components onto a single silicon die with shared memory. While compilers can facilitate some parallelism, the speaker advocates for explicit parallel programming models to fully achieve it.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker explains the evolution of computing architectures from single-core processors to multi-core processors, and now into the heterogeneous era with GPUs. While SMP style architectures became challenging due to power and scalability issues, GPUs offer power-efficient and wide data parallelism with abundant data parallelism, making them suitable for high performance computing. However, programming models and communication overheads still present challenges, and a combination of CPU and GPU processing is necessary for optimal application performance.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the evolution of bandwidth and memory in GPU devices, acknowledging that memory bandwidth is increasing but not at the same rate as flops. He argues that while the GPU can accomplish a lot of what a CPU can achieve, there is still a need for a balanced approach since the x86 CPU owns the software universe, and not all applications will suddenly emerge as parallel applications. The GPU is still a game changer, but there is a need to bring together the two devices to get the key benefits without sacrificing one another.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the benefits of fusion-related systems on a chip (SoC) and how they integrate different types of devices into a single chip providing the best of both worlds. The fusion APU-based PC is also introduced, where the fusion GPU is moved inside a single die, allowing for a significant increase in memory bandwidth between the CPU and GPU. The fusion GPU and CPU share the same system memory, merging the two devices together. The speaker also addresses questions about pure functional programming languages, their influence on existing languages, and using GPUs to handle CPU tasks.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential for future fusion GPUs to simplify the programming model for parallel and heterogeneous computing and enable high performance while reducing complexity. Although there may be trade-offs in terms of memory bandwidth and latency, the fusion GPUs offer processing capabilities in mobile form factors with shared memory for CPU and GPU, eliminating the need for multiple copies and improving performance. The scalability of the architecture makes it suitable for a range of platforms, from mobile to data center, and while the first generation of APUs may not completely resolve the issue of gigaflops per memory bandwidth, the future potential for simplifying programming and achieving high performance remains promising.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker talks about how software in a heterogeneous world affects programming. The future is parallel, meaning that programming will have to adapt to parallelism, which has numerous different answers. There are a variety of languages that are out there for parallel programming models, such as those that use coarse-grained thread api's or those that focus on abstractions. The speaker also notes that parallelism in programming comes from the decomposition of tasks and data decompositions, and that task-based models and runtimes will need to have these features in order to create dependencies between tasks, communicate between them, and perform load balancing to speed up computation. Most examples of these today are for the CPU, being offered by companies such as Intel and Apple, while .Microsoft recent net for runtime is the most prominent for managed language perspectives.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses different approaches to parallel computing, specifically focusing on data parallelism and task parallelism. Data parallelism involves working on independent elements in parallel, such as particle systems in a game, whereas task parallelism involves independent pieces of work that need to communicate with each other. The speaker mentions popular languages for these approaches, including OpenCL, CUDA, and OpenMP. The speaker also suggests that a combination of these two approaches, known as braided parallelism, may become the emerging programming model of the future. The speaker emphasizes the need to merge these different models to bring parallelism to mainstream programming.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses whether OpenCL can be used to program CPUs, and while it is possible to have source language portability, performance portability is an issue. For example, a large number of threads on a GPU make sense while on a CPU, having only one thread running on a core is more effective. Additionally, debugging tools for GPUs are improving but can still be complicated, and while it's quite feasible that the GPU core on an APU could handle all GPGPU tasks while the discrete GPU handles graphics, the exact distribution is difficult to predict.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker answers several questions related to parallel and heterogeneous computing. One of the questions is whether OpenCL can be used on Nvidia GPUs. The speaker confirms that Nvidia supports OpenCL and that it can run on all of their GPUs in the same family as CUDA. Another question is how different the fusion GPU is from the discrete GPU, and the answer is that they are very similar, but there are slight differences depending on the processor and silicon design. The speaker also mentions that there is an OpenCL extension for shared memory CPU and GPU, which allows for zero copies between the two. When asked about the emergence of OpenCL in the mobile space, the speaker confirms that all major vendors are involved in the development of OpenCL for the mobile space and implementation will soon be available. Lastly, the speaker compares Fusion to Intel Sandy Bridge and states that they are similar in their SOC designs and strong heterogeneous systems.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the trade-offs between MDS GPUs and Intel CPUs and mentions that both have their benefits. They also touch upon the programming models and how both CUDA and OpenCL have CPU support. The speaker goes on to talk about applications that could take advantage of this technology, such as data mining, image processing, and accelerating AI and physics-based systems. They also mention that traditional supercomputing applications could benefit from accelerating operations like matrix multiplication. The speaker concludes by stating their belief in the emergence of these heterogeneous systems and how they will shape the future of computing.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the advancements made in parallel and heterogeneous computing, particularly in terms of new architectures such as Intel's Sandy Bridge. However, there is still a lack of a complete answer to the programming model question. Companies such as AMD and Intel have been leading the way, but it is expected that advancements will continue to be made over time.