Fibonacci retracement tool

Is there a way to change or re-program the fibonacci tool so that the lines do not extend all the way to the right?

Whenever I draw two or more fibonacci retracements on the same chart the lines mesh which is really difficult to see.
It would be great if there was an option to shorten the lines.
we'll think
OK. Thank you.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi Slawa,

Thanks so much for including the Ray feature in the Fib tool.
I don't want be a pain in the ass, but I have made one observation.
When you draw the Fib tool at an angle > than about 15 degrees the lines will still extend all the way to the right.
Is it possible to shorten that some more ?
Thanks for all your great work.
lines length calculated as (time2-time1)*10
move one of point with shift button pressed for tuning of length
once FIb line goes past 10 all lines go all the way to the right, even when shift button pressed.
if time2-time1 equal to 4 periods then length of fibo lines is 40 periods
I see.
Is it possible to shorten the calculation in half ot let the user choose the length?
(Time2 -Time1)*5

Thanks again.
no. tune length with horizontal moving of one point
Ok. Understood.
Thanks for all the help.

How can I get that tool???? I have MT3.85.
