Attention web admin – bug on the forum, marking threads as “unread” at regular intervals.


Attention web admin – bug on the forum, marking threads as “unread” at regular intervals.

At least every week, sometimes even daily, the forum resets all the threads I have commented on recently, and marks them as “unread”. Sometimes I have to go back several pages in each section, to reopen these threads to mark them as “read” again.  

This is a pain, because I can no longer tell when someone has responded to a thread I commented on because I have all these extra threads marked as “unread” with no recent activity on them.

Please note that this is not the same as when moderators deleted spam on a thread and it gets marked as “unread” again. This is specifically ALL the threads I have commented on over the last cycle.

Anyone else that is a regular commenter noticing this too?  
Fernando Carreiro:

Attention web admin – bug on the forum, marking threads as “unread” at regular intervals.

At least every week, sometimes even daily, the forum resets all the threads I have commented on recently, and marks them as “unread”. Sometimes I have to go back several pages in each section, to reopen these threads to mark them as “read” again.  

This is a pain, because I can no longer tell when someone has responded to a thread I commented on because I have all these extra threads marked as “unread” with no recent activity on them.

Please note that this is not the same as when moderators deleted spam on a thread and it gets marked as “unread” again. This is specifically ALL the threads I have commented on over the last cycle.

Anyone else that is a regular commenter noticing this too?  

I am a regular reader Fernando and I must say that I haven't noticed anything similar, I am using the latest Chrome browser on Win 11 and everything seems to work smoothly.

I have experienced this as well. I have found that after a short while it gets corrected. Ie. I do nothing and later on the topics that are marked incorrectly as unread return to being marked as read again.

I do not have this issue. Analyzing the cookies, i do not think the read record is kept on the local machine. If server-side kept record maybe it is a time mismatch, especially if it magically correct itself.

Please note that this is not the same as when moderators deleted spam on a thread and it gets marked as “unread” again. This is specifically ALL the threads I have commented on over the last cycle.
This is also very annoying.
Keith Watford #: I have experienced this as well. I have found that after a short while it gets corrected. Ie. I do nothing and later on the topics that are marked incorrectly as unread return to being marked as read again.

Thanks for that tip! I will see if it works for me.

However, it is still annoying and wish the admin would fix the issue.

By the way, this only started after the last major website update that occurred recently.