Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2979

mytarmailS #:

So, what's the message?

It would be interesting to develop some statistical criterion for the validity of the obtained balance curve/model error/..... and to teach AMO under this criterion.

TA at least in machine, at least in magic, but detached from FA at least for 1 hour, well, you colleagues are funny guys))).

Admit honestly, who uses FA in MO?

Uladzimir Izerski #:

TA even in the machine even in the magic, but detached from the FA even for 1 hour, well you colleagues are funny guys.)))

Admit it honestly, who uses FA in MO?

What is FA?

mytarmailS confidence intervals, the same statistical test...

I used two algorithms to make forecasts at once, auto arima and holt.

Here you can see the area where the forecast "guarantees growth" of equity.

It seems clear that if there is some positive assessment that A is a cause for B, then it keeps working. There's a whole science to it.
mytarmailS #:

what is FA?

This is the economic data on which TA depends.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

This is the kind of economic data that TAs depend on.

Have there been studies that have found FA to be dependent on TA?

mytarmailS #:

Have there been studies that have found FA to be dependent on TA?

If you think the cart comes before the horse, then yes.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

If you believe that the cart comes before the horse, then YES.

i.e. SOT (FA) reports that come out once a week, with a delay of a week, affect the minute candle (TA) that was a minute ago ?

ps. please let's not use carts and horses and other distant metaphors...

mytarmailS #:

i.e. SOT (FA) reports that come out once a week, with a delay of a week, affect the minute candle (TA) that was a minute ago ?

ps. please let's not use carts and horses and other distant metaphors...

Weekly data of SOT reports is a report of the past. New ones will still be formed and it is not certain that they will be in line with past events that are not accounted for.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

Weekly data from SOT reports is a report of the past. New ones will still be formed and it is not certain that they will be in line with past events that are not accounted for.

So SOT reports are not FA?
mytarmailS #:

... without carts and horses

The MoD has to take into account the terrain of the road, the Zig Zags, the ups and downs.

But I don't know that I'm the only one who sees that everyone is only looking in the rear mirror.
