Critical error Array out of range


Hello, I have this error when run my EA:

This is my code to open #3 orders, where is the mistake?

int ticket[];
bool checkBuy = true;
int i=3;               //numero ordini

void OnTick()
  if ( Close[1] > Close[2] && checkBuy) {
    checkBuy = false;
   if (!checkBuy) {     // revisione degli ordini                           
             if (OrdersTotal() > 0);
             else {     // non ci sono ordini in piattaforma
              checkBuy = true;

void esecuzioneStrategiaBuy(){

    for ( int x = 1; x <= i ; x++) {
    ticket[x] = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,0.1,Ask,0,Bid - 1,Bid + 1," Buy ordine: ",0,0,clrCrimson);
    if (ticket[x] < 0) stampa("Errore in apertura Buy ordine #1 ", GetLastError());

ticket[] is declared as dynamic array so it has initially size = 0.

May be you should read the chapter about "Array Functions" in the Reference (editor, F1)?

Or you read this?

ArrayResize(ticket, i);

for(int x = 0; x < i; x++)   {

