Distances between moving averages

Someone is looking for patterns with the distance in pips of two moving averages ??

It would be a great pleasure to share experiences

Best regards.

Nobody ??

Someone is looking for patterns with the distance in pips of two moving averages ??

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It would be a great pleasure to share experiences

Best regards.

share experience

what info do you give

this way noone is interested because of that I think

Why that picture of a WEEKLY chart EURCAD


My experience: There are good patterns based in the distance between two averages ( SMA, EMA, MEDIAN, LWMA, SineWMA, T3, ETC,ETC ).

This weekly chart is an example.

This pattern works with the distance between a T3 by T.Tillson and a Simple Moving Average

(Sorry but English is not my first language.)


My experience: There are good patterns based in the distance between two averages ( SMA, EMA, MEDIAN, LWMA, SineWMA, T3, ETC,ETC ).

This weekly chart is an example.

This pattern works with the distance between a T3 by T.Tillson and a Simple Moving Average

(Sorry but English is not my first language.

I'm sure your English is just fine. Perhaps nobody has any knowledge of the system you mention (including myself).

It's sad when you feel ignored. I would just like to say that I liked the arrows on your original chart.

By all means expand on "This pattern works with the distance between a T3 by T.Tillson and a Simple Moving Average"

Is this a reference to a book? What is a T3?





Thanks. There's loads of them!

Hours of work/play :-)


More examples...


If someone wants to develop this concept, please PM....


Are these shifted values of two moving averages?If yes then you might have repainting problem.

This indicator not repaints...

- Simple Moving Average

- Exponential Moving Average

- Wilder Exponential Moving Average

- Linear Weighted Moving Average

- Sine Weighted Moving Average

- Triangular Moving Average

- Least Square Moving Average (or EPMA, Linear Regression Line)

- Smoothed Moving Average

- Hull Moving Average by Alan Hull

- Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average

- Double Exponential Moving Average by Patrick Mulloy

- T3 by T.Tillson

Instantaneous Trendline by J.Ehlers

- Moving Median

- Geometric Mean

- Regularized EMA by Chris Satchwell

- Integral of Linear Regression Slope

- Combination of LSMA and ILRS

- Triangular Moving Average generalized by J.Ehlers

- Volume Weighted Moving Average

- Smoothing by Mark Jurik

Anyone Knows more moving averages ??

I´m looking for something like an harmonic MA or more type of Sine Weighted Moving Averages

Thanks for your help...
