NOt about programming .. .about VPS


Hi friends here :-$

someone with experience about MetaTrader and VPS can please give a look here

and give me some feedback?

Price is ok (for Europe)? Some pos/neg Experience about this company?

Thanx and nice evening


Way too expensive :(

Check out

Windows Server 2008 Standard and 512MB RAM will get you capacity for at least 6 MT instances

Good Luck


I wouldn't recommend getting any 'Forex' VPS service. Just get a VPS from a large 'normal' hosting company. Prices are likely to be lower and it's much more secure (since these companies won't know or care that u r hosting EA's...).

Hi friends here :-$

someone with experience about MetaTrader and VPS can please give a look here

and give me some feedback?

Price is ok (for Europe)? Some pos/neg Experience about this company?

Thanx and nice evening


I wouldn't recommend getting any 'Forex' VPS service. Just get a VPS from a large 'normal' hosting company. Prices are likely to be lower and it's much more secure (since these companies won't know or care that u r hosting EA's...).
A good point and an excellent option Gordon
I wouldn't recommend getting any 'Forex' VPS service. Just get a VPS from a large 'normal' hosting company. Prices are likely to be lower and it's much more secure (since these companies won't know or care that u r hosting EA's...).

Hi Gordon,

I already have a number of Domains and multiple hosting accounts with a large, very economical provider that I am not using as of yet. I must have about 15 domains registered and can run a hosting account for each one all in the same very reasonably priced package. Then of course each one has numerous Sub-Domains available. I wonder if I can get more throughput bandwidth utilizing sub domains or if it just more CPU overhead that will bog the VPS down more and only have a fixed maximum of bandwidth for each hosting account regardless.

I'm not sure exactly how to set it up, but obviously I need to install numerous MT4 clients to start with.

I'm not sure how I will then log onto the MT4 clients as they are basically a domain and hosting provider. I don't know if they have VPS, though given their size and breadth I'd be very surprised if the don't have VPS available or if I can just utilize a regular web hosting account. I've never used a VPS as of yet so don't know what is involved. I'll check it out soon and see what I can ferret out.

Again, a very good tip and idea.

Thanks! . (< 8)



FWIW, I agree totally with the opinion to go for a vanilla (ie. non forex specific) hosting company, and have expressed this view a number of times on here for the same reasons given by Gordon.

What I've done, and would recommend, was to find the following type of hosting company:

- I used a local small firm rather than a "stack em high, sell em cheap" web/email hosting specialist

- I chose in this way to get flexibility/scalability on demand should I need it (eg. for deploying our own MT4 Server, a bridge, other platforms such as PTM with high memory footprints etc.)

- Since we are trading large amounts of other people's money, it is good to have the option of physical access to the site if the merde hits the fan

- They allow me to decide on my own remote access solution (I use LogMeIn Free supported by Dropbox Free in order to manage backups, software updates etc.)

- Another thing that swayed me was that this company is also quite active in terms of commissioning its own trans-ocean high-bandwidth, pipes allowing us dedicated low-latency connectivity to global institutional trading centres

Hope this helps.



I already have a number of Domains and multiple hosting accounts with a large, very economical provider that I am not using as of yet. I must have about 15 domains registered and can run a hosting account for each one all in the same very reasonably priced package. Then of course each one has numerous Sub-Domains available. I wonder if I can get more throughput bandwidth utilizing sub domains or if it just more CPU overhead that will bog the VPS down more and only have a fixed maximum of bandwidth for each hosting account regardless.

I'm not sure exactly how to set it up, but obviously I need to install numerous MT4 clients to start with.

I'm not sure how I will then log onto the MT4 clients as they are basically a domain and hosting provider. I don't know if they have VPS, though given their size and breadth I'd be very surprised if the don't have VPS available or if I can just utilize a regular web hosting account. I've never used a VPS as of yet so don't know what is involved. I'll check it out soon and see what I can ferret out.

It sounds to me like u have a website hosting package... This can't be used for hosting MT4. You need a VPS (or a dedicated server) running Windows Server 2003 or 2008 (both work fine).

There are many tutorials for how to setup a VPS (or dedicated server) with MT4 on the web... Just google it.

Windows Server product not reqd. XP will do just fine. Other thing I meant to mention in choice of hosting co. Ensure that they are happy to allow you to administer your own Windows updates. Then set Windows NOT to perform them manually. You want to test MT4 with any updates before applying to your live environment. CB
Windows Server product not reqd. XP will do just fine.
Agreed... Just mentioned windows server cause the majority of hosting companies would give that as a pre-installed option (and not XP)...