Why are EXTERN input parameters not allowed to be changed?


I have two EAs which have very similar functionality. When EA#1 is active it's input parameters allow for change if <F7> is pressed. When EA#2 is active it's input parameters never show up to allow for changing.

Any thoughts on why this might be happening?


Check EA#2 include files - they may contain #property library. Remove this line

stringo wrote >>

Check EA#2 include files - they may contain #property library. Remove this line

Here are the #property and #include statements from the program header. I don't see the line you are referring to.

#property copyright "5 HLCC MAs #04c (2 inds, 3 trends)"
#property link "https://www.metaquotes.net/"
#include <stderror.mqh>
#include <stdlib.mqh>

This is pretty much the standard header I use when creating Q&D (quick and dirty) EAs to test out a new theory. I noticed something on Monday evening. When testing on a USDCAD chart the<F7> worked virtually every time. When testing on a EURUSD chart it never seemed to work. Is it possible that I'm doing too much in the EA and it's never getting to a resting point because the data flow is more significant on a EURUSD chart?

While I've been a programmer for 30+ years, I've only got 2 months exposure to MQL4 so many of the finer points are still new to me. Any thoughts you might have are greatfully appreciated and do not fall on deaf ears.

Thank you

Show your EA#2 source

Hi To change your input parameters you would need to add the following property line.

#property show_inputs

when attached to a chart, a window will display so click the input tag, and double left click the variables to change them.

not too sure if that is your problem. But documenting it here if others find this thread.

kind regards



Here are the #property and #include statements from the program header. I don't see the line you are referring to.

#property copyright "5 HLCC MAs #04c (2 inds, 3 trends)"
#property link "https://www.metaquotes.net/"
#include <stderror.mqh>
#include <stdlib.mqh>

This is pretty much the standard header I use


I have two EAs which have very similar functionality. When EA#1 is active it's input parameters allow for change if <F7> is pressed. When EA#2 is active it's input parameters never show up to allow for changing.

Any thoughts on why this might be happening?

EA#2 has no externals?