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On Wednesday Chinese markets continued its dramatic plunge despite efforts from Beijing to restrain a three-week selloff...
Market News
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News, 8 July 2015, 11:04 #Hang Seng, stocks
On Wednesday the euro traded weaker in Asia as a fresh deadline was set for Greece to submit new proposals. News on account surplus in Japan boosted the yen...
  • 686
News, 8 July 2015, 09:05 #usd/jpy, EUR/USD
Greece Must Meet Sunday Deadline to Reform or Face Euro Exit European leaders set a Sunday deadline for Greece to accept a rescue, saying otherwise they’ll take the unprecedented step of propelling the country out of the euro...
Market News
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[Deleted], 8 July 2015, 03:37
5 steps for Greece to return to the drachma The Greek economy has nearly run out of cash and experts say the country could soon be forced to print its own currency...
Market News
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[Deleted], 8 July 2015, 03:31
Weekly price is on primary bearish with secondary ranging between 15.47 support and 17.75 resistance levels. The price broke triangle pattern for downtrend and stopped near 15.47 support: triangle pattern was broken for downtrend and price was stopped with 15...
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Sergey Golubev, 7 July 2015, 21:11 #silver, technical analysis
Crude oil is the largest selling actions return experienced in five months. Crude oil prices fell 8 percent because of the rejection of the bailout of Greece's debt and the China stock market terkontraksi...
Crude Oil
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[Deleted], 7 July 2015, 20:40
On Tuesday the dollar extended gains against its peers, after data signaled that the U.S. trade deficit expanded less than expected in May and as demand for the safe-haven dollar remained supported amid ongoing Greek debt worries...
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News, 7 July 2015, 15:41 #Palladium, Platinum, stocks
The world's oldest currency, gold, said "So what" to Greece's "No". The yellow metal regained some ground on short covering. But what’s holding gold back...
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Anton Voropaev, 7 July 2015, 14:54 #comex, metals, gold
On Tuesday the greenback climbed to fresh 1-month highs against its peers, as demand for the safe-haven greenback remained underpinned ahead of a euro zone summit scheduled later in the day and aimed at restarting negotiations between Greece and its lenders...
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News, 7 July 2015, 13:09 #ECB, forex news, EUR/USD
The Greek crisis is now hurting stocks that had been buoyed by the European Central Bank’s stimulus program in the first quarter...
Market News
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News, 7 July 2015, 11:58 #Stoxx Europe 600, stocks
The euro dipped for a second day against the dollar as finance ministers and leaders from the European Union gather to discuss Greece's fate...
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News, 7 July 2015, 11:26 #IMF, ECB, forex news
"This was our most active year since the global financial crisis," said Lin Boon Heng, chairman of Singaporean sovereign wealth fund Temasek, noting that the company earned 30 billion Singapore dollars ($22 billion) in new investments, and a record S$19 billion ($14 billion) of divestments...
Market News
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News, 7 July 2015, 10:29 #Alibaba, investing, stocks
Analysts at INTL FCStone consider that the yellow metal could still gain some support from the uncertainty in Greece in the wake of the referendum at which Greeks rejected a measure on austerity. However, analysts at Barclays consider the traditional safe-haven will not benefit from it...
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Alice F, 7 July 2015, 09:19 #comex, metals, gold
On Tuesday the Australian dollar was weaker as the Reserve Bank of Australia left interest rates on hold. Fresh news from Greece spurred renewed concerns...
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News, 7 July 2015, 08:53 #RBA, IMF, usd/jpy
Total remittances in 2014 reached $583 billion which is more than double the official development assistance (ODA) in the world. Whereas India received $70 billion, Chinese were able to send $64 billion back home...
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BlondieNews, 6 July 2015, 21:11 #bitcoin, China
U.S. stocks began the week in the red zone, as investors worldwide turned away from riskier assets following Greece's rejection of bailout terms, which increased the prospect of the country exiting the eurozone...
Market News
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News, 6 July 2015, 16:00 #Wall Street, Nasdaq
EURUSD 'It has had a muted reaction despite the surprise outcome from the Greece referendum. Even though the market is positioned short, we expect the pair to test the downside sooner rather than later this week. Keep it tight but prefer short and add on more spikes above 1...
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Sergey Golubev, 6 July 2015, 13:59
On Sunday Greeks voted against creditors' demands for further austerity, leaving Europe’s leaders to determine if the nation can remain in the euro currency union...
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Alice F, 6 July 2015, 12:00 #Mario Draghi
On Monday the euro fell sharply in Asia trade, as the Greek voted against the proposed bailout terms from international creditors. The question of the country's continued membership in the euro zone is now the main concern for financials markets...
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News, 6 July 2015, 08:50 #ECB, usd/jpy, forex news
• 4 percent unemployment might be the new 5 percent unemployment (WaPo) but see The New Jobs Numbers Are Weaker Than They Look (NYT) • 9 myths about the Greek crisis (Politico) • A Venture Capital Giant Says: Bubble? What Bubble...
Market News
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Sergey Golubev, 5 July 2015, 15:11 #bitcoin