Ordini relativi alla consulenza in materia di forex - Trading robot/indicator debugging - nuovo

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Tutto Forex Trading robot/indicator debugging Strategy optimization Statistics and mathematics C++ Strategy modules
4 nuovi lavori in tutte le lingue
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100 - 500 USD
Trading robots are programs, which operate according to underlying algorithms. An algorithm is a set of actions that need to be performed in response to certain events. For example, the most common task in algo trading is the identification of the "New bar" event. When the event occurs, the robot checks the emergence of trading signals and acts accordingly. Before you decide to program or order a trading robot, you
3000+ USD
I'm currently looking for anyone that already created a winning binary trading robot. I need a high frequency robot for binary trading with high win rate. Anyone with experience developing this robot can message me for discussion
11 Applicazioni
(2) Other Esperti Consulenza Forex Trading robot/indicator debugging