Schwarz Schwarz
Schwarz Schwarz
Nichts, was ein Mensch sich auszudenken in der Lage ist, kann so unwahrscheinlich, unlogisch oder hirnrissig sein,
als dass es nicht doch ein anderer Mensch für bare Münze halten und diese vermeintliche Wahrheit
notfalls mit allen ihm zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln verteidigen wird.
Nothing that a human being can conceive can be so unlikely, illogical, or mind-boggling
as if another person did not believe it at all and this alleged truth
if necessary, defend it with all means at its disposal.
Ich bin ein normaler Verbraucher. :
EA Beratung und EA s können geschrieben werden.

I'm a normal consumer. :
EA advice and EA s can be written.
Ich danke für Ihren Besuch meines Profils.
I am Thanks for Your visiting my Profils.
Thank You
Schwarz Schwarz
Schwarz Schwarz
RSI Trader EA
The RSI indicator measures both the speed and the direction of a trend by relating the up and down movements of a basic value over time. With the complex calculation formula of the indicator, we will not torture you at this point.
RSI adjustable.
The RSI is defined from 0 - 100.
When the price breaks up 30, Buy
If the price breaks down 70, Sell.
Other settings are possible.
A fully automatic EA with the possibility of immediate access.
Everything works automatically, but with the possibility to grab yourself.
The code is self -explanatory.

//| RSI_EA_30_70.mq4
//| Copyright 2023,
//| Experimentel RSI EA
//| Buy at over 30 : sell at under 70 by RSI
//|an other method
//| another method is 20 80 or both
//|or 20 80 and 30 70 and 40 60
//|or your own method

#property copyright "Created by"
#property link ""
#property version "1.00"
#property description "RSI"


extern int Period1 = 14;
extern int Shift = 0;
int LotDigits; //initialized in OnInit
extern int MagicNumber = 747897;
extern double TradeSize = 0.1;
int MaxSlippage = 3; //slippage, adjusted in OnInit
extern double MaxSL = 0;
extern double MaxTP = 0;
bool crossed[4]; //initialized to true, used in function Cross
extern int MaxOpenTrades = 1;
int MaxLongTrades = 1000;
int MaxShortTrades = 1000;
int MaxPendingOrders = 1000;
int MaxLongPendingOrders = 1000;
int MaxShortPendingOrders = 1000;
bool Hedging = false;
int OrderRetry = 5; //# of retries if sending order returns error
int OrderWait = 5; //# of seconds to wait if sending order returns error
double myPoint; //initialized in OnInit

bool Cross(int i, bool condition) //returns true if "condition" is true and was false in the previous call
bool ret = condition && !crossed[i];
crossed[i] = condition;

void myAlert(string type, string message)
if(type == "print")
else if(type == "error")
Print(type+" | RSI_EA_30_70 @ "+Symbol()+","+IntegerToString(Period())+" | "+message);
else if(type == "order")
else if(type == "modify")

int TradesCount(int type) //returns # of open trades for order type, current symbol and magic number
int result = 0;
int total = OrdersTotal();
for(int i = 0; i < total; i++)
if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) == false) continue;
if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber || OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderType() != type) continue;

int myOrderSend(int type, double price, double volume, string ordername) //send order, return ticket ("price" is irrelevant for market orders)
if(!IsTradeAllowed()) return(-1);
int ticket = -1;
int retries = 0;
int err = 0;
int long_trades = TradesCount(OP_BUY);
int short_trades = TradesCount(OP_SELL);
int long_pending = TradesCount(OP_BUYLIMIT) + TradesCount(OP_BUYSTOP);
int short_pending = TradesCount(OP_SELLLIMIT) + TradesCount(OP_SELLSTOP);
string ordername_ = ordername;
if(ordername != "")
ordername_ = "("+ordername+")";
//test Hedging
if(!Hedging && ((type % 2 == 0 && short_trades + short_pending > 0) || (type % 2 == 1 && long_trades + long_pending > 0)))
myAlert("print", "Order"+ordername_+" not sent, hedging not allowed");
//test maximum trades
if((type % 2 == 0 && long_trades >= MaxLongTrades)
|| (type % 2 == 1 && short_trades >= MaxShortTrades)
|| (long_trades + short_trades >= MaxOpenTrades)
|| (type > 1 && type % 2 == 0 && long_pending >= MaxLongPendingOrders)
|| (type > 1 && type % 2 == 1 && short_pending >= MaxShortPendingOrders)
|| (type > 1 && long_pending + short_pending >= MaxPendingOrders)
myAlert("print", "Order"+ordername_+" not sent, maximum reached");
//prepare to send order
while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
if(type == OP_BUY)
price = Ask;
else if(type == OP_SELL)
price = Bid;
else if(price < 0) //invalid price for pending order
myAlert("order", "Order"+ordername_+" not sent, invalid price for pending order");
int clr = (type % 2 == 1) ? clrRed : clrBlue;
while(ticket < 0 && retries < OrderRetry+1)
ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), type, NormalizeDouble(volume, LotDigits), NormalizeDouble(price, Digits()), MaxSlippage, 0, 0, ordername, MagicNumber, 0, clr);
if(ticket < 0)
err = GetLastError();
myAlert("print", "OrderSend"+ordername_+" error #"+IntegerToString(err)+" "+ErrorDescription(err));
if(ticket < 0)
myAlert("error", "OrderSend"+ordername_+" failed "+IntegerToString(OrderRetry+1)+" times; error #"+IntegerToString(err)+" "+ErrorDescription(err));
string typestr[6] = {"Buy", "Sell", "Buy Limit", "Sell Limit", "Buy Stop", "Sell Stop"};
myAlert("order", "Order sent"+ordername_+": "+typestr[type]+" "+Symbol()+" Magic #"+IntegerToString(MagicNumber));

void myOrderClose(int type, double volumepercent, string ordername) //close open orders for current symbol, magic number and "type" (OP_BUY or OP_SELL)
if(!IsTradeAllowed()) return;
if (type > 1)
myAlert("error", "Invalid type in myOrderClose");
bool success = false;
int retries = 0;
int err = 0;
string ordername_ = ordername;
if(ordername != "")
ordername_ = "("+ordername+")";
int total = OrdersTotal();
int orderList[][2];
int orderCount = 0;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < total; i++)
while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
if(!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue;
if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber || OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderType() != type) continue;
ArrayResize(orderList, orderCount);
orderList[orderCount - 1][0] = (int)OrderOpenTime();
orderList[orderCount - 1][1] = OrderTicket();
if(orderCount > 0)
ArraySort(orderList, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_ASCEND);
for(i = 0; i < orderCount; i++)
if(!OrderSelect(orderList[i][1], SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) continue;
while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
double price = (type == OP_SELL) ? Ask : Bid;
double volume = NormalizeDouble(OrderLots()*volumepercent * 1.0 / 100, LotDigits);
if (NormalizeDouble(volume, LotDigits) == 0) continue;

success = false; retries = 0;
while(!success && retries < OrderRetry+1)
success = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), volume, NormalizeDouble(price, Digits()), MaxSlippage, clrWhite);
err = GetLastError();
myAlert("print", "OrderClose"+ordername_+" failed; error #"+IntegerToString(err)+" "+ErrorDescription(err));
myAlert("error", "OrderClose"+ordername_+" failed "+IntegerToString(OrderRetry+1)+" times; error #"+IntegerToString(err)+" "+ErrorDescription(err));
string typestr[6] = {"Buy", "Sell", "Buy Limit", "Sell Limit", "Buy Stop", "Sell Stop"};
if(success) myAlert("order", "Orders closed"+ordername_+": "+typestr[type]+" "+Symbol()+" Magic #"+IntegerToString(MagicNumber));

//| Expert initialization function |
int OnInit()
//initialize myPoint
myPoint = Point();
if(Digits() == 5 || Digits() == 3)
myPoint *= 10;
MaxSlippage *= 10;
//initialize LotDigits
double LotStep = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
if(NormalizeDouble(LotStep, 3) == round(LotStep))
LotDigits = 0;
else if(NormalizeDouble(10*LotStep, 3) == round(10*LotStep))
LotDigits = 1;
else if(NormalizeDouble(100*LotStep, 3) == round(100*LotStep))
LotDigits = 2;
else LotDigits = 3;
MaxSL = MaxSL * myPoint;
MaxTP = MaxTP * myPoint;
int i;
//initialize crossed
for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(crossed); i++)
crossed[i] = true;

//| Expert deinitialization function |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

//| Expert tick function |
void OnTick()
int ticket = -1;
double price;

//Close Long Positions, instant signal is tested first
if(Cross(1, iRSI(NULL, PERIOD_CURRENT, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, 0) > 70) //Relative Strength Index crosses above fixed value
myOrderClose(OP_BUY, 100, "");
else //not autotrading => only send alert
myAlert("order", "");

//Close Short Positions, instant signal is tested first
if(Cross(0, iRSI(NULL, PERIOD_CURRENT, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, 0) < 30) //Relative Strength Index crosses below fixed value
myOrderClose(OP_SELL, 100, "");
else //not autotrading => only send alert
myAlert("order", "");

//Open Buy Order, instant signal is tested first
if(Cross(2, iRSI(NULL, PERIOD_CURRENT, Period1, PRICE_CLOSE, Shift) < 30) //Relative Strength Index crosses below fixed value
price = Ask;
ticket = myOrderSend(OP_BUY, price, TradeSize, "");
if(ticket <= 0) return;
else //not autotrading => only send alert
myAlert("order", "");

//Open Sell Order, instant signal is tested first
if(Cross(3, iRSI(NULL, PERIOD_CURRENT, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, 0) > 70) //Relative Strength Index crosses above fixed value
price = Bid;
ticket = myOrderSend(OP_SELL, price, TradeSize, "");
if(ticket <= 0) return;
else //not autotrading => only send alert
myAlert("order", "");
Schwarz Schwarz
Schwarz Schwarz
RSI Trader EA

Der RSI-Indikator misst sowohl die Geschwindigkeit als auch die Richtung eines Trends, indem er die Auf- und Abwärtsbewegungen eines Basiswerts über die Zeit in Relation setzt. Mit der komplexen Berechnungsformel des Indikators werden wir Sie an dieser Stelle nicht quälen.

RSI einstellbar.
Der RSI ist von 0 – 100 definiert.
Wenn der Preis 30 nach oben durchbricht , Buy
Wenn der Preis 70 nach unten durchbricht , Sell.
Andere Einstellungen sind möglich.
Ein vollautomatischer EA mit der Möglichkeit eines sofortigen Zugriffs.

Alles funktioniert automatisch, aber mit der Möglichkeit selber ein zu greifen.
Schwarz Schwarz
Schwarz Schwarz
Heikin Ashi oder ZigZag ? Das ist die Frage
Schwarz Schwarz
Schwarz Schwarz 2023.03.05
RSI besser als Heikin Ashi oder ZigZag
Schwarz Schwarz
Schwarz Schwarz
Nichts Neues, schöne bunte Bilder
Schwarz Schwarz
Schwarz Schwarz
Komisch, keiner hat eine Antwort auf die Frage , was sind normale Einstellungen von einem Zig Zag.
Es ist wahrscheinlich ein sehr pikantes Thema.
Schwarz Schwarz
Hat das Thema Wer hat Interese ein automatisches Handelssystem zu entwickeln hinzugefügt
Grundlage soll und ist der Zig Zag. Verschiedene Handsansätze sind vorhanden. Jetzt sind mal ein paar Mutige angesprochen die etwas von Ihren Normalen abweichen wollen. Auch aussergewöhnliche sind gefragt. Kommentar : Ein Zig Zag hat ein Ende. Die