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MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 16): Principal Component Analysis with Eigen Vectors

MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 16): Principal Component Analysis with Eigen Vectors

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is the focusing on only the ‘principal components’ among the many dimensions of a data set, such that one is reducing the dimensions of that data set by ignoring the ‘non-principal’ parts.

PCA though, with eigen values & vectors, take on a slightly deeper approach. Typically, data sets that are handled under PCA are in a matrix format and the principal components, that are sought from a matrix would be a single vector column (or row) that is most significant among the other matrix vectors and would suffice as a representative of the entire matrix. As alluded in the intro above, this vector alone would hold the main components of the entire matrix, hence the name PCA. Identifying this vector though does not necessarily have to be done by eigen vectors & values, as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and the Power Iteration are other alternatives.
MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 16): Principal Component Analysis with Eigen Vectors
MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 16): Principal Component Analysis with Eigen Vectors
Principal Component Analysis, a dimensionality reducing technique in data analysis, is looked at in this article, with how it could be implemented with Eigen values and vectors. As always, we aim to develop a prototype expert-signal-class usable in the MQL5 wizard.

MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 17): Multicurrency Trading

This article continues the series on how the MQL5 wizard is ideal for rapid testing and prototyping ideas for traders. For a lot of people developing expert advisers and trade systems, the need to keep learning and be abreast with trends in not just machine learning but trade & risk management in general is important. We therefore consider within these series how the MQL5 IDE is useful in this regard by not only saving time but also minimizing coding errors.
MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 17): Multicurrency Trading
MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 17): Multicurrency Trading
Trading across multiple currencies is not available by default when an expert advisor is assembled via the wizard. We examine 2 possible hacks traders can make when looking to test their ideas off more than one symbol at a time.

MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 18): Neural Architecture Search with Eigen Vectors

We continue the series on MQL5 wizard implementation by looking into Neural Architecture Search while specifically dwelling on the role Eigen Vectors can play in making this process, of expediting network training, more efficient. Neural networks are arguably the fitting of a curve to a set of data in that they help come up with a formulaic expression that, when applied to input data (x), provides a target value (y) just like a quadratic equation does with a curve. The x and y data points though can be, and in fact are often, multidimensional, which is why neural networks have gained a lot of popularity. Nonetheless, the principle of coming up with a formulaic expression does remain, which is why neural networks are simply a means of arriving at this but not the only way of doing so.
MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 18): Neural Architecture Search with Eigen Vectors
MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 18): Neural Architecture Search with Eigen Vectors
Neural Architecture Search, an automated approach at determining the ideal neural network settings can be a plus when facing many options and large test data sets. We examine how when paired Eigen Vectors this process can be made even more efficient.
MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 19): Bayesian Inference

We continue our exploit of MQL5 wizard by reviewing Bayesian inference, a method in statistics that processes and updates probabilities with each new information feed. It clearly has a broad spectrum of possible applications, however for our purpose as traders, we zero in on its role in forecasting time series. The time series open to traders for analysis are primarily prices of the traded securities, but as we’ll see in this article, these series could be ‘expanded’ to also consider alternatives like security trade history.
MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 19): Bayesian Inference
MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 19): Bayesian Inference
Bayesian inference is the adoption of Bayes Theorem to update probability hypothesis as new information is made available. This intuitively leans to adaptation in time series analysis, and so we have a look at how we could use this in building custom classes not just for the signal but also money-management and trailing-stops.