初学者的问题 MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - 页 1321






不给 - 在符号上,必须有一个位置(如果它被关闭的利润和重新打开一个位置)(当应用相反的信号 - 它不能在其他方向打开





Sprut 185:










我发给你的那个订单同时 打开2个订单(卖出和买入),如果一个订单在获利时被关闭,另一个订单保持不变,被关闭的那个订单再次打开,方向是被关闭的方向。而被留下的那个人开始由马丁工作。当趋势发生变化时,一切都会朝着相反的方向发生。

如果我们建立的那个EA可能 同时 向两个方向打开,那么为什么它只向一个方向打开(如指标所示)?


Sprut 185:


我发送的那个订单同时 打开2个订单(卖出和买入),如果其中一个在获利时被关闭,另一个保持不变,被关闭的那个订单再次打开--朝着它被关闭的方向。而被留下的那个人开始由马丁工作。当趋势发生变化时,一切都会朝着相反的方向发生。

如果我们建立的那个EA可能 同时 向两个方向打开,那么为什么它只向一个方向打开(如指标所示)?



图片3 输入 bool InpVariant =false; // 选项1.variant

图片来源 输入 bool InpVariant =true; // 选项2.variant

图片2 输入 bool InpClOp =false; // 关闭反面。



输入 bool InpVariant =false; // 选项1.variant

输入 bool InpVariant =true; // 选项2.variant

输入 bool InpClOp =false; // 关闭

所以它没有发挥作用?太糟糕了 !!!!

我不相信没有解决办法 - 我将继续上网。

Sprut 185:

这并不奏效,不是吗?太糟糕了 !!!!





Artyom Trishkin:



#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"

// Mas_Ord_New_[150][9];   // Массив ордеров последний известный
// Mas_Ord_Old_[150][9];   // Массив ордеров предыдущий (старый)
// Mas_Tip_[6];              // Массив коллич. ордеров всех типов

#include <Trade\Trade.mqh> //Класс CTrade обеспечивает упрощенный доступ к торговым функциям.

#include <Trade\SymbolInfo.mqh>    //Класс CTrade 
CSymbolInfo SymbolInfo;            // Объект класса Для получения параметров по инструменту

#include <Trade\PositionInfo.mqh>;
CPositionInfo PositionInfo;        //объект PositionInfo класса СPositionInfo Для получения параметров открытых позиций

#include <Trade\OrderInfo.mqh>;
COrderInfo OrderInfo;          //Объект OrderInfo класса COrderInfo Для получения параметров отложеных ордеров

#include <Fibo_Level.mqh>
Fibo_Levell Level_Fibo2;

class Terminal : public CTrade



   void              Order_and_Pozition_Info
      int &up_F_,          //Глобальный счётчик  типов TrendLineUp
      int &down_F_,        //Глобальный счётчик  типов TrendLineDown
      int &ID_Fibo_Up_,    //Счётчик-идентификатор фибо для сделок 
      int &ID_Fibo_Down_,
      int OrderFibo_78_,
      int STP_,
      int &Mas_Tip_[],              // Массив колич. ордеров всех типов
      double &FiboUp_New_[][],
      double &FiboDown_New_[][],
      string Sparam,
      double &Mas_Ord_New_[][],
      double &Mas_Ord_Old_[][],
      bool Alert_sig_Terminal_,
      bool &flag_interation_

Sprut 185 :    Короче не прокатило? А жаль !!!!



5 斯普鲁特 185

//|                                                  5 Sprut 185.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link        " https://www.mql5.com "
#property version    "1.00"
#define MACD_MAGIC 1234502
#include <Trade\Trade.mqh>
#include <Trade\SymbolInfo.mqh>
#include <Trade\PositionInfo.mqh>
#include <Trade\AccountInfo.mqh>
double             m_adjusted_point;             // point value adjusted for 3 or 5 points
CTrade            m_trade;                       // trading object
CSymbolInfo       m_symbol;                     // symbol info object
CPositionInfo     m_position;                   // trade position object
CAccountInfo      m_account;                     // account info wrapper
input double InpLots          = 0.1 ;     // Lots
input int     InpTakeProfit    = 50 ;     // Take Profit (in pips)
input bool    InpClOp          = false ;   // Close opposite
string InpObjDownName = "Sprutbuy" ;     // : Obj: Follows the price up (Horizontal Line)
string InpObjUpName   = "Sprutsell" ;     // : Obj: Follows the price down (Horizontal Line)
double    m_take_profit;
int       m_price_uno;
datetime m_ExtPrevBars          = D'1970.01.01 00:00' ;
datetime m_ExtLastSignals       = D'1970.01.01 00:00' ;
datetime m_ExtPrevBars_x        = D'1970.01.01 00:00' ;
datetime m_ExtLastSignals_x     = D'1970.01.01 00:00' ;
int       m_handle_macd; // MACD indicator handle
int       ExtTimeOut= 10 ; // time out in seconds between trade operations
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit ()
//--- initialize common information
   m_symbol.Name( Symbol ());                   // symbol
   m_trade.SetExpertMagicNumber(MACD_MAGIC); // magic
   m_trade.SetTypeFillingBySymbol( Symbol ());
//--- tuning for 3 or 5 digits
   int digits_adjust= 1 ;
   if (m_symbol. Digits ()== 3 || m_symbol. Digits ()== 5 )
      digits_adjust= 10 ;
   m_adjusted_point=m_symbol. Point ()*digits_adjust;
//--- set default deviation for trading in adjusted points
   m_take_profit     =InpTakeProfit*m_adjusted_point;
//--- set default deviation for trading in adjusted points
   m_trade.SetDeviationInPoints( 3 *digits_adjust);
//--- create MACD indicator
   m_handle_macd= iCustom ( NULL , 0 , "StepMA_NRTR" );
   if (m_handle_macd== INVALID_HANDLE )
       printf ( "Error creating MACD indicator" );
       return ( false );
   return ( INIT_SUCCEEDED );
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit ( const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick ( void )
   static datetime limit_time= 0 ; // last trade processing time + timeout
   if (ProcessingUp() || ProcessingDown())
       return ;
//--- don't process if timeout
   if ( TimeCurrent ()>=limit_time)
       //--- check for data
       if ( Bars ( Symbol (), Period ())> 2 )
         //--- change limit time by timeout in seconds if processed
         if (Processing())
            limit_time= TimeCurrent ()+ExtTimeOut;
//| main function returns true if any position processed             |
bool Processing( void )
//--- refresh rates
   if (!m_symbol.RefreshRates())
       return ( false );
   double m_buff_MACD_main[],m_buff_MACD_signal[];
   bool StNRUp,StNRDn;
   ArraySetAsSeries (m_buff_MACD_main, true );
   ArraySetAsSeries (m_buff_MACD_signal, true );
   int start_pos= 1 ,count= 3 ;
   if (!iGetArray(m_handle_macd, 0 ,start_pos,count,m_buff_MACD_main)||
      !iGetArray(m_handle_macd, 1 ,start_pos,count,m_buff_MACD_signal))
       return ( false );
   StNRUp=m_buff_MACD_main[ 0 ]<m_buff_MACD_signal[ 0 ];
   StNRDn=m_buff_MACD_main[ 0 ]>m_buff_MACD_signal[ 0 ];
//--- BUY Signal
   if (StNRUp)
       if (InpClOp)
         if (ShortClosed())
             Sleep ( 1000 );
       if (m_price_uno< 0 )
      m_price_uno=+ 1 ;
       return ( true );
//--- SELL Signal
   if (StNRDn)
       if (InpClOp)
         if (LongClosed())
             Sleep ( 1000 );
       if (m_price_uno> 0 )
      m_price_uno=- 1 ;
       return ( true );
//--- exit without position processing
   return ( false );
//| Check for long position closing                                  |
bool LongClosed( void )
   bool res= false ;
//--- should it be closed?
   ClosePositions( POSITION_TYPE_BUY );
//--- processed and cannot be modified
   res= true ;
//--- result
   return (res);
//| Check for short position closing                                 |
bool ShortClosed( void )
   bool res= false ;
//--- should it be closed?
   ClosePositions( POSITION_TYPE_SELL );
//--- processed and cannot be modified
   res= true ;
//--- result
   return (res);
//| Check for long position opening                                  |
bool LongOpened( void )
   bool res= false ;
//--- check for long position (BUY) possibility
   double price=m_symbol.Ask();
   double tp   =m_symbol.Bid()+m_take_profit;
//--- check for free money
   if (m_account.FreeMarginCheck( Symbol (), ORDER_TYPE_BUY ,InpLots,price)< 0.0 )
       printf ( "We have no money. Free Margin = %f" ,m_account.FreeMargin());
       //--- open position
       if (m_trade.PositionOpen( Symbol (), ORDER_TYPE_BUY ,InpLots,price, 0.0 ,tp))
         printf ( "Position by %s to be opened" , Symbol ());
         printf ( "Error opening BUY position by %s : '%s'" , Symbol (),m_trade.ResultComment());
         printf ( "Open parameters : price=%f,TP=%f" ,price,tp);
       PlaySound ( "ok.wav" );
       if (!InpClOp)
         CreateHline( 0 , 0 ,InpObjDownName,tp, clrGreen , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 );
//--- in any case we must exit from expert
   res= true ;
//--- result
   return (res);
//| Check for short position opening                                 |
bool ShortOpened( void )
   bool res= false ;
//--- check for short position (SELL) possibility
   double price=m_symbol.Bid();
   double tp   =m_symbol.Ask()-m_take_profit;
//--- check for free money
   if (m_account.FreeMarginCheck( Symbol (), ORDER_TYPE_SELL ,InpLots,price)< 0.0 )
       printf ( "We have no money. Free Margin = %f" ,m_account.FreeMargin());
       //--- open position
       if (m_trade.PositionOpen( Symbol (), ORDER_TYPE_SELL ,InpLots,price, 0.0 ,tp))
         printf ( "Position by %s to be opened" , Symbol ());
         printf ( "Error opening SELL position by %s : '%s'" , Symbol (),m_trade.ResultComment());
         printf ( "Open parameters : price=%f,TP=%f" ,price,tp);
       PlaySound ( "ok.wav" );
       if (!InpClOp)
         CreateHline( 0 , 0 ,InpObjUpName,tp, clrGreen , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 );
//--- in any case we must exit from expert
   res= true ;
//--- result
   return (res);
//| Refreshes the symbol quotes data                                 |
bool RefreshRates()
//--- refresh rates
   if (!m_symbol.RefreshRates())
       return ( false );
//--- protection against the return value of "zero"
   if (m_symbol.Ask()== 0 || m_symbol.Bid()== 0 )
       return ( false );
   return ( true );
//| Check Freeze and Stops levels                                    |
void FreezeStopsLevels( double &freeze, double &stops)
//--- check Freeze and Stops levels
   double coeff=( double ) 1 ;
   if (!RefreshRates() || !m_symbol.Refresh())
       return ;
//--- FreezeLevel -> for pending order and modification
   double freeze_level=m_symbol.FreezeLevel()*m_symbol. Point ();
   if (freeze_level== 0.0 )
       if ( 1 > 0 )
//--- StopsLevel -> for TakeProfit and StopLoss
   double stop_level=m_symbol.StopsLevel()*m_symbol. Point ();
   if (stop_level== 0.0 )
       if ( 1 > 0 )
   return ;
//| Close positions                                                  |
void ClosePositions( const ENUM_POSITION_TYPE pos_type)
   double freeze= 0.0 ,stops= 0.0 ;
   for ( int i= PositionsTotal ()- 1 ; i>= 0 ; i--) // returns the number of current positions
       if (m_position.SelectByIndex(i)) // selects the position by index for further access to its properties
         if (m_position. Symbol ()==m_symbol.Name() && m_position.Magic()==MACD_MAGIC)
             if (m_position.PositionType()==pos_type)
               if (m_position.PositionType()== POSITION_TYPE_BUY )
                   bool take_profit_level=((m_position.TakeProfit()!= 0.0 && m_position.TakeProfit()-m_position.PriceCurrent()>=freeze) || m_position.TakeProfit()== 0.0 );
                   bool stop_loss_level=((m_position.StopLoss()!= 0.0 && m_position.PriceCurrent()-m_position.StopLoss()>=freeze) || m_position.StopLoss()== 0.0 );
                   if (take_profit_level && stop_loss_level)
                     if (!m_trade.PositionClose(m_position.Ticket())) // close a position by the specified m_symbol
                         Print ( __FILE__ , " " , __FUNCTION__ , ", ERROR: " , "BUY PositionClose " ,m_position.Ticket(), ", " ,m_trade.ResultRetcodeDescription());
               if (m_position.PositionType()== POSITION_TYPE_SELL )
                   bool take_profit_level=((m_position.TakeProfit()!= 0.0 && m_position.PriceCurrent()-m_position.TakeProfit()>=freeze) || m_position.TakeProfit()== 0.0 );
                   bool stop_loss_level=((m_position.StopLoss()!= 0.0 && m_position.StopLoss()-m_position.PriceCurrent()>=freeze) || m_position.StopLoss()== 0.0 );
                   if (take_profit_level && stop_loss_level)
                     if (!m_trade.PositionClose(m_position.Ticket())) // close a position by the specified m_symbol
                         Print ( __FILE__ , " " , __FUNCTION__ , ", ERROR: " , "SELL PositionClose " ,m_position.Ticket(), ", " ,m_trade.ResultRetcodeDescription());
               PlaySound ( "ok.wav" );
//| Filling the indicator buffers from the indicator                 |
bool iGetArray( const int handle, const int buffer, const int start_pos,
               const int count, double &arr_buffer[])
   bool result= true ;
   if (! ArrayIsDynamic (arr_buffer))
       return ( false );
   ArrayFree (arr_buffer);
//--- reset error code
   ResetLastError ();
//--- fill a part of the iBands array with values from the indicator buffer
   int copied= CopyBuffer (handle,buffer,start_pos,count,arr_buffer);
   if (copied!=count)
       return ( false );
   return (result);
//| ProcessingClosSell                                               |
bool ProcessingUp( void )
   bool rv= false ;
   datetime time_current= TimeCurrent ();
   if (time_current-m_ExtLastSignals> 10 )
       MqlRates rates[];
       int start_pos= 0 ,count= 1 ;
       if ( CopyRates (m_symbol.Name(), Period (),start_pos,count,rates)!=count)
         m_ExtPrevBars= 0 ;
         return ( true );
       double price_line= 0.0 ;
       if ( ObjectFind ( 0 ,InpObjUpName)>= 0 )
         long object_type= ObjectGetInteger ( 0 ,InpObjUpName, OBJPROP_TYPE );
         if (object_type== OBJ_HLINE )
            price_line= ObjectGetDouble ( 0 ,InpObjUpName, OBJPROP_PRICE );
         if (price_line> 0.0 )
             if ((rates[ 0 ].open>price_line && rates[ 0 ].close<price_line) ||
               (rates[ 0 ].open<price_line && rates[ 0 ].close>price_line))
               //--- try to close or modify short position
               if (ShortOpened())
                   return ( true );
   return (rv);
//| ProcessingClosBuy                                                |
bool ProcessingDown( void )
   bool rv= false ;
   datetime time_current= TimeCurrent ();
   if (time_current-m_ExtLastSignals_x> 10 )
       MqlRates rates[];
       int start_pos= 0 ,count= 1 ;
       if ( CopyRates (m_symbol.Name(), Period (),start_pos,count,rates)!=count)
         m_ExtPrevBars_x= 0 ;
         return ( true );
       double price_line= 0.0 ;
       if ( ObjectFind ( 0 ,InpObjDownName)>= 0 )
         long object_type= ObjectGetInteger ( 0 ,InpObjDownName, OBJPROP_TYPE );
         if (object_type== OBJ_HLINE )
            price_line= ObjectGetDouble ( 0 ,InpObjDownName, OBJPROP_PRICE );
         if (price_line> 0.0 )
             if ((rates[ 0 ].open>price_line && rates[ 0 ].close<price_line) ||
               (rates[ 0 ].open<price_line && rates[ 0 ].close>price_line))
               //--- try to close or modify long position
               if (LongOpened())
                   return ( true );
   return (rv);
//|  Creating a horizontal price level                               |
bool CreateHline( long ch_id, int sub_window,
                 string name, double price,
                 color clr, ENUM_LINE_STYLE style,
                 int width, bool back,
                 bool selectable, bool selected,
                 bool hidden, long z_order)
   int     err = GetLastError ();
   string lnName = name;
   err = 0 ;
   if ( ObjectFind ( 0 ,lnName)!=- 1 )
       ObjectDelete ( 0 ,lnName);
   if (! ObjectCreate (ch_id,lnName, OBJ_HLINE ,sub_window, 0 ,price))
      err = GetLastError ();
       Print ( "Can't create object #" , lnName, "# Error(" ,err, "):" , err);
       return ( false );
   ObjectSetInteger (ch_id,lnName, OBJPROP_COLOR ,clr);
   ObjectSetInteger (ch_id,lnName, OBJPROP_STYLE ,style);
   ObjectSetInteger (ch_id,lnName, OBJPROP_WIDTH ,width);
   ObjectSetInteger (ch_id,lnName, OBJPROP_BACK ,back);
   ObjectSetInteger (ch_id,lnName, OBJPROP_SELECTABLE ,selectable);
   ObjectSetInteger (ch_id,lnName, OBJPROP_SELECTED ,selected);
   ObjectSetInteger (ch_id,lnName, OBJPROP_HIDDEN ,hidden);
   ObjectSetInteger (ch_id,lnName, OBJPROP_ZORDER ,z_order);
   return ( true );
Sprut 185:




我昨天下载了它,想看一看......突然间,互联网被我夺走了。一场雷雨过后,我在当天剩下的时间里有一些技术工作。出于闲暇,我决定用MQL5重写它,并在此 发表。


Советники: DVA_Martin
Советники: DVA_Martin
  • 2021.06.30
  • www.mql5.com
Статьи и техническая библиотека по автоматическому трейдингу: Советники: DVA_Martin