Yeni başlayanlardan sorular MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - sayfa 1403

Alım-satım fırsatlarını kaçırıyorsunuz:
- Ücretsiz alım-satım uygulamaları
- İşlem kopyalama için 8.000'den fazla sinyal
- Finansal piyasaları keşfetmek için ekonomik haberler
Giriş yap
Gizlilik ve Veri Koruma Politikasını ve Kullanım Şartlarını kabul edersiniz
Hesabınız yoksa, lütfen kaydolun
Ama kendin denemek gerçekten bu kadar zor mu?
Ama kendin denemek gerçekten bu kadar zor mu?
denedim, işe yarıyor.
F1'deki dahili yardım nedeniyle "switch" hakkında ve böyle bir soru vardı, çünkü. orada yalnızca Yazdır belirtilir. Ve daha önce belirtilmişti ki Yorum() boşlukta OnTick() kod yürütmeyi büyük ölçüde yavaşlatır.
Bunu nasıl yapacağım konusunda yardımcı olabilecek var mı?
Kduarte oturum açma bilgilerinizi kullandığınızdan ve MQL5 hesap parolanızın 10 karakterden uzun olmadığından emin olun.
SİPARİŞleri hiçbir şekilde kontrol etmiyorsunuz, koddaki POZİSYON numarasını ve türünü kontrol ediyorsunuz. Ayrıca - POSITIONS ile yanlış çalışıyorsunuz (hesap türünüz riskten korunma ise 'PositionSelect(_Symbol)' kullanma hatası). Algoritmanızda ciddi tasarım hataları var.
Yapmanız Gerekenler:
1. Yeni bir barın doğuşu sırasında ÖZEL OLARAK çalışın. Yeni çubuk yoksa - hiçbir şey yapmayın, gereksiz hareketler yapmayın.
2. Bu madde, 1. madde tamamlandıktan sonra açıklanacaktır.
Merhaba Vladimir,
Atılan ipuçları için tekrar çok teşekkürler. Bazı şeyleri anlamam biraz zaman aldı.
İpuçlarınıza dayanarak neleri değiştirdim:
- Riskten korunma versiyonuna açma ve kapama mantığı değiştirildi.
- Şimdi bazı hesaplamalar/sipariş yerleştirme için yeni bir çubuğun doğuşuyla çalışıyorum.
Bu değişiklikler uygulandığı için artık emirler sadece bir kez açılıp kapatılmaktadır. Ama şimdi geriye dönük testlerle ilgili bir sorunum var. 121 satırındaki dizinin aralık dışında olduğuna dair bir hata alıyorum. Beni doğru yöne işaret edebilir misin? Kapanış fiyatları ve copyClose için double türünde bir dizi kullanmayı denedim, ancak yine de hatayı alıyorum.
2. madde için de heyecanlıyım :)
Şimdiye kadar kod:
Sarı renkle 121. satırı vurguladım.
İşlemin sonucunu kontrol edin:
İşlemin sonucunu kontrol edin:
EA dökümünde Risk yüzdesi olarak Lot boyutuna veya sabit lota nasıl değiştirilir Uzmanlar: arıza.
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| breakdown(barabashkakvn's edition).mq5 | //| Arist0 | //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Arist0" #property link "" #property version "1.001" //--- #include <Trade\PositionInfo.mqh> #include <Trade\Trade.mqh> #include <Trade\SymbolInfo.mqh> #include <Trade\AccountInfo.mqh> #include <Trade\OrderInfo.mqh> #include <Expert\Money\MoneyFixedMargin.mqh> CPositionInfo m_position; // trade position object CTrade m_trade; // trading object CSymbolInfo m_symbol; // symbol info object CAccountInfo m_account; // account info wrapper COrderInfo m_order; // pending orders object CMoneyFixedMargin *m_money; //--- input parameters input ushort InpStopLoss = 50 ; // Stop Loss (in pips) input ushort InpTakeProfit = 50 ; // Take Profit (in pips) input ushort InpTrailingStop = 5 ; // Trailing Stop (in pips) input ushort InpTrailingStep = 5 ; // Trailing Step (in pips) input ushort InpMinDistance = 25 ; // Minimum distance input double Risk = 5 ; // Risk in percent for a deal from a free margin input ulong m_magic = 585000550 ; // magic number //--- ulong m_slippage= 10 ; // slippage double ExtStopLoss= 0.0 ; double ExtTakeProfit= 0.0 ; double ExtTrailingStop= 0.0 ; double ExtTrailingStep= 0.0 ; double ExtMinDistance= 0.0 ; double m_adjusted_point; // point value adjusted for 3 or 5 points bool bln_delete_all= false ; datetime dt_last_delete= 0 ; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit () { if (InpTrailingStop!= 0 && InpTrailingStep== 0 ) { string text=( TerminalInfoString ( TERMINAL_LANGUAGE )== "Russian" )? "Трейлинг невозможен: параметр \"Trailing Step\" равен нулю!" : "Trailing is not possible: parameter \"Trailing Step\" is zero!" ; Alert ( __FUNCTION__ , " ERROR! " ,text); return ( INIT_PARAMETERS_INCORRECT ); } if (!m_symbol.Name( Symbol ())) // sets symbol name return ( INIT_FAILED ); RefreshRates(); //--- m_trade.SetExpertMagicNumber(m_magic); m_trade.SetMarginMode(); m_trade.SetTypeFillingBySymbol(m_symbol.Name()); m_trade.SetDeviationInPoints(m_slippage); //--- tuning for 3 or 5 digits int digits_adjust= 1 ; if (m_symbol. Digits ()== 3 || m_symbol. Digits ()== 5 ) digits_adjust= 10 ; m_adjusted_point=m_symbol. Point ()*digits_adjust; ExtStopLoss = InpStopLoss * m_adjusted_point; ExtTakeProfit = InpTakeProfit * m_adjusted_point; ExtTrailingStop= InpTrailingStop * m_adjusted_point; ExtTrailingStep= InpTrailingStep * m_adjusted_point; ExtMinDistance = InpMinDistance * m_adjusted_point; //--- if (m_money!= NULL ) delete m_money; m_money= new CMoneyFixedMargin; if (m_money!= NULL ) { if (!m_money.Init( GetPointer (m_symbol), Period (),m_symbol. Point ()*digits_adjust)) return ( INIT_FAILED ); m_money.Percent(Risk); } else { Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ", ERROR: Object CMoneyFixedMargin is NULL" ); return ( INIT_FAILED ); } //--- bln_delete_all= false ; dt_last_delete= 0 ; //--- return ( INIT_SUCCEEDED ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnDeinit ( const int reason) { //--- if (m_money!= NULL ) delete m_money; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert tick function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnTick () { //--- if (bln_delete_all) { if (IsPendingOrdersExists()) { DeleteAllPendingOrders(); //dt_last_delete=iTime(m_symbol.Name(),Period(),0); return ; } else { bln_delete_all= false ; dt_last_delete= iTime (m_symbol.Name(), PERIOD_D1 , 0 ); } } //--- if (IsPendingOrdersExists() && dt_last_delete< iTime (m_symbol.Name(), PERIOD_D1 , 0 )) { bln_delete_all= true ; return ; } //--- if (!IsPendingOrdersExists()) { if (!RefreshRates()) return ; //--- double price= iHigh (m_symbol.Name(), PERIOD_D1 , 1 )+ExtMinDistance; double sl=(InpStopLoss== 0 )? 0.0 :price-ExtStopLoss; double tp=(InpTakeProfit== 0 )? 0.0 :price+ExtTakeProfit; PendingBuyStop(price,sl,tp); //--- price= iLow (m_symbol.Name(), PERIOD_D1 , 1 )-ExtMinDistance; sl=(InpStopLoss== 0 )? 0.0 :price+ExtStopLoss; tp=(InpTakeProfit== 0 )? 0.0 :price-ExtTakeProfit; PendingSellStop(price,sl,tp); dt_last_delete= iTime (m_symbol.Name(), PERIOD_D1 , 0 ); return ; } //--- Trailing(); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| TradeTransaction function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnTradeTransaction ( const MqlTradeTransaction &trans, const MqlTradeRequest &request, const MqlTradeResult &result) { //--- double res= 0.0 ; int losses= 0.0 ; //--- get transaction type as enumeration value ENUM_TRADE_TRANSACTION_TYPE type=trans.type; //--- if transaction is result of addition of the transaction in history if (type== TRADE_TRANSACTION_DEAL_ADD ) { long deal_ticket = 0 ; long deal_order = 0 ; long deal_time = 0 ; long deal_time_msc = 0 ; long deal_type =- 1 ; long deal_entry =- 1 ; long deal_magic = 0 ; long deal_reason =- 1 ; long deal_position_id = 0 ; double deal_volume = 0.0 ; double deal_price = 0.0 ; double deal_commission = 0.0 ; double deal_swap = 0.0 ; double deal_profit = 0.0 ; string deal_symbol = "" ; string deal_comment = "" ; string deal_external_id = "" ; if ( HistoryDealSelect ( { deal_ticket = HistoryDealGetInteger (, DEAL_TICKET ); deal_order = HistoryDealGetInteger (, DEAL_ORDER ); deal_time = HistoryDealGetInteger (, DEAL_TIME ); deal_time_msc = HistoryDealGetInteger (, DEAL_TIME_MSC ); deal_type = HistoryDealGetInteger (, DEAL_TYPE ); deal_entry = HistoryDealGetInteger (, DEAL_ENTRY ); deal_magic = HistoryDealGetInteger (, DEAL_MAGIC ); deal_reason = HistoryDealGetInteger (, DEAL_REASON ); deal_position_id = HistoryDealGetInteger (, DEAL_POSITION_ID ); deal_volume = HistoryDealGetDouble (, DEAL_VOLUME ); deal_price = HistoryDealGetDouble (, DEAL_PRICE ); deal_commission = HistoryDealGetDouble (, DEAL_COMMISSION ); deal_swap = HistoryDealGetDouble (, DEAL_SWAP ); deal_profit = HistoryDealGetDouble (, DEAL_PROFIT ); deal_symbol = HistoryDealGetString (, DEAL_SYMBOL ); deal_comment = HistoryDealGetString (, DEAL_COMMENT ); deal_external_id = HistoryDealGetString (, DEAL_EXTERNAL_ID ); } else return ; if (deal_symbol==m_symbol.Name() && deal_magic==m_magic) if (deal_entry== DEAL_ENTRY_IN ) if (deal_type== DEAL_TYPE_BUY || deal_type== DEAL_TYPE_SELL ) DeleteAllPendingOrders(); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Refreshes the symbol quotes data | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool RefreshRates( void ) { //--- refresh rates if (!m_symbol.RefreshRates()) { Print ( "RefreshRates error" ); return ( false ); } //--- protection against the return value of "zero" if (m_symbol.Ask()== 0 || m_symbol.Bid()== 0 ) return ( false ); //--- return ( true ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Pending order of Buy Stop | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void PendingBuyStop( double price, double sl, double tp) { sl=m_symbol.NormalizePrice(sl); tp=m_symbol.NormalizePrice(tp); double check_open_long_lot=m_money.CheckOpenLong(m_symbol.Ask(),sl); Print ( "sl=" , DoubleToString (sl,m_symbol. Digits ()), ", CheckOpenLong: " , DoubleToString (check_open_long_lot, 2 ), ", Balance: " , DoubleToString (m_account.Balance(), 2 ), ", Equity: " , DoubleToString (m_account.Equity(), 2 ), ", FreeMargin: " , DoubleToString (m_account.FreeMargin(), 2 )); if (check_open_long_lot== 0.0 ) { Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ", ERROR: method CheckOpenLong returned the value of \"0.0\"" ); return ; } //--- check volume before OrderSend to avoid "not enough money" error (CTrade) double check_volume_lot=m_trade.CheckVolume(m_symbol.Name(),check_open_long_lot,m_symbol.Ask(), ORDER_TYPE_BUY ); if (check_volume_lot!= 0.0 ) { if (check_volume_lot>=check_open_long_lot) { if (m_trade.BuyStop(check_open_long_lot,m_symbol.NormalizePrice(price), m_symbol.Name(),m_symbol.NormalizePrice(sl),m_symbol.NormalizePrice(tp))) { if (m_trade.ResultOrder()== 0 ) { Print ( "#1 Buy Stop -> false. Result Retcode: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcode(), ", description of result: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); PrintResultTrade(m_trade,m_symbol); } else { Print ( "#2 Buy Stop -> true. Result Retcode: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcode(), ", description of result: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); PrintResultTrade(m_trade,m_symbol); } } else { Print ( "#3 Buy Stop -> false. Result Retcode: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcode(), ", description of result: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); PrintResultTrade(m_trade,m_symbol); } } else { Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ", ERROR: method CheckVolume (" , DoubleToString (check_volume_lot, 2 ), ") " , "< method CheckOpenLong (" + DoubleToString (check_open_long_lot, 2 )+ ")" ); return ; } } else { Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ", ERROR: method CheckVolume returned the value of \"0.0\"" ); return ; } //--- } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Pending order of Sell Stop | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void PendingSellStop( double price, double sl, double tp) { sl=m_symbol.NormalizePrice(sl); tp=m_symbol.NormalizePrice(tp); double check_open_short_lot=m_money.CheckOpenShort(m_symbol.Bid(),sl); Print ( "sl=" , DoubleToString (sl,m_symbol. Digits ()), ", CheckOpenLong: " , DoubleToString (check_open_short_lot, 2 ), ", Balance: " , DoubleToString (m_account.Balance(), 2 ), ", Equity: " , DoubleToString (m_account.Equity(), 2 ), ", FreeMargin: " , DoubleToString (m_account.FreeMargin(), 2 )); if (check_open_short_lot== 0.0 ) { Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ", ERROR: method CheckOpenShort returned the value of \"0.0\"" ); return ; } //--- check volume before OrderSend to avoid "not enough money" error (CTrade) double check_volume_lot=m_trade.CheckVolume(m_symbol.Name(),check_open_short_lot,m_symbol.Bid(), ORDER_TYPE_SELL ); if (check_volume_lot!= 0.0 ) { if (check_volume_lot>=check_open_short_lot) { if (m_trade.SellStop(check_open_short_lot,m_symbol.NormalizePrice(price), m_symbol.Name(),m_symbol.NormalizePrice(sl),m_symbol.NormalizePrice(tp))) { if (m_trade.ResultOrder()== 0 ) { Print ( "#1 Sell Stop -> false. Result Retcode: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcode(), ", description of result: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); PrintResultTrade(m_trade,m_symbol); } else { Print ( "#2 Sell Stop -> true. Result Retcode: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcode(), ", description of result: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); PrintResultTrade(m_trade,m_symbol); } } else { Print ( "#3 Sell Stop -> false. Result Retcode: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcode(), ", description of result: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); PrintResultTrade(m_trade,m_symbol); } } else { Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ", ERROR: method CheckVolume (" , DoubleToString (check_volume_lot, 2 ), ") " , "< method CheckOpenShort (" + DoubleToString (check_open_short_lot, 2 )+ ")" ); return ; } } else { Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ", ERROR: method CheckVolume returned the value of \"0.0\"" ); return ; } //--- } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Print CTrade result | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void PrintResultTrade(CTrade &trade,CSymbolInfo &symbol) { Print ( "Code of request result: " + IntegerToString (trade.ResultRetcode())); Print ( "code of request result as a string: " +trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); Print ( "Deal ticket: " + IntegerToString (trade.ResultDeal())); Print ( "Order ticket: " + IntegerToString (trade.ResultOrder())); Print ( "Volume of deal or order: " + DoubleToString (trade.ResultVolume(), 2 )); Print ( "Price, confirmed by broker: " + DoubleToString (trade.ResultPrice(),symbol. Digits ())); Print ( "Current bid price: " + DoubleToString (symbol.Bid(),symbol. Digits ())+ " (the requote): " + DoubleToString (trade.ResultBid(),symbol. Digits ())); Print ( "Current ask price: " + DoubleToString (symbol.Ask(),symbol. Digits ())+ " (the requote): " + DoubleToString (trade.ResultAsk(),symbol. Digits ())); Print ( "Broker comment: " +trade.ResultComment()); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Is pendinf orders exists | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool IsPendingOrdersExists( void ) { for ( int i= OrdersTotal ()- 1 ;i>= 0 ;i--) // returns the number of current orders if (m_order.SelectByIndex(i)) // selects the pending order by index for further access to its properties if (m_order. Symbol ()==m_symbol.Name() && m_order.Magic()==m_magic) return ( true ); //--- return ( false ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Delete all pending orders | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void DeleteAllPendingOrders( void ) { for ( int i= OrdersTotal ()- 1 ;i>= 0 ;i--) // returns the number of current orders if (m_order.SelectByIndex(i)) // selects the pending order by index for further access to its properties if (m_order. Symbol ()==m_symbol.Name() && m_order.Magic()==m_magic) m_trade.OrderDelete(m_order.Ticket()); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Trailing | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Trailing() { if (InpTrailingStop== 0 ) return ; for ( int i= PositionsTotal ()- 1 ;i>= 0 ;i--) // returns the number of open positions if (m_position.SelectByIndex(i)) if (m_position. Symbol ()==m_symbol.Name() && m_position.Magic()==m_magic) { if (m_position.PositionType()== POSITION_TYPE_BUY ) { if (m_position.PriceCurrent()-m_position.PriceOpen()>ExtTrailingStop+ExtTrailingStep) if (m_position.StopLoss()<m_position.PriceCurrent()-(ExtTrailingStop+ExtTrailingStep)) { if (!m_trade.PositionModify(m_position.Ticket(), m_symbol.NormalizePrice(m_position.PriceCurrent()-ExtTrailingStop), m_position.TakeProfit())) Print ( "Modify " ,m_position.Ticket(), " Position -> false. Result Retcode: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcode(), ", description of result: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); RefreshRates(); m_position.SelectByIndex(i); PrintResultModify(m_trade,m_symbol,m_position); continue ; } } else { if (m_position.PriceOpen()-m_position.PriceCurrent()>ExtTrailingStop+ExtTrailingStep) if ((m_position.StopLoss()>(m_position.PriceCurrent()+(ExtTrailingStop+ExtTrailingStep))) || (m_position.StopLoss()== 0 )) { if (!m_trade.PositionModify(m_position.Ticket(), m_symbol.NormalizePrice(m_position.PriceCurrent()+ExtTrailingStop), m_position.TakeProfit())) Print ( "Modify " ,m_position.Ticket(), " Position -> false. Result Retcode: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcode(), ", description of result: " ,m_trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); RefreshRates(); m_position.SelectByIndex(i); PrintResultModify(m_trade,m_symbol,m_position); } } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Print CTrade result | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void PrintResultModify(CTrade &trade,CSymbolInfo &symbol,CPositionInfo &position) { Print ( "Code of request result: " + IntegerToString (trade.ResultRetcode())); Print ( "code of request result as a string: " +trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); Print ( "Deal ticket: " + IntegerToString (trade.ResultDeal())); Print ( "Order ticket: " + IntegerToString (trade.ResultOrder())); Print ( "Volume of deal or order: " + DoubleToString (trade.ResultVolume(), 2 )); Print ( "Price, confirmed by broker: " + DoubleToString (trade.ResultPrice(),symbol. Digits ())); Print ( "Current bid price: " + DoubleToString (symbol.Bid(),symbol. Digits ())+ " (the requote): " + DoubleToString (trade.ResultBid(),symbol. Digits ())); Print ( "Current ask price: " + DoubleToString (symbol.Ask(),symbol. Digits ())+ " (the requote): " + DoubleToString (trade.ResultAsk(),symbol. Digits ())); Print ( "Broker comment: " +trade.ResultComment()); Print ( "Price of position opening: " + DoubleToString (position.PriceOpen(),symbol. Digits ())); Print ( "Price of position's Stop Loss: " + DoubleToString (position.StopLoss(),symbol. Digits ())); Print ( "Price of position's Take Profit: " + DoubleToString (position.TakeProfit(),symbol. Digits ())); Print ( "Current price by position: " + DoubleToString (position.PriceCurrent(),symbol. Digits ())); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
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