Mix two EAs together

작업 종료됨

실행 시간 3 일
고객의 피드백
Super job I recommend, very professionnal, thank you. :)
피고용인의 피드백
Great client! Hope to work with you in the future! thnx


I would need to mix these two EAs together, and SUPER TAKE only works with GBPUSD


once the two EAs together I want that when SUPER TAKE reaches "1"
(that the profit is 1 €) then all open positions on the GBPUSD are closed and 
only for GBPUSD.

here are the two EAs

Balbuzia, and SUPER TAKE
//|                                              Balbuzia_3_in_1.mq4 |
//|                                         Copyright 2018, GCN ltd. |
//|                                          http://www.it-labmd.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2018, GCN ltd."
#property link      "http://www.it-labmd.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
extern double  lots1_1          = 0.01;
extern double  lots2_1          = 0.02;
extern double  lots3_1          = 0.04;
input int      TakeProfit1_1     =   10;
input int      StopLoss1_1       =   400;
input int      TakeProfit2_1     =   10;
input int      StopLoss2_1       =   400;
input int      TakeProfit3_1     =   10;
input int      StopLoss3_1       =   400;
extern int     magic_1=000013;
extern double  Level_1=1.2885;
extern double  MaxDeviation_1=9;         // Max Deviation, points

bool RunOnce_1=false;
int last_order_check_1=false;
datetime EaStartTime_1=TimeCurrent();
double takeprofit1_1=TakeProfit1_1;
double stoploss1_1=StopLoss1_1;
double takeprofit2_1=TakeProfit2_1;
double stoploss2_1=StopLoss2_1;
double takeprofit3_1=TakeProfit3_1;
double stoploss3_1=StopLoss3_1;

extern double  lots1_2          = 0.01;
extern double  lots2_2          = 0.02;
extern double  lots3_2          = 0.04;
input int      TakeProfit1_2     =   10;
input int      StopLoss1_2       =   400;
input int      TakeProfit2_2     =   10;
input int      StopLoss2_2       =   400;
input int      TakeProfit3_2     =   10;
input int      StopLoss3_2       =   400;
extern int     magic_2=000014;
extern int     Distance_2= 10;
double  Level_2          = 0;
extern double  MaxDeviation_2=9;         // Max Deviation, points

bool RunOnce_2=false;
int last_order_check_2=false;
datetime EaStartTime_2=TimeCurrent();
double takeprofit1_2=TakeProfit1_2;
double stoploss1_2=StopLoss1_2;
double takeprofit2_2=TakeProfit2_2;
double stoploss2_2=StopLoss2_2;
double takeprofit3_2=TakeProfit3_2;
double stoploss3_2=StopLoss3_2;
int distance_2=Distance_2;

extern double  lots1_3          = 0.01;
extern double  lots2_3          = 0.02;
extern double  lots3_3          = 0.04;
input int      TakeProfit1_3     =   10;
input int      StopLoss1_3       =   400;
input int      TakeProfit2_3     =   10;
input int      StopLoss2_3       =   400;
input int      TakeProfit3_3     =   10;
input int      StopLoss3_3       =   400;
extern int     magic_3=000015;
extern int     Distance_3= 10;
double  Level_3          = 0;
extern double  MaxDeviation_3=9;         // Max Deviation, points

bool RunOnce_3=false;
int last_order_check_3=false;
datetime EaStartTime_3=TimeCurrent();
double takeprofit1_3=TakeProfit1_3;
double stoploss1_3=StopLoss1_3;
double takeprofit2_3=TakeProfit2_3;
double stoploss2_3=StopLoss2_3;
double takeprofit3_3=TakeProfit3_3;
double stoploss3_3=StopLoss3_3;
int distance_3=Distance_3;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

   if(Digits==5 || Digits==3)
      takeprofit1_1  =TakeProfit1_1*10;
      stoploss1_1    =StopLoss1_1*10;
      takeprofit2_1  =TakeProfit2_1*10;
      stoploss2_1    =StopLoss2_1*10;
      takeprofit3_1  =TakeProfit3_1*10;
      stoploss3_1    =StopLoss3_1*10;
      stoploss1_2    =StopLoss1_2*10;
      takeprofit2_2  =TakeProfit2_2*10;
      stoploss2_2    =StopLoss2_2*10;
      takeprofit3_2  =TakeProfit3_2*10;
      stoploss3_2    =StopLoss3_2*10;
      stoploss1_3    =StopLoss1_3*10;
      takeprofit2_3  =TakeProfit2_3*10;
      stoploss2_3    =StopLoss2_3*10;
      takeprofit3_3  =TakeProfit3_3*10;
      stoploss3_3    =StopLoss3_3*10;
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick_1()
      Print("Ea Closed Manually ");
   int ticet;
   int t=MathRand();
   double MA_Fast1,MA_Low1;
      MA_Fast1=iMA( NULL,0,5, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_TYPICAL, 0);
      MA_Low1=iMA( NULL, 0, 14, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);

      if(Counts(magic_1,EaStartTime_1,RunOnce_1)==0 && MA_Fast1>MA_Low1 && (RunOnce_1 || (Ask>=Level_1 && Ask<=Level_1+(MaxDeviation_1*_Point) && Level_1!=0)))

      if(Counts(magic_1,EaStartTime_1,RunOnce_1)==0 && MA_Fast1<MA_Low1 && (RunOnce_1 || (Bid<=Level_1 && Bid>=Level_1-(MaxDeviation_1*_Point) && Level_1!=0)))

         if(getLastOrderCloseType(magic_1)==1) ticet=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lots2_1,Ask,3,Bid-stoploss2_1*Point,Ask+takeprofit2_1*Point,"1.2",magic_1,0,clrGreen);
         if(getLastOrderCloseType(magic_1)==0) ticet=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,lots2_1,Bid,3,Ask+stoploss2_1*Point,Bid-takeprofit2_1*Point,"1.2",magic_1,0,clrRed);

         if(getLastOrderCloseType(magic_1)==1) ticet=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lots3_1,Ask,3,Bid-stoploss3_1*Point,Ask+takeprofit3_1*Point,"1.3",magic_1,0,clrGreen);
         if(getLastOrderCloseType(magic_1)==0) ticet=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,lots3_1,Bid,3,Ask+stoploss3_1*Point,Bid-takeprofit3_1*Point,"1.3",magic_1,0,clrRed);
//|                                                                  |
void OnTick_2()
      Print("Ea Closed Manually ");
   int ticet;
   int t=MathRand();
   double MA_Fast1,MA_Low1;
      MA_Fast1=iMA( NULL,0,5, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_TYPICAL, 0); 
      MA_Low1=iMA( NULL, 0, 14, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);
      if(Counts(magic_2,EaStartTime_2,RunOnce_2)==0 && MA_Fast1>MA_Low1 && (RunOnce_2 || (Ask>=Level_2 && Ask<=Level_2+(MaxDeviation_2*_Point) && Level_2!=0)))
      if(Counts(magic_2,EaStartTime_2,RunOnce_2)==0 && MA_Fast1<MA_Low1 && (RunOnce_2 || (Bid<=Level_2 && Bid>=Level_2-(MaxDeviation_2*_Point) && Level_2!=0)))
         if(getLastOrderCloseType(magic_2)==1) ticet=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lots2_2,Ask,3,Bid-stoploss2_2*Point,Ask+takeprofit2_2*Point,"2.2",magic_2,0,clrGreen);
         if(getLastOrderCloseType(magic_2)==0) ticet=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,lots2_2,Bid,3,Ask+stoploss2_2*Point,Bid-takeprofit2_2*Point,"2.2",magic_2,0,clrRed);

         if(getLastOrderCloseType(magic_2)==1) ticet=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lots3_2,Ask,3,Bid-stoploss3_2*Point,Ask+takeprofit3_2*Point,"2.3",magic_2,0,clrGreen);
         if(getLastOrderCloseType(magic_2)==0) ticet=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,lots3_2,Bid,3,Ask+stoploss3_2*Point,Bid-takeprofit3_2*Point,"2.3",magic_2,0,clrRed);
//|                                                                  |
void OnTick_3()
      Print("Ea Closed Manually ");
   int ticet;
   int t=MathRand();
   double MA_Fast1,MA_Low1;
      MA_Fast1=iMA( NULL,0,5, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_TYPICAL, 0); // áûñòðàÿ ÌÀ
      MA_Low1=iMA( NULL, 0, 14, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1); // ìåäëåííàÿ ÌÀ 
      if(Counts(magic_3,EaStartTime_3,RunOnce_3)==0 && MA_Fast1>MA_Low1 && (RunOnce_3 || (Ask>=Level_3 && Ask<=Level_3+(MaxDeviation_3*_Point) && Level_3!=0)))
      if(Counts(magic_3,EaStartTime_3,RunOnce_3)==0 && MA_Fast1<MA_Low1 && (RunOnce_3 || (Bid<=Level_3 && Bid>=Level_3-(MaxDeviation_3*_Point) && Level_3!=0)))
         if(getLastOrderCloseType(magic_3)==1) ticet=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lots2_3,Ask,3,Bid-stoploss2_3*Point,Ask+takeprofit2_3*Point,"3.2",magic_3,0,clrGreen);
         if(getLastOrderCloseType(magic_3)==0) ticet=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,lots2_3,Bid,3,Ask+stoploss2_3*Point,Bid-takeprofit2_3*Point,"3.2",magic_3,0,clrRed);
         if(getLastOrderCloseType(magic_3)==1) ticet=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lots3_3,Ask,3,Bid-stoploss3_3*Point,Ask+takeprofit3_3*Point,"3.3",magic_3,0,clrGreen);
         if(getLastOrderCloseType(magic_3)==0) ticet=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,lots3_3,Bid,3,Ask+stoploss3_3*Point,Bid-takeprofit3_3*Point,"3.3",magic_3,0,clrRed);
//|                                                                  |
int getLastOrderCloseType(int magic)
   datetime t=0;
   int tick=-1;
   int i,total=OrdersHistoryTotal();
   for(i=0; i<total; i++)
         if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==magic)

   for(i=0; i<total; i++)
         return OrderType();

   return tick;
//|                                                                  |
int CountSELL(int magic)
   int count=0;
   int i;
         if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==magic && OrderType()==OP_SELL)
//|                                                                  |
int CountBUY(int magic)
   int count=0;
   int i;
         if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==magic && OrderType()==OP_BUY)
int Counts(int magic,datetime &EaStartTime,bool &RunOnce)
   int count=0,i;

         if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==magic && OrderOpenTime()>=EaStartTime)
//|                                                                  |
int CountVsego(int magic)
   int Vsego;

bool IsLastOrderClose(int magic,datetime &EaStartTime)
   bool signal=false;
   for(int i=OrdersHistoryTotal()-1;i>=0;i--)
      bool select=OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY);
      if(select && OrderSymbol()==_Symbol && OrderMagicNumber()==magic)
         if(OrderType()==OP_BUY && OrderOpenTime()>=EaStartTime)
            if(OrderClosePrice()>OrderStopLoss() && OrderClosePrice()<OrderTakeProfit())
         else if(OrderType()==OP_SELL && OrderOpenTime()>=EaStartTime)
            if(OrderClosePrice()<OrderStopLoss() && OrderClosePrice()>OrderTakeProfit())


//|                    TakeProfit 1 |

#property copyright ""
#property link      ""

extern double My_Money_Equity_Target=1;  
int Slippage=4;                                        
int i;

double   EquityTarget;
int init()
   EquityTarget = AccountEquity()+My_Money_Equity_Target;
int deinit()

int start()
if (AccountEquity()>= EquityTarget)

            bool Res=false;
               Res = OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_BID),Slippage,clrNONE);
            }else if(OrderType()==OP_SELL)
               Res = OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_ASK),Slippage,clrNONE);
               Res = OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
      Print ("Equity reached to ",DoubleToStr(AccountEquity(),2));
      if(!Res)    return(0);
      EquityTarget = AccountEquity()+My_Money_Equity_Target;
   Comment("Balance: ",AccountBalance(),", Account Equity: ",AccountEquity(),", Account Profit: ",AccountProfit(),
           "\nMy Account Equity Target: ",EquityTarget);


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30+ USD
VAT (20%): 6 USD
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