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Trade Copier Pro


Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not be able to receive the signal after that time.

The copier allows copying to local and remote receivers at the same time. Each provider account can copy to unlimited local receivers and 10 remote receivers at the same time. If you want more remote receivers, please check Unlimited Trade Copier Pro version, which allows unlimited remote receivers.

This version can be used on MT4 accounts only. For MT5 accounts, you must use Trade Copier Pro MT5.


- For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free.

- For MT5 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free MT5.

- For cTrader receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free cTrader.

- If you only need copy from MT4 account to unlimited local receivers, please check Auto Trade Copier.

- If you only need copy from MT5 account to unlimited local receivers, please check Auto Trade Copier MT5.

- If you want to copy from MT4 account to unlimited local receivers and 10 remote receivers, please check Trade Copier Pro.

- If you want to copy from MT5 account to unlimited local receivers and 10 remote receivers, please check Trade Copier Pro MT5.

- If you want to copy from MT4 account to unlimited local and remote receivers, please check Unlimited Trade Copier Pro.

- If you want to copy from MT5 account to unlimited local and remote receivers, please check Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5.

Demo: Click here

Highlight features:

    - Copy to MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts.
    - One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers
    - One receiver can receive trades from multiple providers.
    - One provider can copy separate signals through separate channels.
    - Provider/Receiver can manage his Receiver/Provider list via powered database managing system without additional tool (add, remove, edit, enable/disable, set expiry).
    - The provider can set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not be able to receive the signal after that time.
    - Receiver list can be edited either inside MT4 or by exported .csv file.
    - Switchable between Remote mode (copy over internet) and Local mode (copy within the same PC/Server).
    - Switchable between Trade protocol (copy trades) and Signal protocol (send/receive signal alert only).
    - In Remote mode, the copier still send signals to local receivers at the same time.
    - Allows to filter copy SL and TP.
    - Allows to filter which type of orders will be copied.
    - Allows inverted copying.
    - Filter the inclusive/exclusive pairs to copy.
    - Push comment to copied trades at receiver account.
    - Send signal notification to email, mobile and telegram.
    - Restore previous settings and status after terminal turn-off or power shutdown.
    - Real-time control panel.
    - Easy and friendly interface.


    • For further assistance, please contact me via Skype: autofxpro
    Manual guide: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/735129

    レビュー 19
    Davegee 2023.06.30 10:43 

    Excellent trade copier and apart from a couple of minor niggles as detailed in comments has worked exactly as described.

    49080896 2022.09.29 18:37 

    A very good product!! Copies very fast(almost instantaneous in Local mode). My only complaint is that sometimes when I set it up on a reciever, if fails to show the enable button, and thus no copying is possible. But if can get it onto the receiver, Whoosh!! Away it goes. And for that 5 enthusiastic stars!

    Morard Kevin
    Morard Kevin 2022.02.23 10:16 

    Very good EA for trading copy! Thank you

    Auto Trade Copier is designed to copy trades to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts/terminals with 100% accuracy. The provider and receiver accounts must be on the same PC/VPS. With this tool, you can copy trades to receiver accounts on the same PC/VPS. All trading actions will be copied from provider to receiver perfectly. This version can be used on MT4 accounts only. For MT5 accounts, you must use Auto Trade Copier for MT5 . Reference: - For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Fre
    Automatic Breakeven levels Using   this   utility ,   y ou can activate the automatic SL movement, when the trade reaches a desired profit.  Especially   important   for a   short -term   traders.   Offset option is also available: some profit may be protected. My  #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this tool  |   Contact me  if you have any questions  |   MT5 version The process of activating the automatic breakeven function: 1.   Select the Symbol or Trade   for which the Auto BE function w
    Fast Trade Copier
    Volodymyr Hrybachov
    4.2 (5)
    The trade copier is designed for a fast and accurate copying of orders between the MetaTrader 4 terminals. The trade copier copies trades from the Master account to the Slave account by writing information to the total file, which is located in the common directory of the MetaTrader 4 terminals. This allows the trade copier to either customize various schemes for receiving and transmitting trade signals by changing the file name. Reading and writing the copier file is performed by timer. The tra
    VR Cub
    Vladimir Pastushak
    VR Cub は、質の高いエントリーポイントを獲得するためのインジケーターです。このインジケーターは、数学的計算を容易にし、ポジションへのエントリーポイントの検索を簡素化するために開発されました。このインジケーターが作成されたトレーディング戦略は、長年にわたってその有効性が証明されてきました。取引戦略のシンプルさはその大きな利点であり、初心者のトレーダーでもうまく取引することができます。 VR Cub はポジション開始ポイントとテイクプロフィットとストップロスのターゲットレベルを計算し、効率と使いやすさを大幅に向上させます。取引の簡単なルールを理解するには、以下の戦略を使用した取引のスクリーンショットを見てください。 設定、設定ファイル、デモ版、説明書、問題解決方法は、以下から入手できます。 [ブログ] レビューを読んだり書いたりすることができます。 [リンク] のバージョン [MetaTrader 5] エントリーポイントの計算ルール ポジションをオープンする エントリーポイントを計算するには、VR Cub ツールを最後の高値から最後の安値までストレッチする必要があります。
    Unlimited Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not b
    KopierMaschine - локальный копировщик сделок между различными счетами MetaTrader 4 и MetaTrader 5 в любом направлении расположенных на одном компьютере с интуитивно понятным интерфейсом. Направления копирования: MT4 --> MT5 MT4 --> MT4 MT5 --> MT5 MT5 --> MT4 для копирования между терминалами MetaTrader 4 и MetaTrader   5 необходимо приобрести версию продукта KopierMaschine  для  MetaTrader   5 Особенности Программа работает в двух режимах Master и Slave На один подчиненный счет можно копирова
    Trade Copier Agent は、複数の MetaTrader(4/5) アカウント/端末間で取引をコピーするように設計されています。 このツールを使用すると、プロバイダー (ソース) または受信者 (宛先) として機能できます。すべての取引アクションは、遅延なくプロバイダーからレシーバーにコピーされます。 このツールを使用すると、0.5 秒未満の超高速のコピー速度で、同じコンピューター上の複数の MetaTrader ターミナル間で取引をコピーできます。 Trade Copier Agent インストール & 入力ガイド コピーを開始する前、または注文がないうちに、プロバイダー アカウントで設定を適用してください。 注文中の変更は、受取人のアカウントに影響します。 例: プロバイダー アカウントが買い注文を適用し、その後、受信者アカウントのすべての買い注文を無効にすると、決済されます。 EA追加URL(   http://autofxhub.com   )MT4端末(スクリーンショット参照) に関する通知を受け取りたい場合 。 MT5 バージョン https://w
    Product Description: MT4 Trade Copier with Advanced Features MT4  Trade Copier is designed to streamline and enhance your trading experience by allowing seamless replication of trades across multiple accounts. It offers advanced features to cater to different trading needs and preferences. Features: Master/Slave Selection: Easily choose between master and slave modes to manage trades effectively. Multiplier for Slave Accounts: Set a multiplier to adjust the size of trades copied to sl
    This utility is designed to help you with your Manual Trading. It allows different ways of closing trades. It can display total number of BUY and SELL orders individually and also their individual profits. It can enter trades without stopl loss and take profits. However upon selecting UseStopLossTakeProfit from the settings it can use best possible stop loss and take profits based on the market conditions. Upon selecting the CloseOppositeTrades  from the settings it can close opposite trades. Fo
    Vladislav Andruschenko
    4.69 (62)
    MetaTrader4のコピー機を取引します。     それは任意の口座からの外国為替取引、ポジション、注文をコピーします。 それは最高の貿易コピー機の1つです     MT4 - MT4、MT5 - MT4     のために     COPYLOT MT4     バージョン(または     MT4 - MT5  MT5 - MT5     のために     COPYLOT MT5     バージョン)。 MT5のバージョン 完全な説明   +DEMO +PDF 購入する方法 インストールする方法     ログファイルの取得方法     テストと最適化の方法     Expforex のすべての製品 のコピー機 バージョン       MetaTrader 5 ターミナル(   МТ5 - МТ5、МТ4 - МТ5   )-   コピーロットクライアントMT5 独自のコピーアルゴリズムにより、すべての取引がマスターアカウントからクライアントアカウントに正確にコピーされます。 また、動作速度が速いことでも知られています。タフなエラー処理。 強力な機能セット。 プログ
    自動注文とリスク管理のためのユーティリティ。利益を最大化し、損失を抑えることができます。トレーダーのための練習トレーダーによって作成されました。このユーティリティは使いやすく、トレーダーが手動で、またはアドバイザーの助けを借りて開いた成行注文で機能します。マジックナンバーで取引をフィルタリングできます。このユーティリティは、同時に任意の数の注文を処理できます。 次の機能があります。 1.ストップロスとテイクプロフィットレベルの設定; 2. トレーリング ストップ レベルで取引を終了します。 3. 損益分岐点の設定。 ユーティリティは次のことができます。 1. オーダーごとに個別に作業します (レベルはオーダーごとに個別に設定されます)。 2. 一方向注文のバスケットを操作します (レベルはすべての注文に共通に設定され、BUY と SELL は個別に設定されます)。 3. 多方向注文のバスケットを操作します (レベルはすべての注文に共通に設定され、BUY と SELL が一緒に設定されます)。 オプション: STOPLOS
    Vizzion is a fully automated scalping Expert Advisor that can be run successfully using GBPJPY currency pair at H1 timeframe. Very Important This Expert Advisor can not run with any EAs in the same account. As part of the money management plan, it calculates and monitors the Margin Level % and assumes that all open trades are created by it. If you want an Expert Advisor that trades in a daily basis, this EA is not for you because using this requires a patience to wait for a few days or weeks o
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    Trade Manager は、リスクを自動的に計算しながら、取引を迅速に開始および終了するのに役立ちます。 過剰取引、復讐取引、感情的な取引を防止する機能が含まれています。 取引は自動的に管理され、アカウントのパフォーマンス指標はグラフで視覚化できます。 これらの機能により、このパネルはすべてのマニュアル トレーダーにとって理想的なものとなり、MetaTrader 4 プラットフォームの強化に役立ちます。多言語サポート。 MT5バージョン  |  ユーザーガイド + デモ Trade Manager はストラテジー テスターでは機能しません。 デモについてはユーザーガイドをご覧ください。 危機管理 % または $ に基づくリスクの自動調整 固定ロットサイズを使用するか、ボリュームとピップに基づいた自動ロットサイズ計算を使用するオプション RR、Pips、または価格を使用した損益分岐点ストップロス設定 トレーリングストップロス設定 目標に達したときにすべての取引を自動的に終了するための 1 日あたりの最大損失 (%)。 過度のドローダウンからアカウントを保護し、オーバートレードを防ぎま
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    The Infinity Expert Advisor is a scalper. When the resistance and support levels are broken, trades are opened in the direction of the price movement. Open positions are managed by several algorithms based on the current market situation (fixed stop loss and take profit, trailing stop, holding positions in case of trend indication, etc.). Requirements for the broker The EA is sensitive to spread, slippages and execution quality. It is strongly recommended not to use the EA for currencies with
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    MT4 バージョン: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/102622 MT5 バージョン: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/102624 ライブシグナル: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2208634 「Gold Buster」EA のご紹介: 次世代の動的サポート/レジスタンスおよびリスク管理システム 「Gold Buster」EA は、オープン ポジション管理とリスク分析テクノロジーの最新の進歩を活用して、金融市場でサポートとレジスタンス レベルを識別および使用する方法を再定義する、最先端の自動取引システムです。この革新的なエキスパート アドバイザー (EA) は、さまざまな取引プラットフォームや商品でシームレスに動作するように設計されており、安定した利益とリスク軽減を求める初心者と経験豊富なトレーダーの両方のニーズに対応します。 主な機能: 動的なサポートとレジスタンスの識別: 「Gold Buster」EA の核心は、動的なサポートと
    VN Trade Panel II
    Vyacheslav Nekipelov
    4 (1)
    The new version of the trading panel, which now has the ability to separately close Buy and Sell orders, display targets for all orders on the chart, as well as the ability to use the panel to trade with brokers working on the FIFO rule. Also, the new version adds option buttons for separate management of open orders. It has a convenient visualized interface and intuitive control without a lot of additional tabs to which traders have to be distracted and switch their attention. Thanks to this
    Anatoliy Lukanin
    3.9 (20)
    Deposit :   from 100 deposit units Trading pairs: I recommend currency pairs: EURAUD, CHFJPY, EURCHF, EURGBP, AUDCHF, CADCHF, USDCHF. Trading period :  Any Account: You should use ECN-ECN.Pro accounts with five-digit quotes with a moderate size (spread). Parameters: USING - Choice, trading risk or fixed lot RISK/LOT - Lot Risk Value RESTORING_THE_BALANCE - Restoring balance* HOW_THE_RESET_WINDOW - Reset the Global Variable TAKE_PROFIT - Set profit STOP_LOSS - Set loss COUNT_BUY - The number of
    Easy Virtual Trader
    Anoop Sivasankaran
    4.89 (9)
    Easy Virtual Traderのセットアップ>ルールの入力>モバイル、別のEA、またはどこからでも取引する準備ができました。...ロボットが取引を管理できるようにします。     この強力なEAは、事前設定のルールと設定に基づいて、すべてまたは特定の取引を自動的に管理するのに役立ちます     セットアップして実行すると、注文を監視する必要がなくなります。ソフトウェアは定義済みのルールで注文を監視および制御します     デスクトップMT4またはモバイルアプリケーションから取引するか、別のEAの取引を管理できます。     マルチプロテクションとトレーリング戦略をサポートするように設計されています。損益分岐点による保護、パーセンテージによる保護、ピップによる保護、アカウント値による保護、距離によるトレーリング、インジケーターによるトレーリングなど。 Easy Virtual Traderは、自動バージョンの多くのリクエストにより、すでに人気のあるEasy Tradeマネージャーを拡張したものです: https://www.mql5.com/en/marke
    Trade copier MT4
    Alfiya Fazylova
    4.52 (29)
    Trade Copierは、取引口座間の取引をコピーして同期するように設計された専門的なユーティリティです。 コピーは、同じコンピューターまたはvps にインストールされている、サプライヤーのアカウント/端末から受信者のアカウント/端末に行われます。 購入する前に、デモ アカウントでデモ バージョンをテストできます。 デモ版 こちら 。 詳細な説明は こちら 。 主な機能と利点: MT5ネッティングアカウントを含む、MT4> MT4、MT4> MT5、MT5> MT4のコピーをサポートします。 高いコピー速度(0.5秒未満)。 ベンダーモードと受信者モードは同じ製品内に実装されています。 チャートから直接リアルタイムでコピーを制御できる、簡単で直感的なインターフェイス。 接続が切断されたり、端末が再起動されたりしても、設定と位置が失われることはありません。 コピーするシンボルを選択できます。また、受信者のシンボルを置き換えることもできます(例:EURUSD> USDJPY)。 バックコピーをサポートします。 特定の注文のみのコピーを有効にする機能。 取引開始価格の最大差と最大遅延時間を
    Exp4 Duplicator
    Vladislav Andruschenko
    4.48 (21)
    Expert Advisor は 、アカウントMetaTrader 4で 取引を繰り返し、ポジションを設定するか、事前に設定された回数だけシグナルを送信します。 手動または別のエキスパートアドバイザーによって開かれたすべての取引をコピーします。 シグナルをコピーし、シグナルからロットを増やします ! 他のEAの多くを増やします。 次の機能がサポートされています:コピーされた取引のカスタムロット、ストップロスのコピー、テイクプロフィット、トレーリングストップの使用。 MT5のバージョン 完全な説明 +DEMO +PDF 購入する方法 インストールする方法     ログファイルの取得方法     テストと最適化の方法     Expforex のすべての製品 リンク MetaTraderのトレードコピー機はこちらから入手できます:   COPYLOT 注意 注:これは、端末間の取引用のコピー機ではありません。 ストラテジーテスターでエキスパートアドバイザーをテストし、ビジュアルモードでEAPADPROツールバーと取引することができます! EAを1つの通貨ペアにインストールす
    GGP Trade Copier  EA is an automatic trading bot that can help traders automatically replicate the trading strategies and operations from one trading terminal to others by experiencing exceptionally fast trade copying system. Its easy-to-use setup allows you to copy trades between multiple MetaTrader terminals on the same Windows computer or Windows VPS with lightning-fast copying speeds of under 0.5 seconds. The software supports multiple trading varieties, including Forex, commodities, stocks,
    Trade with Gann on your side!! MASTER CIRCLE 360 CIRCLE CHART, originally created by Gann admitted that this is “The Mother of all charts”. It is one of the last studies that this great trader left for us. The numeric tab le is apparently quite simple like all the tables and is based on square numbers, the SQUARE OF 12 and is by evolution, one of the most important square numbers. Here we can find CYCLE, PRICE AND TIME thanks to angles and grades, to show past and future support and resistance.
    This copier was originally developed for the professional order management of a team of traders and therefore, first of all, a risk manager was built into it. For simple operation, you need to configure the following settings: For the master! 1. Select the program type ''Program mode'' - master 2. Enter a new name for the ''Folder name'' folder, in which the EA will record information on working with orders. The name must be the same for both master and slave!!! 3. In the ''Feedback from
    The product will copy all telegram signal to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal, s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to
    ADAM for FTMO 40
    Vyacheslav Izvarin
    5 (1)
    ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO  Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94887 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    News Trapper EA
    Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
    4.86 (14)
    Hi, all.  News trapper EA It is an expert for trading news very safe expert  Automated Trading on the news of the economic calendar. It shows stable trading during last 10  years. EA doesn't use dangerous technologies like martingale, grid. The Expert is very simple to use.      sale will end after 48 h how to install it     and set files     read the blog         after purchase contact me to add you to   VIP   channel  The program contains flexible settings for trading on the news of the econ
    The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT4. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrade
    FiboPlusWave Series products Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    Features: without delving into the Elliott wave theory, you can immediately open one of
    Mentfx Mmanage
    Anton Jere Calmes
    5 (15)
    The added video will show you the full functionality, effectiveness, and simplicity of this trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool c
    Let Your Ideas Earn For You. Convert your Ideas and Strategies in to automated trading bots directly on MT4. Visual Strategy Builder with Instant Results on the chart. This One of a kind strategy builder, allows you to specify rules and visually see the signals based on those rule as you create them. Visit the link for Group, User Manual, Video Examples Why Use LBM LBM is an essential tool for traders of all levels. It allows traders to create strategies quickly and easily, and to test th
    このカスタムアルティメットスナイパーダッシュボードは、オリジナルのアルティメットスナイパーダッシュボードインジケーターをEAでアップグレードしたものです。最大98種類のアルゴリズムで動作し、使用する資産クラスのトレンドの本質を確実に捉えます。 数ヶ月に渡り、多くのお客様から頂いたご提案やアドバイスに直接お応えしたものです。   このカスタムバージョンは、完全にカスタマイズ可能です。 98の独立したカスタムアルゴリズムによって支えられています。 非常に素晴らしいビジュアルインターフェースなので、どのペアやタイムフレームでも、簡単かつ自信を持って市場全体の動向を追うことができます。 テレグラムにリアルタイムのアラートを送ることができます。 取引するペアに応じた独自のインデックスを作成することができます。 携帯電話にリアルタイムでアラートを送ることができるので、PCの前にいなくても動きがあることを知ることができます。 入力設定から8つの指標を設定することができます。 アラートを受信する指標と時間枠を設定することができます。 インターネット接続が検出されなかった場合、アラ
    Forex Market View Dashboard and CSM
    Opengates Success International
    5 (1)
    FFXMV Dashboard + CSM is a custom indicator combined with Currency Strength Meter . It is created to give the Traders a full view of what is going on in the market. It uses a real time data to access the market and display every bit of information needed to make a successful trading. Before attaching this Indicator to your window chart, go to your MT4's Market Watch panel and HIDE all the Currency pairs you don't need or trade and leave the rest there. The reason is that FFMV Dashboard will DISP
    Online Accounts Manager MT4
    Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
    5 (1)
    OneClick Online Account Manager is a powerful utility that helps you to manage all your accounts from a centralized panel. It is suitable for all single account traders and specially for multiple accounts traders. The utility help you to : Monitor status of all accounts on a private web page. Some information such as account connection status, account profit, DD, Balance, Equity, Margin Level, Number of positions and orders, Daily and Weekly profit/loss and also overall summation of all these
    Don't forget to send a message after buying (not renting) to add you to our VIP group for free. (tips, trade idea, community) Live OrderBoook, Another high-level tool by Ziwox Order Book An order book is an electronic list of buy and sell orders for a specific asset, organized by price level. It provides real-time data on market depth, showing the amount of pending orders including the specific levels at which they have set their stop loss and take profits . This tool is crucial for traders as
    Strategy Builder offers an incredible amount of functionality. It combines a trade panel with configurable automation (covert indicators into an EA), real-time statistics (profit & draw down) plus automatic optimization of SL, TP/exit, trading hours, indicator inputs. Multiple indicators can be combined into an single alert/trade signal and can include custom indicators, even if just have ex4 file or purchased from Market. The system is easily configured via a CONFIG button and associated pop-up
    50% off. Original price: $375 Reward Multiplier is a semi-automatic trade manager based on pyramid trading that opens additional orders with the running profit of your trades to maximize return exponentially without increasing the risk. Unlike other similar EAs, this tool shows potential profit/loss and reward to risk ratio before even entering the first trade! Download Demo here  (starting lot is fixed at 0.01) Guide + tips here MT5 version   here You only open the first order. When your
    Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is a demo version of this panel Dashboard Trading Made Simple Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities free, LINK . This system basically utilizes TDI as the main indicator to generate trading signal mainly on H1 and H4 timeframes. The signal will be further filtered and trimmed. Stochastic; Heiken Ashi candle direction and candle s
    The  Easy Strategy Builder (ESB)  is a " Do It Yourself " solution that allows you to create a wide range of the automated trading strategies without any line of codes. This is the world’s easiest method to automate your strategies that can be used in STP, ECN and FIFO brokers. No drag and drop is needed. Just by set conditions of your trading strategy and change settings on desired values and let it work in your account. ESB has hundreds of modules to define unlimited possibilities of strategi
    ATTENTION   the expert does not work in strategy tester, for a trial version visit my profile. ATTENTION the expert must remain with the operations history in " COMPLETE HISTORY " Manual RiskGuard Management   RiskGuard management was born with the idea of ​​helping traders from their initial journey to becoming expert and aware traders. Compatible with any operating system whether Mac or Windows. The operations panel is integrated into the graph giving the possibility to choose size and posit
    News Trader Pro is a unique robot that allows you to trade the news by your predefined strategy. It loads every piece of news from several popular Forex websites. You can choose any news and preset the strategy to trade it, and then News Trader Pro will trade that news by selected strategy automatically when the news comes. News release gives opportunity to have pips since the price usually has big move at that time. Now, with this tool, trading news becomes easier, more flexible and more exciti
    Copies transactions between MT4 terminals. Possibilities: quick copy start minimum processor load direct and reverse (reverse) copying. copying Take Profit and Stop Loss levels copying deferred and their changes copy transactions one to many copy trades many to one local copy only Attention: The product is designed for copying trades only within a single computer or VPS with access to the desktop. The product will not work on the built-in Virtual Hosting of the terminal. We will help you set up
    The product combines a manual trade panel with the ability to perform actions automatically in a highly configurable way. Actions include capturing indicator values and then based on those values raising alerts, open/close or partially close trades, scale-in, setting up pending orders, adjusting stop loss, take profit and more. On-chart controls can be configured, such as tick boxes and buttons, so can be fully interactive. The EA also handles money management, news events, hidden stop loss, tak
    The Price Action Dashboard is an innovative tool to help the trader to control a large number of financial instruments. This tool is designed to automatically suggest signals and price conditions. The Dashboard analyzes all major Time Frame suggesting price action conditions with graphic elements. The Dashboard can suggest you the strength of the trend identifying directional movement, it is an indispensable tool for those who want to open position themselves using market trends identifiers. The
    エリオット波動カウンターは、エリオット波動を迅速かつユーザーフレンドリーに手動でマークアップするためのパネルです。マークの色とレベルを選択できます。最後のマークアップとツールによって作成されたマークアップ全体を削除する機能もあります。マークアップはワンクリックで作成されます。 5 回クリック - 5 つの波があります。エリオット波動カウンターは、エリオット波動の初心者にもプロのアナリストにも最適なツールです。 エリオット波動カウンターのインストールと入力ガイド 取得したい場合     EA 追加 URL (  http://autofxhub.com   ) MT5 端末に関する 通知 (スクリーンショットを参照)。 MT4 バージョン https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/14016 MT5 バージョン https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/15081 一般的な入力: 波の種類ボタン: このボタンを使用すると、ユーザーはチャートで強調表示する波のパターンの種類を選択できます。使用可能なオプションには、イン
    If you wish to draw Support and Resistance lines, view: daily market opening, classical pivot levels, Fibonacci pivot levels, trend lines, Fibonacci levels, the remaining time to candle closing, and current spread. If you seek to place your orders with the exact lot that meets your desired stop loss risk. If you wish to do all this and more with just one click, then this is the perfect tool to use. This tool will allow you to feel more relaxed when deciding to open orders, as well as predicting
    Partial Close Expert は 、多くの機能を 1 つの自動システムに統合したツールです。この EA は、リスクを管理し、潜在的な利益を最大化するための複数のオプションを提供することにより、トレーダーがポジションをより効果的に管理するのに役立ちます。 Partial Close Expert を使用すると、トレーダーは   一部閉鎖   利益を固定するレベル、     トレーリングストップ   利益を保護し、損失を制限するレベル、     とんとん   価格が反対に動いた場合でも取引が中断されることを保証するレベル、およびその他のいくつかの機能。 このオールインワン Expert Advisor を使用することで、トレーダーは常に取引を監視する必要がないため、時間と労力を節約できます。代わりに、EA は市場の状況に基づいて事前に設定された命令を実行し、トレーダーにより多くの柔軟性と取引の制御を提供します。 部分クローズエキスパートを取り付け、     キーボードの「p」を押して 設定を変更すると、準備完了です。 部分クローズエキスパート   インストール & 入力ガイド
    Master Trend Dashboard is a new generation indicator, compact, light and efficient. Each element of this Dashboard is designed to return specific signals as: Price Action, Breakout, Net Change (performance of the instrument), algorithmic studies, correlations and statistical calculations. This tool will change your way of trading allowing you to receive important information. See the Graphic Signals to understand every single signal below: Graphic Signals Symbol name and arrow color Green = Cu
    Unlimited Binary Options Copier Remote is a powerful tool to copy binary options trades remotely between multiple accounts at different locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for signal provider, who want to share his binary options trades with the others globally on his own rules. One provider can copy trades to unlimited receivers and one receiver can get trade from unlimited providers as well. The provider can set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will no
    Market Pressure Dashboard is a new generation utility. Its main function is to assist you and give you operational ideas optimizing your analytical work. Using this utility you could monitor a lots of financial instruments (max 28 symbols FOREX) in a very simple way. The Market Pressure indicator allows you to customize the internal list of the symbols to be monitored. The opening function and position management with this panel will be much more comfortable and navigation charts very powerful.
    Telegram Publisher Agent は、 トレーダーが Telegram チャネルおよびグループにリアルタイムでシグナルを送信できるようにするアドオンです。このツールは、カスタマイズ可能なメッセージ、チャートのスクリーンショット、その他の機能を備えており、トレーダーが取引の洞察や戦略をフォロワーと共有するのに役立ちます。このツールは、明暗のテーマ切り替えを備えた美しいデザインも備えており、ユーザーに美的で機能的な取引体験を提供します。 Telegram Publisher Agent は、すべての取引をチャネルおよびグループ内のシグナルとして公開するように設計されています。あなたがしなければならないことは、取引を提供することだけです。その後、ボタンをクリックするだけで、Telegram Publisher Agent が取引シグナルを取引チャネルまたはグループに送信するためのすべての面倒な作業を実行します。 Telegram パブリッシャーエージェント   インストールと入力ガイド EA に関する通知を受け取りたい場合は、URL  ( http://autofxhub.c
    如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is a Demo version of this panel Dashboard Currency Strength Meter AdvancedDemo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities free, LINK . The Dashboard Currency Strength Meter Advanced gives you a quick visual guide to which currencies are strong, and which ones are weak over the customized 4 time-frames and period
    Semi Automated EA for working as your trading assistant. Overview Trading planner will make you act like professional traders in real markets. Before entering markets, they make a plan for their trades, screening out all opportunities in all time frames. Trading Planner can be used for all Time Frames (M1 ~ MN). Simply draw trendline as a trend and Support/Resistance . At this version , market opportunities will be taken by trendline using strategy of 1, 2, 3 . Simply draw the trendline by defi
    如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Genesis Matrix Trading Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities free, LINK . This system basically utilizes Genesis Indi Set (TVI, CCI, GannHilo, and T3) as the core indicators to generate trading signal mainly on time-frame M15. The signal will be further filtered
    Auto Trade Copier is designed to copy trades to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts/terminals with 100% accuracy. The provider and receiver accounts must be on the same PC/VPS. With this tool, you can copy trades to receiver accounts on the same PC/VPS. All trading actions will be copied from provider to receiver perfectly. This version can be used on MT5 accounts only. For MT4 accounts, you must use Auto Trade Copier (for MT4). Reference: - For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Fr
    Auto Trade Driver is an automatic powerful tool (run as Expert Advisor) that helps you to manage risk and control orders and maximize your profit in multi-protect/trailing-stop rules. This tool is very useful for both scalpers and trend followers. It not only calculates the trade risk exactly, but also protects and maximizes your profits in real-time. With this tool, the only thing you have to do is to enter trade by your own strategy, then it will auto-drive your position with exit strategy you
    News Trader Pro is a unique robot that allows you to trade the news by your predefined strategy. It loads every piece of news from several popular Forex websites. You can choose any news and preset the strategy to trade it, and then News Trader Pro will trade that news by selected strategy automatically when the news comes. News release gives opportunity to have pips since the price usually has big move at that time. Now, with this tool, trading news becomes easier, more flexible and more exciti
    Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will n
    Auto Trade Copier is designed to copy trades to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts/terminals with 100% accuracy. The provider and receiver accounts must be on the same PC/VPS. With this tool, you can copy trades to receiver accounts on the same PC/VPS. All trading actions will be copied from provider to receiver perfectly. This version can be used on MT4 accounts only. For MT5 accounts, you must use Auto Trade Copier for MT5 . Reference: - For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Fre
    Unlimited Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not b
    Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTradfer accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not be abl
    Trade Receiver Free is a free tool to copy trades/signals from multiple MT4/MT5 accounts. The provider account must use copier EA to send the signal. This version can be used on MT5 accounts only. For MT4 accounts, you must use Trade Receiver Free . Reference: - For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free . - For MT5 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free MT5 . - For cTrader receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free cTrader . - If you only need copy from MT4 accoun
    News Loader Pro is a tool that automatically updates every economic news in real time with detailed information from several online data sources. It uses the unique technology to load data with full details from popular Forex websites. An alert will be sent to your mobile/email before an upcoming news release. Moreover, it also marks the news release points on the chart for further review and research. In Forex trading, news is one of the important factors that move the market. Sticking with ne
    Currency Power Meter shows the power of major currencies against each other. The indicator shows the relative strength of currency/pair at the current moment in a period of time (H4, daily, weekly, monthly). It is useful for day traders, swing traders and position traders with suitable period options. Currency power is the true reason of market trend: The strongest currency against the weakest currency will combine into a most trending pair. As we know, trend makes money and all traders love tre
    My Money Manager like a risk controller, which places your trades with the exact volume that meets your desired stop loss risk percentage. It can also help you to preview your EP/SL/TP levels before placing an order by dragging these levels directly on a chart, and keep reporting about them during the position opening. With this tool, you will feel more comfortable when deciding to open orders, as well as forecasting your profit/loss with your orders. Placing orders is a very precise and profess
    Trade Receiver Free is a free tool to copy trades/signals from multiple MT4/MT5 accounts. The provider account must use copier EA to send the signal. This version can be used on MT4 accounts only. For MT5 accounts, you must use Trade Receiver Free for MT5 . Reference: - For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free . - For MT5 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free MT5 . - For cTrader receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free cTrader . - If you only need copy from MT
    Binary Options Receiver Free is a free tool to copy binary options trades from other traders at different locations over internet, who use Remote Binary Options Copier to send. To start copying via this tool, provider must add a free license in his list first. That means you can use this free tool to copy binary options trades from a provider, who authorized you to do so and issued a free license. Reference : If you need both sending and receiving features, please check Remote Binary Options Cop
    Trade Report Pro is an EA that create professional graphic report of your trade history automatically and manually. It also send notification to your mobile or email once your account balance changed. Reports are saved by HTML and CSV format, while opening a quick summary report window inside MT4. Note: Demo version for testing can be downloaded at: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/5054 . Followings are highlight features: Report with full and professional statistics, which is better than
    My Money Manager like a risk controller, which places your trades with the exact volume that meets your desired stop loss risk percentage. It can also help you to preview your EP/SL/TP levels before placing an order by dragging these levels directly on a chart, and keep reporting about them during the position opening. With this tool, you will feel more comfortable when deciding to open orders, as well as forecasting your profit/loss with your orders. Placing orders is a very precise and profess
    Trade Controller provides multiple methods to protect and maximize your profits. This powerful weapon helps you to set the protect and trailing-stop rules on your trade automatically in many effective methods. Once it is set and turned on, you don't need to monitor your orders anymore, the software will keep watching and control your orders with your predefined rules. It's designed to support multi-protection and trailing strategy: Protect by break-even, protect by percentage, protect by pip, pr
    News Loader Pro is a tool that automatically updates every economic news in real time with detailed information from several online data sources. It uses the unique technology to load data with full details from popular Forex websites. An alert will be sent to your mobile/email before an upcoming news release. Moreover, it also marks the news release points on the chart for further review and research. In Forex trading, news is one of the important factors that move the market. Sticking with new
    News Trader Pro is a unique robot that allows you to trade the news by your predefined strategy. It loads every piece of news from several popular Forex websites. You can choose any news and preset the strategy to trade it, and then News Trader Pro will trade that news by selected strategy automatically when the news comes. News release gives opportunity to have pips since the price usually has big move at that time. Now, with this tool, trading news becomes easier, more flexible and more exciti
    Binary Options Trading Pad is a very useful tool for trading binary options on the MT4 platform. No need to setup plugins outside MT4 anymore. This is a simple and convenient panel right on MT4 chart. Demo: For testing purpose, please download the free demo version here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/9981 Features One-click trading buttons on the panel. Trade multi-binary option symbols in one panel. Auto recognize all binary options symbols. Show order flow with expiration progress. M
    Binary Options Copier Local is an EA that allows to copy binary options trades between MT4 accounts on the same computer. With this copier, you can act as either a provider (source) or a receiver (destination). All binary options trades will be copied from the provider to the receiver with no delay. Demo : Demo version for testing can be downloaded at: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/10047 Reference : If you need to copy between different computers over Internet, please check Binary Optio
    Binary Options Copier Remote is an EA that allows to copy binary options trades between MT4 accounts at different computers. This is an ideal solution for signal provider, who want to share his trade with the others globally on his own rules. Provider can give free bonus license to 10 receivers. That means those 10 receivers can copy from provider by using Binary Options Receiver Free (no cost). From 11th one, receiver have to buy Binary Options Receiver Pro (paid version) in order to copy from
    Unlimited Binary Options Copier Remote is a powerful tool to copy binary options trades remotely between multiple accounts at different locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for signal provider, who want to share his binary options trades with the others globally on his own rules. One provider can copy trades to unlimited receivers and one receiver can get trade from unlimited providers as well. The provider can set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will no
    This robot works hard silently and trades while you are sleeping. That is why it is called Forex Night Trader . The Forex Night Trader only trades when the market has low volatility at night, so it is not affected by sharp price swings on the market. This robot can trade multiple pairs at the same time on a single chart. It was backtested and optimized using real ticks with 99.9% quality. Its backtest passed the hardest periods of the market over 6 years (from 2010). Features Fully automated
    Super Custom Indicator allows you to design trading signals on your own without coding knowledge. You just need to input the trading rules and it will scan multiple symbols at multiple time frames to find the signals for you in real-time as well as in history chart. Real-time signals will be sent to your mobile and email also. The indicator can calculate and analyze every technical indicators, even custom indicators, with complex operations to give the signal exactly. Normally, it is hard for yo
    Auto Trade Driver is an automatic powerful tool (run as Expert Advisor) that helps you to manage risk and control orders and maximize your profit in multi-protect/trailing-stop rules. This tool is very useful for both scalpers and trend followers. It not only calculates the trade risk exactly, but also protects and maximizes your profits in real-time. With this tool, the only thing you have to do is to enter trade by your own strategy, then it will auto-drive your position with exit strategy you
    Currency Power Meter shows the power of major currencies against each other. The indicator shows the relative strength of currency/pair at the current moment in a period of time (H4, daily, weekly, monthly). It is useful for day traders, swing traders and position traders with suitable period options. Currency power is the true reason of market trend: The strongest currency against the weakest currency will combine into a most trending pair. As we know, trend makes money and all traders love tre
    Trade Controller provides multiple methods to protect and maximize your profits. This powerful weapon helps you to set the protect and trailing-stop rules on your trade automatically in many effective methods. Once it is set and turned on, you don't need to monitor your orders anymore, the software will keep watching and control your orders with your predefined rules. It's designed to support multi-protection and trailing strategy: Protect by break-even, protect by percentage, protect by pip, pr
    This robot works hard silently and trades while you are sleeping. That is why it is called Forex Night Trader . The Forex Night Trader only trades when the market has low volatility at night, so it is not affected by sharp price swings on the market. This robot can trade multiple pairs at the same time on a single chart. It was backtested and optimized using real ticks with 99.9% quality. Its backtest passed the hardest periods of the market over 6 years (from 2010). Features Fully automated t
    alshamy 2023.09.04 11:47 


    Davegee 2023.06.30 10:43 

    Excellent trade copier and apart from a couple of minor niggles as detailed in comments has worked exactly as described.

    49080896 2022.09.29 18:37 

    A very good product!! Copies very fast(almost instantaneous in Local mode). My only complaint is that sometimes when I set it up on a reciever, if fails to show the enable button, and thus no copying is possible. But if can get it onto the receiver, Whoosh!! Away it goes. And for that 5 enthusiastic stars!

    Vu Trung Kien
    開発者からの返信 Vu Trung Kien 2022.10.01 04:31
    The status button (Enable/Disable) is always at the bottom of the panel. If your chart window is too narrow, you must stretch it to reveal the whole panel and you will see the button.
    Morard Kevin
    Morard Kevin 2022.02.23 10:16 

    Very good EA for trading copy! Thank you

    Kalimann73 2021.04.05 17:28 

    well I need to complain, I followed the directions and it was coping for the 1st day on a VPN then it just quit. I tried everything reinstalled it and every thing. it says I cam connected to the provider but yet it is not taking any trades. this is very frusterating and I am ready to look for another copier as this one is not working for some reason. I keep getting Error #133

    Vu Trung Kien
    開発者からの返信 Vu Trung Kien 2021.04.05 19:31
    Please note that error #133 indicates that your account is blocked from using EAs by your broker. You can try any other EA on your account and see that no EA can trade on your account. You can check error codes here: https://docs.mql4.com/constants/errorswarnings/errorcodes It's not the copier's problem. You should ask your broker to unblock your account for using EAs. I hope you can check this and give a fair review.
    HO YUEN DAVID SIN 2021.03.10 08:56 

    After long time of use, I confirm it is the best copier you can find in MQL5. And Kevin is always helping! That is why I give 5 stars !

    Fxpro Trader Technical
    Fxpro Trader Technical 2021.02.25 18:12 

    Excellent Trade Copier Ea , Kevin always prompt to reply any questions, I had been using it for a while now , it has all the functions you need, there is no need to look elsewhere , this is by far one of the best trade copier I have used. Recommended to all. AA++

    BLAS RUIZ HERNANDEZ 2021.02.06 13:22 

    I use this software since nearly 2 years, very easy to use, any doubt will be answered by the coder fast, very good comunication! In my case I had a specific problem not related with this software, but the seller gives me perfect advices and helps me a lot! Many Thanks and congratulations for all your work which helps all of us!

    Brian Smith
    Brian Smith 2020.10.28 03:51 

    This is an amazing Copier I use it for all of my trading signals. I am currently running the MetaTrader Developer Virtual Server. Please note when using this trade copier system to select VPS or Virtual Server on the input tab when loading the EA to the charts. Vu has always done an amazing job for risk management tools like his Money Manager EA and his News Trader Pro. He is always receptive to feedback and will communicate through any technical issues traders may come across. 5 stars across the board!

    Javier Leito
    Javier Leito 2020.07.10 19:26 

    Very good Product, and nice service, simple and easy

    Kelly Yuliana Contreras Navas
    Kelly Yuliana Contreras Navas 2019.01.08 06:18 

    Es práctica si necesitas replicar a pocas cuentas... Si necesitas replicar masivamente a una cartera de clientes este EA no soporta esa operativa ya que debes instalar un MT4 por cada cuenta receptora...

    Roni Yehuda
    Roni Yehuda 2018.10.18 07:44 

    It is look good but suddenly it stops copy.

    Verner Nielsen
    Verner Nielsen 2018.03.05 22:10 

    05.03.2018: The author is very responsive and that would be a 5 star review. But the server http://copy.autofxpro.com was down for several hours 14.02.2018 so copying was interrupted but it was fixed within several hours. I have been using TCP on two instances of MT4 to copy trades to one account, on one for copying forex pairs and on the other MT4 to copy indexes (DE30, US30) but where the base contract has differed by a factor of 100x between the provider and receiver so a conversion factor of 0.01 has been used instead of 1.0 for the forex pairs.

    What I found out is that it is crucial to have a good CPU power on whatever you are running it. If your VPS is running at almost 100% you'll lose connection to the provider more often so in the options menu of MT4 do 3 things:

    1.) uncheck 'enable news' under 'Server' 2.) Uncheck 'Enable' under Events 3.) and most important under Charts set 'max bars history' to 20000 and 'max bars in chart' to 5000

    That will reduce quite some of the CPU power MT4 takes up. And always keep the MT4 window minimized in the task bar.

    09.12.2017: This is a very good utility for copying across accounts locally or worldwide. The setup is fairly easy and copy speeds are very fast locally but on my side are sometimes delayed up to some seconds when going around the globe. It might have some issues with copying both locally and externally and when running several instances of TCP on one platform or even several platforms on the same VPS it seems to have trouble but I need to test this to find out.

    What I would greatly appreciate is an option to select different scale factors for each pair. This is due to the fact that some brokers have 10 times higher contract sizes on eg. XAUUSD and GER30 which is also referred to as DE30. So to select that when a trade on broker A for 10 lot GER30 should be copied to broker B as 1 lot would be nice.

    But overall a very nice copying utility. Definitely worth a buy!

    Brett Jones
    Brett Jones 2017.02.18 06:30 

    Good overall functionality. It can copy trades on local machine and copy to remote accounts on different servers and VPS. The performance has been very good overall. There have been a couple of hours only where the remote signal was delayed, but this has been twice in about 5 months.

    Local copy speeds are very fast. Remote copy speeds for me have been very fast, usually within about 250 milliseconds. An excellent tool!!

    削除済み 2015.06.20 08:43 


    mark docherty
    mark docherty 2015.06.14 00:06 

    Seems like a very good programme hopefully it works in the long run, I would suggest downloading both copier and receiver from SAME site. Easy to use thanks again!


    Kevin is very professional and is quick to answer any queries that I had.

    He would be a great asset to any provider and also receiver.

    My trade copier reached max capacity and I needed a solution to be able to add new clients, him and his team created a customized copier for myself to allow unlimited clients to be added and the job was completed quickly preventing problems happening and the loss of clients and also for a reasonable price.

    Superb thanks guys!!

    Qing Long Yang
    Qing Long Yang 2015.06.08 06:10 

    我购买的Trade Copier Pro软件不能在英文版本的VPS上运行,如何解决?

    I purchased the Trade Copier Pro software can not run on the English version of the VPS, how to solve?



    Han Siang Yong
    Han Siang Yong 2015.02.28 03:03 

    Very cool EA. Simple to use interface and works well. One thing that I wasn't clear on but was clarified quickly is that your receivers download the free accompanying app Trade Receiver Free at https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/6140

    Eduardo Bolinches
    Eduardo Bolinches 2015.02.19 13:05 

    Wonderful EA. Very simple and easy to use!

    バージョン 6.91 2024.12.07
    - Improved: Increase speed with heavy history accounts.
    バージョン 6.90 2024.08.27
    - Adaption: Use alternative function to replace malfunction MathRound() and MathCeil() of MT4 platform version 4.00 build 1421 on 22 Jul 2024.
    バージョン 6.89 2024.07.30
    - Adaption: MT4 platform version 4.00 build 1421 on 22 Jul 2024 has a bug that makes many EAs not work correctly. So, we have to change something in the code to avoid this bug of MT4 platform.
    バージョン 6.88 2024.07.25
    - Improved: Better interface rendering.
    バージョン 6.87 2024.05.20
    - Fixed: Change default value of copy SL & TP to true.
    バージョン 6.86 2024.05.18
    - Added: Filter for copy SL and TP independently.
    - Improved: Optimize the panel design to always show ON/OFF button even with small chart.
    バージョン 6.85 2024.04.28
    - Improved: Better connection to cTrader receiver.
    バージョン 6.84 2024.04.28
    - Improved: Support provider to send separate signals through separate channels.
    バージョン 6.83 2024.04.06
    - Improve: Compatible with cTrader Receiver.
    - Improve: Faster connection.
    バージョン 6.82 2024.03.20
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.81 2024.03.16
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 6.80 2024.03.16
    - Improved: Faster data I/O.
    バージョン 6.79 2024.03.11
    - Improved: Auto select between SL/TP price and SL/TP distance in copying.
    バージョン 6.78 2024.03.10
    - Fixed: Interface adjustment bugs.
    バージョン 6.77 2024.03.09
    - Improved: Better font-size adjustment.
    - Improved: Better order matching.
    - Improved: FIFO compliance.
    バージョン 6.76 2024.02.17
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.75 2024.02.12
    - Fixed: Over-size font.
    - Improved: Better orders matching.
    バージョン 6.74 2024.01.31
    - Fixed: Make receiver list editable.
    バージョン 6.73 2024.01.29
    - Fixed: Correct over-size text.
    バージョン 6.72 2024.01.28
    - Improved: Auto-correct font size.
    バージョン 6.71 2024.01.26
    - Improved: Still work if MT4 terminal startup in minimize mode.
    バージョン 6.70 2024.01.25
    - Fixed: Infinity loops when adjusting font size on some rare computers.
    バージョン 6.69 2024.01.24
    - Improved: Make interface always on top layer of the chart.
    バージョン 6.68 2024.01.23
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 6.67 2024.01.23
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.66 2024.01.23
    - Improved: Better detect trading activities.
    - Improved: Auto-adjust font size.
    - Added: Allow to choose interface size (support upto 4K screen).
    - Removed: Remove receiver features to make the EA lighter (receiver account will use Trade Receiver Free EA).
    バージョン 6.65 2023.12.16
    - Improved: Better signal synchronization.
    バージョン 6.64 2023.12.02
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.63 2023.10.22
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 6.62 2023.10.14
    - Improved: Better order matching.
    バージョン 6.61 2023.08.11
    - Improved: Add more matching symbols into library.
    バージョン 6.59 2023.04.03
    - Fixed: Better recognize when change to new device.
    バージョン 6.58 2023.03.26
    - Improved: Better recognize special symbols.
    バージョン 6.57 2023.02.19
    - Improved: Correct with abnormal lot size step.
    バージョン 6.56 2023.02.08
    - Improved: Better special symbol name matching.
    バージョン 6.55 2023.02.04
    - Improved: Auto matching index symbol names between brokers.
    バージョン 6.54 2022.12.03
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.53 2022.11.12
    - Improved: Better operation.
    バージョン 6.52 2022.09.13
    - Fixed: Updated telegram bot.
    バージョン 6.51 2022.07.02
    - Improved: Better sync.
    バージョン 6.50 2022.06.18
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 6.49 2022.06.09
    - Improved: Slippage updated.
    バージョン 6.48 2022.06.08
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.47 2022.06.08
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.46 2022.06.08
    - Improved: Faster speed.
    バージョン 6.45 2022.06.07
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 6.44 2022.06.06
    - Improved: Speed optimized.
    バージョン 6.43 2022.06.06
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.42 2022.06.05
    - Improved: Lower resource consumption.
    バージョン 6.41 2022.04.26
    - Fixed: Correct "W/o comment" filter.
    バージョン 6.40 2022.04.10
    - Improved: Better wildcard recognization.
    バージョン 6.39 2022.03.19
    - Improved: Faster interaction.
    バージョン 6.38 2022.01.16
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 6.37 2021.12.25
    - Improved: Performance optimized.
    バージョン 6.36 2021.12.18
    - Improved: Better comment filter.
    バージョン 6.35 2021.12.08
    - Improved: Better copying.
    バージョン 6.34 2021.10.23
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 6.33 2021.10.13
    - Fixed: Copy partial close with comment filter.
    バージョン 6.32 2021.09.25
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 6.31 2021.07.15
    - Fixed: Non-latin character issue.
    バージョン 6.30 2021.07.11
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.29 2021.06.12
    - Added: Allows to filter order comments with wildcard *.
    バージョン 6.28 2021.04.03
    - Fixed: Issue when the pending order at provider get triggered before copied pending order at receiver.
    バージョン 6.27 2021.03.30
    - Improved: Better performance.
    バージョン 6.26 2021.03.18
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 6.25 2021.03.13
    - Improved: Better operation.
    バージョン 6.24 2021.03.07
    - Improved: More convenient to connect to Telegram.
    バージョン 6.23 2021.03.02
    - Improved: Better copying actions.
    バージョン 6.22 2021.01.29
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.21 2021.01.29
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 6.20 2021.01.14
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 6.19 2021.01.13
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.18 2020.12.26
    - Improved: Codes optimized.
    バージョン 6.17 2020.12.16
    - Fixed: More stable list data.
    バージョン 6.16 2020.12.13
    - Improved: More beautiful signal message.
    バージョン 6.15 2020.12.08
    - Improved: More beautiful signal message format.
    バージョン 6.14 2020.11.12
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.13 2020.11.07
    - Improved: Better performance.
    バージョン 6.12 2020.10.06
    - Improved: Faster speed.
    バージョン 6.10 2020.09.29
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 6.9 2020.09.24
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.8 2020.09.23
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 6.7 2020.09.19
    - Improved: Better re-connection.
    バージョン 6.6 2020.09.17
    - Improved: Update local-edited list file in real-time.
    バージョン 6.5 2020.09.16
    - Improved: Send Telegram message to public group.
    バージョン 6.4 2020.08.25
    - Fixed: Receiver can still follow the last online signal.
    バージョン 6.3 2020.08.17
    - Improved: Better connection.
    バージョン 6.2 2020.07.19
    - Improved: Stop trying to copy when market closed.
    バージョン 6.1 2020.07.08
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 6.0 2020.07.04
    - Improved: Better symbol matching.
    バージョン 5.99 2020.07.01
    - Improved: Works with lot size smaller than 0.01.
    バージョン 5.98 2020.06.29
    - Added: Add more auto-matched CFD symbols.
    バージョン 5.97 2020.06.22
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.96 2020.05.26
    - Fixed: Set millisecond timer issue.
    バージョン 5.95 2020.05.19
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 5.94 2020.05.11
    - Improved: Better Telegram sending.
    バージョン 5.93 2020.05.09
    - Fixed: Match with long order ticket number of MT5 accounts.
    バージョン 5.92 2020.05.02
    - Improved: Codes optimized.
    バージョン 5.91 2020.04.18
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.90 2020.04.13
    - Fixed: Correct Telegram sending.
    バージョン 5.89 2020.04.12
    - Improved: Send signal notification to Telegram.
    バージョン 5.88 2020.03.23
    - Improved: Interface optimization.
    バージョン 5.87 2020.03.14
    - Added: Allow to enable/disable Email & Mobile notification options.
    - Added: Custom SL & TP options.
    バージョン 5.86 2020.01.24
    - Fixed: Exit option correction.
    バージョン 5.85 2020.01.20
    - Fixed: Signal alert correction.
    バージョン 5.84 2020.01.12
    - Improved: Better data structure.
    バージョン 5.83 2019.12.15
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 5.82 2019.12.15
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 5.81 2019.12.02
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.80 2019.11.30
    - Improved: Faster connection.
    バージョン 5.79 2019.10.03
    - Fixed: Correct CloseBy function copying.
    バージョン 5.78 2019.10.01
    - Improved: Faster connection to copy server.
    バージョン 5.77 2019.09.28
    - Improved: Auto recognize market close/open.
    バージョン 5.76 2019.09.27
    - Fixed: MarketInfo() function gives FALSE value with some weird brokers.
    バージョン 5.75 2019.09.26
    - Improved: Data reading optimized.
    バージョン 5.74 2019.09.18
    - Improved: Speed improved.
    バージョン 5.73 2019.09.16
    - Improved: Support credit accounts.
    バージョン 5.72 2019.09.14
    - Fixed: Still keep market orders that transformed from copied pending orders even provider disable "Buy" and "Sell" filter.
    バージョン 5.71 2019.09.09
    - Improved: More attempts when EventSetMillisecondTimer() function failed.
    バージョン 5.70 2019.08.29
    - Fixed: Partial close with small volume.
    バージョン 5.69 2019.08.16
    - Fixed: Provider in remote mode with input parameter.
    バージョン 5.67 2019.08.05
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.66 2019.08.04
    - Improved: Provider can send message to receivers.
    バージョン 5.65 2019.07.30
    - Fixed: Custom Prefix & Suffix input correction.
    バージョン 5.64 2019.07.20
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.63 2019.07.10
    - Fixed: Bug when huge provider account (millions of account balance) trade with minimum lot size.
    バージョン 5.62 2019.07.01
    - Improved: Better connection recover.
    バージョン 5.61 2019.06.26
    - Fixed: Partial close copy.
    バージョン 5.60 2019.06.25
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 5.59 2019.06.21
    - Added: Prefix and Suffix parameters.
    - Added: Notify to mobile and email when the copier is disabled/enabled or disconnected.
    バージョン 5.58 2019.06.18
    - Fixed: Color fix.
    バージョン 5.57 2019.06.14
    - Improved: Parameters optimized.
    バージョン 5.56 2019.06.13
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.55 2019.06.12
    - Changed: Minor interface changes.
    バージョン 5.54 2019.06.10
    - Improved: Interface optimized.
    バージョン 5.53 2019.06.10
    - Change: Add "No Copy Later Than" option/parameter.
    バージョン 5.52 2019.05.31
    - Improved: Faster connection to server.
    バージョン 5.51 2019.05.29
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.50 2019.05.25
    - Improved: Auto recognize CFD and Metal symbols between different brokers.
    バージョン 5.49 2019.05.04
    - Improved: Add input parameters for simple control mode, which supports MQL5 VPS.
    バージョン 5.48 2019.03.15
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 5.47 2019.03.13
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 5.45 2019.02.14
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.44 2019.02.13
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 5.43 2019.01.24
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.42 2019.01.24
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.41 2019.01.21
    - Improved: Better partial close and closeby management from MT5 to MT4.
    バージョン 5.40 2019.01.01
    - Improved: Convert contract size of CFDs and Indexes between different brokers.
    バージョン 5.39 2018.12.31
    - Improved: Convert contract size of CFDs and Indexes between different brokers.
    バージョン 5.38 2018.12.19
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.37 2018.12.18
    - Fixed: SetTimer issue.
    バージョン 5.36 2018.12.17
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 5.35 2018.12.16
    - Improved: Load saved order faster after restarted.
    バージョン 5.34 2018.12.15
    - Improved: Auto hide Prefix&Suffix setting if the account has only one symbol for each pairs.
    - Improved: Better copied order management.
    バージョン 5.33 2018.11.24
    - Improved: Faster speed.
    バージョン 5.32 2018.11.22
    - Improved: Better prefix & suffix recognition.
    バージョン 5.31 2018.11.19
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 5.30 2018.11.12
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.28 2018.11.03
    - Improved: Add Prefix & Suffix option for receiver if there are more than one symbol for the same currency pair.
    バージョン 5.27 2018.10.21
    - Improved: Support duplicate trades within the same account.
    バージョン 5.26 2018.10.17
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 5.25 2018.10.15
    - Fixed: Minor bug with copy same order comment from MT5 to MT4.
    バージョン 5.24 2018.10.04
    - Improved: Better copied orders management.
    バージョン 5.23 2018.10.02
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.22 2018.09.22
    - Improved: Better orders management when switching between multiple PCs/VPSs.
    バージョン 5.21 2018.09.08
    - Fixed: "Stoploss Risk Percent" with small lotsize.
    バージョン 5.20 2018.09.04
    - Improved: Adapt with some brokers that set their profit currency in pair incorrectly.
    バージョン 5.19 2018.08.28
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.18 2018.08.25
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 5.17 2018.08.24
    - Fixed: "Can not set millisecond timer" error fixed.
    バージョン 5.16 2018.08.16
    - Improved: Faster copying due to shorter account checking.
    バージョン 5.14 2018.06.22
    - Improved: Speed up at receiver mode.
    バージョン 5.13 2018.06.08
    - Fixed: Still manage copied orders correctly after move to another PC/VPS.
    バージョン 5.12 2018.05.31
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    - Improved: Increased data reading speed in remote mode.
    バージョン 5.11 2018.05.14
    - Fixed: Auto reconnect HTTP request if failed.
    バージョン 5.10 2018.05.04
    - Fixed: Fixed lotsize bugs.
    バージョン 5.1 2018.04.24
    - Fixed: Alert multiple times if copy server's URL is not added.
    バージョン 5.0 2018.03.06
    - Improved: Copy between MT5.
    - Improved: Code optimized.
    バージョン 4.45 2017.11.30
    - Fixed: corrected custom pairs filter.
    バージョン 4.44 2017.07.05
    - Improved: Recognize Forex pairs if even some brokers define them as CFD mistakenly.
    バージョン 4.43 2017.05.24
    - Improved: adaption to MetaTrader 4 build 1090.
    バージョン 4.42 2017.04.19
    - Fixed: Correct symbols matching when a broker has more than one symbols of the same pair.
    バージョン 4.41 2017.04.18
    - Improved: Allow different settings for different providers on each chart.
    バージョン 4.40 2017.03.24
    - Added: "Do Nothing" option to Equity Drawdown.
    バージョン 4.38 2017.03.10
    - Added: "Entry" to copy filter. So, receiver can choose to not copy new trades from provider while still follow the current copied trades.
    - Added: Equity drawdown protection. So, receiver account can be protected when a specific drawdown of equity reached.
    バージョン 4.37 2017.02.28
    - Improved: Faster update to copied trades when provider changes settings.
    バージョン 4.36 2016.12.22
    - Fixed: Save custom comment setting after reload.
    バージョン 4.35 2016.12.13
    - Improved: Allows multiple comments filter by putting comments into quote mark. E.g: "Comment 1","Comment 2", "Comment 3"...
    - Improved: Allows multiple magic numbers filter by separated semicolon. E.g: 123;456;789;
    - Added: Same comment option -> the receiver will have the same order comment as provider.
    バージョン 4.34 2016.11.08
    - Improved: Allows negative slippage value (better copied entry).
    - Improved: Allows excluded custom pairs by adding exclamation (!) before the pair symbol. E.g: !EURUSD, !USDJPY, ...
    バージョン 4.33 2016.10.24
    - Fixed: Copy SL/TP modification when provider remove SL/TP.
    バージョン 4.32 2016.10.11
    - Added: Notification about adding the URL of copy server at provider.
    バージョン 4.31 2016.09.28
    - Improved: Better handle with copy invalid entry pending orders.
    バージョン 4.30 2016.08.22
    - Fixed: Avoid non-stop loop of error #130 when EP/SL/TP is invalid.
    バージョン 4.29 2016.07.18
    - Improved: Auto recognize the difference of metal symbols between brokers (XAUUSD <-> GOLD, XAGUSD <-> SILVER).
    バージョン 4.27 2016.06.28
    - Removed: "Trade Timeout" option is removed. Orders will be copied at anytime as long as it has the same or better entry of source's order.
    バージョン 4.26 2016.06.22
    - Added: Scale factor for "Provider risk scaling" lot size option allowing a receiver to scale the risk of a provider.
    バージョン 4.25 2016.05.31
    - Added: Provider can set subscription expiry for each receiver.
    - Added: User can edit the provider/receiver list by .csv file outside of MT4.
    - Added: Copy to remote receivers and local receivers at the same time.
    - Improved: Auto calculate lotsize scale if provider's account currency is different from receiver's account currency.
    - Improved: Can concect to all other versions of my copier.
    バージョン 4.24 2016.05.06
    - Improved: Allows multiple magic numbers filter-in/out by separate symbol ";". E.g: 1234;5678;
    バージョン 4.23 2016.03.14
    - Fixed: Fixed unexpected "DISABLE" status.
    バージョン 4.22 2016.02.25
    - Added: Filter in/out for order comment and order magic number.
    バージョン 4.21 2015.12.01
    - Fixed minor bugs.
    バージョン 4.19 2015.11.30
    - Improved: Allow to copy large volume by mutiplying maximum lotsize per order.
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 4.18 2015.10.16
    - Improved: Add more detailed message to warn the user if connect demo version to full version.
    バージョン 4.17 2015.09.04
    - Improved: Notify user about copy server URL if it has not been added.
    バージョン 4.14 2015.05.12
    - Improved: Only show trading symbol in Market Watch if necessary.
    バージョン 4.13 2015.04.29
    - Fixed: Conflict if maximum allowed order amounts between provider and receiver are different.
    バージョン 4.12 2015.03.27
    - Fixed: Unpredicted "array out of range" error.
    バージョン 4.11 2015.03.19
    - Fixed: Correct alert at order close.
    バージョン 4.1 2015.03.06
    - Fixed: Minor bug about adding a new provider.
    バージョン 4.0 2015.03.05
    - Fixed: No more conflicts between multi-providers with new comment options.

    Caution: Close all existing copied orders before updating.
    バージョン 3.99 2015.03.03
    - Fixed: Removed untradeable symbols in Market Watch with some brokers (like Exness).
    - Improved: A receiver is able to set different options for each providers group by loading the copier on different charts.
    - Added: A provider is able to set comments for copied orders.

    Caution: All existing copied orders need to be closed before updating this version.
    バージョン 3.97 2015.02.18
    - Fixed: Minor bug.
    バージョン 3.96 2015.02.11
    - Improved: Slightly faster data transfer.
    - Added: Notification if Internet connection is lost.
    バージョン 3.9 2015.02.03
    - Fixed: Force to display all graphic objects to the front of the chart. They could be hidden at few low RAM computers with previous version.
    バージョン 3.8 2015.02.02
    - Fixed empty provider/receiver list after reloading the copier.
    バージョン 3.6 2015.01.21
    - Reduced memory consumption.
    バージョン 3.5 2015.01.16
    - Fixed: Expert Advisor's status message correction.
    - Fixed: Eliminate potential zero divides.
    バージョン 3.3 2015.01.08
    - Fixed: Allow provider role for investor account login.
    バージョン 3.2 2015.01.06
    - Added: Copy filter options for a receiver.
    - Added: Backup servers input.
    - Changes: Switched server to copy.autofxpro.com.
    バージョン 2.8 2014.12.24
    - Added: Balance ratio option for lotsize.
    - Added: Support "Close By" function.
    - Added: Support "Partial Close" function.
    バージョン 2.7 2014.11.25
    - Fixed: Missed provider's status in local mode.
    バージョン 2.6 2014.11.21
    Improved: Faster copying speed.
    バージョン 2.5 2014.11.18
    - Improved: More stable for data transferring.
    Note: Please make sure that there is no copied order processing before upgrade.
    バージョン 2.4 2014.11.14
    Increased the number of decimal points in lotsize multiply factor.
    バージョン 2.2 2014.10.01
    Fixed minor bugs about symbol recognition (reported from users).
    バージョン 2.1 2014.09.30
    - Fixed: minor bugs.
    バージョン 2.0 2014.09.30
    - Improved: Allows provider to add 10 free receivers. That means those 10 receivers can use Trade Receiver Free to copy trades from provider for free. Only from 11th one, receiver has to buy Trade Copier Pro or Trade Receiver Pro to copy trade from the provider.
    - Improved: Better interact between provider and receiver.
    バージョン 1.7 2014.08.25
    - Fixed: Minor bugs.
    バージョン 1.6 2014.08.19
    - Improved: Better recognition for long symbols
    - Improved: Better provider's status reported to receiver
    バージョン 1.5 2014.08.14
    Improved status communication between provider and receiver.
    バージョン 1.4 2014.08.12
    - Improved: Increase copying speed.
    - Improved: Anti-requote and anti-offquote for receiver.
    バージョン 1.3 2014.08.05
    - Added max. lotsize option.
    - Improved management system.