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WT Candle Color by Volume

The White's Candle Color indicator (by volume) will color the candles based on the current candle's volume compared to the moving average of the volume. This will allow you to see clearly if the volume (real or tick) is within the normal range, whether it is high or low and bring very important information about the market. I hope that this indicator can help in your operational. Success and good trades!

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White Weis Volume Ticks
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (4)
White Weis Volume This indicator shows the sum of the volume in each wave, bulish or bearish, as idealized by David Weis , but it brings an important addition , which is the marking of the bar with the highest volume of the wave (White Bar)! In coding the indicator, it was sought to optimize the code to require minimal processing during use and not to overload mt5. The indicator can be used for pre-trading analysis and study, where the trader analyzes possible points of support and resistance
Pips On Candles
Giuseppe Nittoli
Pips on Candles mostra il numero di pips coinvolte in ogni candela del grafico. E' possibile impostare 3 range differenti per il conteggio su ogni singola candela tramite il parametro RangeType : Con " HighLow " si contano le pips presenti tra il minimo e il massimo. Il numero viene mostrato sotto ogni candela del grafico. Con " OpenClose " si contano le pips presenti tra il prezzo d'apertura e quello di chiusura della candela.   Il numero viene mostrato sotto ogni candela del grafico. Con " Hi
Visual Heatmap Book Analyzer
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Visual Heatmap Book Analyser This indicator monitors the market liquidity and generates colors based on order patterns, quantities, and renewal activities in the book. This allows you to visualize the order flow and identify areas of high and low liquidity and activity. The indicator uses machine learning techniques to analyze the order behavior in the book, enabling it to detect patterns and trends in orders, allowing you to make informed decisions about your trading operations. The color pale
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Paulo Henrique Da Silva
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The RenkoChart tool presents an innovative and highly flexible approach to visualizing market data in MetaTrader 5. This expert creates a custom symbol with Renko bricks directly on the chart, displaying accurate prices at the respective opening date/time for each brick. This feature makes it possible to apply any indicator to the Renko chart. Furthermore, this tool also allows access to historical brick data through native methods in the MQL5 programming language, such as iOpen, iHigh, iLow and
WAPV Weis Wave Chart Forex
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
Il Weis Wave Chart Forex per MT5 è un indicatore di prezzo e volume. La lettura del prezzo e del volume è stata ampiamente diffusa tramite Richard Demille Wyckoff sulla base delle tre leggi da lui create: offerta e domanda, causa ed effetto e sforzo contro risultato. Già nel 1900 R.Wyckoff utilizzava la carta delle onde nelle sue analisi. Molti anni dopo, intorno al 1990, David Weis ha automatizzato il diagramma delle onde di R. Wyckoff e oggi vi portiamo l'evoluzione del diagramma delle onde di
Ziya Gurkan Badem
* Zigzag corretto e accelerato. (È possibile modificare l'intervallo) * Lo zigzag viene aggiornato con ogni nuova candela/barra. * Se vuoi, attivando il pulsante, solo quando fai clic sul pulsante, cerca un motivo. Se lo fai automaticamente, cerca ogni volta che il grafico viene aggiornato. * 17 modelli armonici usati di frequente e un modello speciale che puoi definire le tue proporzioni. * Puoi mantenere il grafico semplice con la visualizzazione dei prezzi. Puoi creare una rappresentazione t
Candlestick Pattern Teller
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5 (1)
Minions Labs' Candlestick Pattern Teller It shows on your chart the names of the famous Candlesticks Patterns formations as soon as they are created and confirmed. No repainting. That way beginners and also professional traders who have difficulties in visually identifying candlestick patterns will have their analysis in a much easier format. Did you know that in general there are 3 types of individuals: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic? Don't be ashamed if you cannot easily recognize Candlesti
A Média Móvel é um indicador que faz parte da Análise Técnica. Com ela, é possível identificar o equilíbrio dos preços no mercado, observando tendências de alta, neutra ou baixa. Este indicador customizado traz opções extras pera definir o método de cálculo podendo-se esclolher entre SMA,EMA,SSMA,LWMA,JJMA,JurX,ParMA,T3,Vidya,AMA,HULL MA. Também conta com varias opções para escolher o método de cálculo para o preço base a ser usado no cáculo da média.
Waves Sizer
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
3.67 (6)
Wyckoff fans, enjoy! Ideally to be used with the Weis Waves indicator, but it can be easily used alone, the Waves Sizer puts the range (in resulting Price movement) done by the Price on its market swings. You can control how accurate or loose will be the swings. This tool is very helpful for visually know how much the Price has traveled in your Timeframe. This way you can confront this level of effort with the resulting Volume, etc... Weis Waves indicator: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/produc
This simple indicator paints with a darker color on the volume bar when the quantity traded is above the average of select number of periods of the volume itself, highlighting the moments when there was a large volume of deals above the average. It is also possible to use a configuration of four colors where the color tone shows a candle volume strength. The indicator defaults to the simple average of 20 periods, but it is possible to change to other types of averages and periods. If you like t
A Renko Tick chart based on continuously adjusting percentage. Live Renko bricks formed by tick data Adjustable brick width expert for indicator attached Scalp with a Renko, get weird. The settings can and will break the script if you turn them up too high. Turning off outline mode will not look as nice, but can potentially allow for a larger number of bricks.
Weis Waves
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2.83 (18)
The original author is David Weis, an expert in the Wyckoff Method. The Weis Wave is a modern adaptation of the 1930's Wyckoff Method, another expert in Tape Reading techniques and Chart Analysis. Weis Waves takes market volume and stacks it into waves according to price conditions giving the trader valuable insights about the market conditions. If you want to learn more about this subject you can find tons of videos in YouTube. Just look for "The Wickoff Method", "Weis Wave" and "Volume Spread
GT Painel MT5 Gratis
Deivitti Almir Rodrigues Batista
Visualize seu histórico de negociações de forma estruturada e detalhada, com taxas de acertos e lucro separados por dia, semana, mês e total, além de detalhes sobre o ativo, horário do servidor e posições/ordens em andamento. Este painel foi criado visando o uso em contas do tipo HEDGE, porém pode ser utilizado em contas do tipo NETTING sem nenhum problema. Na versão PREMIUM deste Painel você tem opção de utilizar uma micro boleta com botões para facilitar o tratamento e execução de ordens em an
Value Chart Candlesticks
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
4.73 (11)
The idea of a Value Chart indicator was presented in the very good book I read back in 2020 , " Dynamic Trading Indicators: Winning with Value Charts and Price Action Profile ", from the authors Mark Helweg and David Stendahl. The idea is simple and the result is pure genius: Present candlestick Price analysis in a detrended way! HOW TO READ THIS INDICATOR Look for Overbought and Oversold levels. Of course, you will need to test the settings a lot to find the "correct" one for your approach. It
This indicator plots in the candles the divergence found in the selected indicator and can also send a notification by email and / or to the cell phone. Works on all TIMEFRAMES. Meet Our Products   He identifies the divergences in the indicators: Relative Strength Index (RSI); Moving Average Convergence and Divergence (MACD); Volume Balance (OBV) and;. iStochastic Stochastic Oscillator  (STOCHASTIC). It is possible to choose the amplitude for checking the divergence and the indicator has to b
This is Gekko's Cutomized Cutomized Average Directional Index (ADX), a customized version of the famous ADX indicator. Use the regular ADX and take advantage two entry signals calculations and different ways of being alerted whenever there is potential entry or exit point. Inputs Period: Period for the ADX calculation; PlotSignalType: How will the indicator calculate entry (swing) signals: 1- ShowSwingsOnTrendLevel : Show Signals for Trend Confirmation Swings; 2- ShowSwingsOnTrendLevelDirection
Volume Zone Fractal
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
VZO Plus è un indicatore che mostra le regioni di ipercomprato e ipervenduto in base al volume scambiato. #Quando la linea dell'indicatore è compresa tra -40 e -60 è ipervenduta #Quando la linea dell'indicatore è tra 40 e 60 è ipercomprato. Al di fuori di queste regioni, il mercato segue per inerzia il suo percorso naturale. Sopra la linea verde, significa che il mercato è positivo, Un altro modo per analizzare l'indicatore è attraverso le regioni di divergenza. Quando abbiamo il minimo più alto
This Simple Smart Money Concepts indicator displays real-time market structure (internal & swing BOS / CHoCH), order blocks, premium & discount zones, equal highs & lows, and much more...allowing traders to automatically mark up their charts with widely used price action methodologies. "Smart Money Concepts" (SMC) is used term amongst price action traders looking to more accurately navigate liquidity & find more optimal points of interest in the market. Trying to determine where institutional
Wave Box Market Frenquency
Jean Jacques Huve Ribeiro
4.75 (4)
Totally linked to the result of a movement and the duration he had. Its height records how many ticks the asset walked during a given movement, its width shows us the duration that movement had. Its configuration must be in line with the Weis Wave Indicator configuration to observe the movement force and can indicate a possible accumulation or distribution of the movement;
up down v6 for mt5 is no repaint all timeframe and all pairs indicator. red histogram cros trigger that is up point,and put a red point on histogram. and blue histogram cros trigger that is deep point.and put blue point on histogram. this indicator need to sometimes zoom out .for thise pres + button. if newly comes signal is too high makes before invisible.red and blue points are there.to see the signals. indicator is no repaint and can use all time frame and all pairs. only need minimum 500 bar
Volume Waves
Paulo Henrique Faquineli Garcia
One of the best tools for analyzing volume, Weis Wave was devised by David Weis to facilitate reading the directional flow. For the disciples of the Wyckoff method, this means an evolution, facilitating a predictive reading of the market, always looking for Accumulation and Distribution zones for traded assets. For better understanding, in this indicator we try to cover every reading of EFFORT (traded volume) versus RESULT (price change). Thus, you can apply the indicator on the chart twice to
Engulfing Candlestick Bulkowski The engulfing candlestick is a well-known candle pattern composed of two candles. This indicator for showing engulfing candlestick that describe by Thomas Bulkowski. If you need for MetaTrader 4 version, please visit here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/34193 Feature Highlights Show bullish engulfing and bearish engulfing. Customizable "Up Symbol". Customizable "Down Symbol". Customizable symbol distance from candlestick. Customizable "Down Color". Custo
Times and Sales Pro
Thalles Nascimento De Carvalho
Times and Sales Pro: Ottimizza le tue operazioni con il Disequilibrio nel Flusso delle Transazioni Opportunità in Piccole Variazioni di Prezzo Times and Sales Pro è uno strumento essenziale per gli analisti che operano il flusso degli ordini attraverso Times and Trades . Ideale per gli scalper, è stato progettato per coloro che desiderano sfruttare piccole fluttuazioni di prezzo con alta precisione. Con calcoli avanzati, l'indicatore identifica i disequilibri nelle transazioni, fornendo
Description The indicator uses market profile theory to show the most relevant trading zones, on a daily basis. The zones to be shown are LVN (low volume nodes) and POC (point of control). An LVN zone is one which represents price areas with the least time or volume throughout the day. Typically, these areas indicate a supply or demand initiative, and in the future, they can turn into important breakout or retracement zones. A POC zone is one which represents price areas with the most time or vo
The indicator measures the accumulated balance of aggression. The formula is as follows:  Accumulated   = Previous Candle Accumulated + Purchase Volume - Sales Volume. Know our products    *** Did you like the product? Then, help us doing review in the " Reviews " tab. The indicator sends information to your email or cell phone when the accumulated balance changes direction. Example : Accumulated seller becomes a buyer. Note : It is recommended to use the default configuration and VPS valu
L'indicatore   "Haven Key Levels PDH PDL"   aiuta i trader a visualizzare i livelli chiave sul grafico. Segna automaticamente i seguenti livelli: DO (Daily Open)   — Livello di apertura del giorno. NYM (New York Midnight)   — Livello di mezzanotte di New York. PDH (Previous Day High)   — Massimo del giorno precedente. PDL (Previous Day Low)   — Minimo del giorno precedente. WO (Weekly Open)   — Livello di apertura della settimana. MO (Monthly Open)   — Livello di apertura del mese. PWH (Previou
Nota: devi nascondere il tipo di grafico esistente, puoi farlo cambiando i colori del grafico, se non sai come farlo, guarda questo video -  https://youtu.be/-4H6Z5Z4fKo o contattami a priceaction9@outlook.com Questo è un tipo di grafico che verrà mostrato al posto del tuo grafico e mostra solo il massimo, il minimo e la chiusura e ha stoppini spessi. Ti aiuta a comprendere meglio ogni candela riducendo il rumore introdotto dai prezzi aperti su ciascuna candela. Ad esempio, sulla scala da 1 a
5 (4)
Simple panel with  Stop loss (Loss), Stop gain (Gain) , Trailing stop (TS) and Breakeven (BE-P). Lot is the number of contracts to be traded. Gain is the number, in points, that the stop gain will be positioned. If you don't want to put stop gain, just put 0 (zero) in place and when you open the order it won't have this stop. Loss is the number, in points, that the stop loss will be placed. If you don't want to put stop loss, just put 0 (zero) in place and when you open the order it won't ha
Do you use volume in your reading of the market? Certainly many traders use it, and do not imagine operating without it. The Color Histogram Volume Set indicator allows the user to choose the value that he considers interesting to monitor. When you pass this you will have visual confirmation and if you want you will also have the audible alert that is given by the indicator. Of course, there are other ways to try to find a high volume, such as assessing whether the volume is above av
Automatic Vwap Midas
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
The 3 Automatic Vwap (Midas) Indicator can be used for Price and Volume studyers to map the movement of market drivers. It automatically plots 3 Vwaps, two of which are dynamic and will be updated throughout the day if new highs or new lows emerge. The third Vwap is daily and can help if the trend is up or down. Also, an auxiliary indicator that plots (also dynamic) points of interest with OHLC prices (Open, High and Low of the current day and Close of the previous day) was inserted. Success and
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TPSpro TREND PRO   è un indicatore di tendenza che analizza automaticamente il mercato, fornisce informazioni sulla tendenza e sui rispettivi cambiamenti e fornisce segnali per entrare nelle operazioni senza ridisegnare. L'indicatore utilizza ciascuna candela e la analizza separatamente. Si riferisce a vari shock al rialzo o al ribasso. Punto di ingresso preciso per il trading di valute, criptovalute, metalli, azioni e indici! Versione MT5                   Descrizione completa dell'indicatore  
PUMPING STATION – La tua pompa di profitto nel Forex! Ti presentiamo PUMPING STATION , un indicatore Forex rivoluzionario che trasformerà il tuo trading in una vera macchina da guadagno! Questo indicatore non è solo un assistente, ma un sistema di trading completo con potenti algoritmi che ti aiuteranno a ottenere guadagni costanti. Acquistando questo prodotto, riceverai anche GRATUITAMENTE: File di configurazione esclusivi per un'impostazione automatica e le massime prestazioni. Accesso a 4 o
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IX Power: Scopri approfondimenti di mercato per indici, materie prime, criptovalute e forex Panoramica IX Power è uno strumento versatile progettato per analizzare la forza di indici, materie prime, criptovalute e simboli forex. Mentre FX Power offre la massima precisione per le coppie di valute utilizzando i dati di tutte le coppie disponibili, IX Power si concentra esclusivamente sui dati di mercato del simbolo sottostante. Questo rende IX Power una scelta eccellente per mercati non correlat
Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
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Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5   è un trend unico 10 in 1 che segue un indicatore multi-timeframe al   100% non ridipinto   che può essere utilizzato su tutti i simboli/strumenti:   forex ,   materie prime ,   criptovalute ,   indici ,   azioni .  Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5  determinerà la tendenza attuale nelle sue fasi iniziali, raccogliendo informazioni e dati da un massimo di 10 indicatori standard, che sono: Indice di movimento direzionale medio (ADX) Indice del canale delle materie prime (CCI
This indicator is based on the mathematics of the great trader W.D. Ganna. With its help, you can easily find strong levels by analyzing swings to find the optimal entry point. The indicator works on all instruments and all timeframes. The indicator is fully manual and has control buttons. All you need to do is press the NEW button, a segment will appear, which you can place on any movement, swing or even 1 candle that you want to analyze. By placing the segment, press the OK button. A grid (th
Questo cruscotto mostra gli ultimi   pattern armonici   disponibili per i simboli selezionati, in modo da risparmiare tempo ed essere più efficienti /   versione MT4 . Indicatore gratuito:   Basic Harmonic Pattern Colonne dell'indicatore Symbol :   vengono visualizzati i simboli selezionati Trend:   rialzista o ribassista Pattern:   tipo di pattern (gartley, butterfly, bat, crab, shark, cypher o ABCD) Entry:   prezzo di ingresso SL:   prezzo di stop loss TP1:   1 prezzo di take profit TP2:
Quantum TrendPulse
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
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Ecco   Quantum TrendPulse   , lo strumento di trading definitivo che combina la potenza di   SuperTrend   ,   RSI   e   Stocastico   in un unico indicatore completo per massimizzare il tuo potenziale di trading. Progettato per i trader che cercano precisione ed efficienza, questo indicatore ti aiuta a identificare con sicurezza le tendenze di mercato, i cambiamenti di momentum e i punti di entrata e uscita ottimali. Caratteristiche principali: Integrazione SuperTrend:   segui facilmente l'andame
This indicator identifies and displays zones, as it were areas of strength, where the price will unfold. The indicator can work on any chart, any instrument, at any timeframe. The indicator has two modes. The indicator is equipped with a control panel with buttons for convenience and split into two modes. Manual mode: To work with manual mode, you need to press the NEW button, a segment will appear. This segment is stretched over the movement and the LVL button is pressed. The level is displayed
Gold Stuff mt5
Vasiliy Strukov
4.92 (173)
Gold Stuff mt5 è un indicatore di tendenza progettato specificamente per l'oro e può essere utilizzato anche su qualsiasi strumento finanziario. L'indicatore non ridisegna e non è in ritardo. Periodo consigliato H1. Contattami subito dopo l'acquisto per avere le impostazioni e un bonus personale!   I risultati in tempo reale possono essere visualizzati qui.  Puoi ottenere una copia gratuita del nostro indicatore Strong Support e Trend Scanner, per favore scrivi in ​​privato. M   IMPOSTAZIONI
FX Dynamic: Monitora volatilità e trend con un’analisi ATR personalizzabile Panoramica FX Dynamic è uno strumento potente che sfrutta i calcoli di Average True Range (ATR) per fornire ai trader informazioni impareggiabili sulla volatilità, sia giornaliera che intraday. Impostando soglie di volatilità chiare—ad esempio 80%, 100%, 130%—puoi individuare rapidamente opportunità di profitto o ricevere avvisi quando il mercato supera i range abituali. FX Dynamic si adatta al fuso orario del tuo brok
Support And Resistance Screener è in un indicatore di livello per MetaTrader che fornisce più strumenti all'interno di un indicatore. Gli strumenti disponibili sono: 1. Screener della struttura del mercato. 2. Zona di ritiro rialzista. 3. Zona di ritiro ribassista. 4. Punti pivot giornalieri 5. Punti pivot settimanali 6. Punti pivot mensili 7. Forte supporto e resistenza basati sul modello e sul volume armonici. 8. Zone a livello di banca. OFFERTA A TEMPO LIMITATO: il supporto HV e l'indicatore
Innanzitutto, vale la pena sottolineare che questo Strumento di Trading è un Indicatore Non-Ridipingente, Non-Ridisegnante e Non-Laggante, il che lo rende ideale per il trading professionale. Corso online, manuale utente e demo. L'Indicatore Smart Price Action Concepts è uno strumento molto potente sia per i nuovi che per i trader esperti. Racchiude più di 20 utili indicatori in uno solo, combinando idee di trading avanzate come l'Analisi del Trader del Circolo Interno e le Strategie di Tradin
Gold Trend 5
Sergei Linskii
3.5 (2)
Gold Trend - è un buon indicatore tecnico azionario. L'algoritmo dell'indicatore analizza il movimento del prezzo di un asset e riflette la volatilità e le potenziali zone di ingresso. I migliori segnali dell'indicatore: - Per VENDERE = istogramma rosso + puntatore SHORT rosso + freccia di segnale gialla nella stessa direzione. - Per l'ACQUISTO = istogramma blu + puntatore LONG blu + freccia di segnale acquatica nella stessa direzione. Vantaggi dell'indicatore: 1. L'indicatore produce seg
Atomic Analyst MT5
Issam Kassas
4.32 (19)
Innanzitutto, vale la pena sottolineare che questo indicatore di trading non è repaint, non è ridisegno e non presenta ritardi, il che lo rende ideale sia per il trading manuale che per quello automatico. Manuale utente: impostazioni, input e strategia. L'Analista Atomico è un indicatore di azione del prezzo PA che utilizza la forza e il momentum del prezzo per trovare un miglior vantaggio sul mercato. Dotato di filtri avanzati che aiutano a rimuovere rumori e segnali falsi, e aumentare il pote
PZ Trend Trading MT5
3.8 (5)
Capture every opportunity: your go-to indicator for profitable trend trading Trend Trading is an indicator designed to profit as much as possible from trends taking place in the market, by timing pullbacks and breakouts. It finds trading opportunities by analyzing what the price is doing during established trends. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Trade financial markets with confidence and efficiency Profit from established trends without getting whip
Easy Breakout MT5
Mohamed Hassan
5 (3)
After your purchase, feel free to contact me for more details on how to receive a bonus indicator called VFI, which pairs perfectly with Easy Breakout for enhanced confluence!     Easy Breakout MT5   is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely trusted strategies among traders: the   Breakout strategy ! This indicator delivers crystal-clear Buy and Sell signals based on breakouts from key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators
MetaForecast M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
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MetaForecast predice e visualizza il futuro di qualsiasi mercato basandosi sull'armonia dei dati dei prezzi. Sebbene il mercato non sia sempre prevedibile, se esiste un modello nei prezzi, MetaForecast può prevedere il futuro con la massima precisione possibile. Rispetto ad altri prodotti simili, MetaForecast può generare risultati più accurati analizzando le tendenze di mercato. Parametri di input Past size (Dimensione passata) Specifica il numero di barre che MetaForecast utilizza per creare
Top indicator for MT5   providing accurate signals to enter a trade without repainting! It can be applied to any financial assets:   forex, cryptocurrencies, metals, stocks, indices .  Watch  the video  (6:22) with an example of processing only one signal that paid off the indicator! MT4 version is here It will provide pretty accurate trading signals and tell you when it's best to open a trade and close it. Most traders improve their trading results during the first trading week with the help of
RelicusRoad Pro MT5
Relicus LLC
4.78 (18)
Ora $ 147 (aumentando a $ 499 dopo alcuni aggiornamenti) - account illimitati (PC o MAC) Manuale utente di RelicusRoad + Video di formazione + Accesso al gruppo Discord privato + Stato VIP UN NUOVO MODO DI GUARDARE IL MERCATO RelicusRoad è l'indicatore di trading più potente al mondo per forex, futures, criptovalute, azioni e indici, fornendo ai trader tutte le informazioni e gli strumenti di cui hanno bisogno per rimanere redditizi. Forniamo analisi tecniche e piani di trading per aiutare og
Trend Line Map Pro MT5
4.09 (11)
Trend Line Map indicator is an addons for   Trend Screener Indicator . It's working as a scanner for all signals generated by Trend screener ( Trend Line Signals ) . It's a Trend Line Scanner based on Trend Screener Indicator.  If you don't have Trend Screener Pro Indicator,   the Trend Line Map Pro will not work.     LIMITED TIME OFFER : Trend Line Map Indicator is available for only 50 $ and lifetime. ( Original price 125$ ) By accessing to our MQL5 Blog,  you can find all our premium indicat
Timeframes Trend Scanner is a trend analyzer or trend screener indicator that helps you know the trend in all timeframes of symbol you're watching. This indicator provides clear & detailed analysis results on a beautiful dashboard, let you able to use this result right away without need to do any additional analysis. Please note that this indicator doesn't work with Strategy Tester. Sorry for that! How it works Step 1: Calculate values of 23 selected & trusted technical indicators (Oscillator &
EXCLUSIVE! JUST  10 COPIES  AVAILABLE!   BONUS AUX VIP Club 2024 : Include EA CAP, CEP, LDH, PSC307 & AO4C to enhance the performance of this tool to its maximum potential  Click Here to Download Files   ( for users only ) FREE Trading Education Available Daily via Zoom --- For More Info or Instant Message Click link ---  https://t.me/abcdwave Transform your trading with the "Five Magic Bullets" Indicator, tailored for traders who embrace the power of Elliott Wave Chaos Theory.
Bill Williams Advanced
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (9)
Bill Williams Advanced is designed for automatic chart analysis using Bill Williams' "Profitunity" system. The indicator analyzes four timeframes at once. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) Advantages 1. Automatically analyzes the chart using the "Profitunity" system of Bill Williams. The found signals are placed in a table in the corner of the screen. 2. Equipped with a trend filter based on the Alligator indicator. Most of the system signals are recommended to be used only according t
Gartley Hunter Multi
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (9)
Gartley Hunter Multi - An indicator for searching for harmonic patterns simultaneously on dozens of trading instruments and on all possible timeframes. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages 1. Patterns: Gartley, Butterfly, Shark, Crab. Bat, Alternate Bat, Deep Crab, Cypher 2. Simultaneous search for patterns on dozens of trading instruments and on all possible timeframes 3. Search for patterns of all possible sizes. From the smallest to the largest 4. All fou
Altri dall’autore
White Weis Volume Ticks
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (4)
White Weis Volume This indicator shows the sum of the volume in each wave, bulish or bearish, as idealized by David Weis , but it brings an important addition , which is the marking of the bar with the highest volume of the wave (White Bar)! In coding the indicator, it was sought to optimize the code to require minimal processing during use and not to overload mt5. The indicator can be used for pre-trading analysis and study, where the trader analyzes possible points of support and resistance
Vwap Standard Deviation
Ricardo Almeida Branco
O indicador Vwap Deviation Bands segue na mesma linha dos outros indicadores da White Trader, que buscam leveza, personalização e qualidade, para entregar o que há de melhor para o trader. Isto, além de combinar preço e volume (informações importantes para o trader) com uma medida estatística do desvio padrão. Este indicador já foi utilizado e testado por outros traders que deram sugestões, inclusive, para chegarmos nesta versão final (embora ainda esteja aceitando sugestões, sempre :)   ). O de
PVA Dragon
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Users of PVRSA / PVA certainly already know the Dragon indicator and its use. The Dragon works as dynamic support and resistance and can be used for scalper or trend follower. In addition to the Dragon we have the WGT (fast) and EMA (slow) averages that can show immediate movement and also trend movement. Stay tuned for the Dragon's inclination! The indicator can be used on any asset/currency pair and can be customized according to the trader's interest. See also my volume analysis indicato
Volume Doji
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Hey guys. This indicator will show you, in the volume histogram, if the candle was a Doji, a bullish candle, or a bearish candle. The construction of this indicator was requested by a trader who uses other indicators from my catalog, and I decided to release it free to help traders who think that the indicator can contribute to their operations. The parameters are: Volume Type: Real Volume or Tick Volume. Color if the candle is bearish: select the color. Color if the candle is high: select
Display N Bars
Ricardo Almeida Branco
4.88 (8)
The Display N Bars utility is a simple tool designed to help identify candles. If a trader tries to share knowledge with a colleague but it is difficult to pinpoint exactly the desired candle, just say the corresponding candle number. The candle count is reset every day. Seeking to offer a good customization the inputs are: Display type -> Display only odd, only odd, or both candles? Direction -> Horizontal or Vertical? Display multiples of: (display frequency) -> Display all number
Start Vwap Custom Midas
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (3)
Attention: New update - 4 major practicality improvements! 1) Alarm 2) Midas text value 3) Click panel 4) Can be connected to an EA to operate in semi-automatic mode Attention - This indicator does not work perfectly in backtest due to MT5 peculiarities (Reading hotkeys or panel clicks) . My suggestion is that you test Automatic Vwap Midas which has automatic operation to analyze the calculation and then buy Start if you think the indicator will match your operating.     This indicator is use
White Trader Clock
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
Simple countdown indicator for the next candle. Only claim is to be light! The indicator inserts a text object to the right of the current price and calculates how much time is left for the new bar, showing this to the trader. Leave your comment if the indicator helped you in any way! If you have any suggestions, let me know to evaluate the improvements. Success and Good Trades!
Automatic Vwap Midas
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
The 3 Automatic Vwap (Midas) Indicator can be used for Price and Volume studyers to map the movement of market drivers. It automatically plots 3 Vwaps, two of which are dynamic and will be updated throughout the day if new highs or new lows emerge. The third Vwap is daily and can help if the trend is up or down. Also, an auxiliary indicator that plots (also dynamic) points of interest with OHLC prices (Open, High and Low of the current day and Close of the previous day) was inserted. Success and
O HL2 C Lines
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (2)
If you consider the extremes of the daily price as important points, this indicator will help in your trades. Now, instead of manually drawing lines that mark daily highs and lows, you can use the O (HL) ² C Lines indicator. Thus, the OHLC Lines indicator automatically plots the lines O (Open for the current day), H (High for the current day), L (Low for the current day) and C (Close for the previous day). Plot also the high and low of the previous day. Thus, we have 4 static lines and tw
PVA Color Candle
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Several techniques use volume as an important point in the trade. Whether to indicate strength, exhaustion, pullback weakness, among others. In chief I quote Richard Wyckoff's theory, which said about the importance of looking price and volume. However, there are several possibilities to filter what is volume that should be noticed. PVRSA/PVA users use an indicator with specific colors, which assist in identifying the volume and type of movement that the price has made. Will the high volume
Several techniques use volume as an important point in the trade. Whether to indicate strength, exhaustion, pullback weakness, among others. In chief I quote Richard Wyckoff's theory, which said about the importance of looking price and volume. However, there are several possibilities to filter what is volume that should be noticed. PVRSA/PVA users use an indicator with specific colors, which assist in identifying the volume and type of movement that the price has made. Will the high volume
Do you use volume in your reading of the market? Certainly many traders use it, and do not imagine operating without it. The Color Histogram Volume Set indicator allows the user to choose the value that he considers interesting to monitor. When you pass this you will have visual confirmation and if you want you will also have the audible alert that is given by the indicator. Of course, there are other ways to try to find a high volume, such as assessing whether the volume is above av
Color Candle Volume Set
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Do you use volume in your reading of the market? Certainly many traders use it, and do not imagine operating without it. The Color Candle Volume Set indicator allows the user to choose the value that he considers interesting to monitor. When you pass this you will have visual confirmation on the price chart and if you want you will also have the audible alert that is given by the indicator. Of course, there are other ways to try to find a high volume, such as assessing whether the vol
WT Vwap Bands
Ricardo Almeida Branco
The WT Vwap Bands indicator is an indicator that combines price and volume, helping to show whether the price is within the "fair price", overbought or oversold. The indicator code was designed for performance and has already been tested in a real trading account. In addition to the visual inputs (color, thickness and line style), the user can define a% value that depends on the price. The default values work with the most distant band at 1% of the price and then dividing this distance in
Fibo Z
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
With it, you leave pre-configured two expansion settings and one fibo retraction configuration to use via keyboard shortcut and mouse click. That is, the Fibo_Z utility facilitates the use of MT5's native functions. The shortcut keys are: "Z" configuration 1 of the expansion. "X" expansion setting 2 "Z" retraction configuration. "V" clears objects from the screen. It is. Success and good trades!
Want to make the graph cleaner? Don't you use the opening price in your analysis? Want to use a chart model that was used by Richard Wyckoff? Then you need to know the Color HLC Candles and Bars indicator. In the same indicator you can switch to the display of candles or bars. Take a look at the other volume indicators to complement your operating. And don't forget to look at the best Vwap Custom (Midas)! Leave your comment! Success and good trades!
Vwap Freeze
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
The previous day's vwap is used by some traders as a support and resistance point, after all it is one of the ways to consider the fair price of that asset or that pair the day before. Possible defenses can occur in this region indicating a reversal, or triggering stops starting a new, more directional movement. It is a matter of analyzing how it will add to your operational. To avoid manually drawing the previous day's vwaps and saving time for your analysis, use the Vwap Freeze indicator, as
Start Display N Bars
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
Do you already know Display N Bars? Do you already know the Start tool (from Midas indicators)? In this indicator, we unified the two tools, allowing you to define which candle will start counting, or use the automatic numbering that was already available in the previous version. Description of the utility follows: Display N Bars The Display N Bars utility is a simple tool that aims to help identify candles. If a trader tries to share the knowledge with a colleague but it is difficult t
WT Vwap 5 Bands
Ricardo Almeida Branco
WT Vwap 5 Bands The WT Vwap Bands indicator is an indicator that combines price and volume, helping to show whether the price is within the "fair price", overbought or oversold. The indicator code was designed for performance and has already been tested in a real trading account. In addition to the visual inputs (color, thickness and line style), the user can define a% value that depends on the price. The default values work with the most distant band at 1% of the price and then dividing
Haos MT5
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
The Haos oscillator coded for the MT5! This oscillator allows to verify overbought / oversold regions in two periods (14 and 96, for example), making it possible to anticipate a reversal. Possibility to activate an audible alert when it reaches a defined level. Possibility to choose the alert sound by placing a .wav song in each asset or timeframe. (save a .wav file to the MQL5 \ Files folder) Possibility to activate / deactivate histogram and levels to make the screen cleaner. Customizable col
Initial Balance MT5
Ricardo Almeida Branco
The Initial Balance (Initial Balance / Initial Balance) is a concept related to the study of volume (to learn more, study about Market Profile and Auction Market Theory. You can find some videos in English when searching for "Initial Balance Market Profile"). The IB defines a range in which prices were negotiated in the first hour of trading.The amplitude of the range is important and the break in the range defined by the Initial Balance may have occurred due to the movement of several players
VTC Volatility
Ricardo Almeida Branco
The VTC Volatility indicator was written to support a Brazilian stock market strategy in the WDO (USDBRL), but it can be adapted to other strategies and markets. In the new indicator update, it is now allowed to choose up to 4 levels to determine the range, and thus be more versatile. The Brazilian stock exchange (B3) has the VTC which is a "Structured Exchange Rate Volatility Transaction" (more information on the B3 website). At around 10:00 am, the VTC "Call" comes out and Brazilian broker
Midas is the acronym for Market Interpretation / Data Analysis System is a trade approach started in 1995 by technical analyst Paul Levine and later developed by Andrew Coles, PhD and David Hawkins. Learn more in the book MIDAS Technical Analysis: A VWAP Approach to Trading and Investing in Today's Markets , (I saw that it is possible buy via Amazon). The positive points in relation to the Midas-based indicators are the prediction of movement reversal points, the negative point is the subjectivi
Vwap Bands Auto
Ricardo Almeida Branco
The Vwap Bands Auto indicator seeks to automatically map the maximum market frequency ( automatic update of the outermost band ) and has two intermediate bands that also adjust to daily volatility. Another tool from White Trader that combines price and volume, in addition to mapping the daily amplitude. The external band is updated automatically when the daily maximum or minimum breaks the current frequency, and can be an input signal, seeking a return to the daily vwap. Thus, in addition t
Start Midas SD Channel
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
Do you already know the Start Midas indicator? What about the Vwap Standard Deviation indicator? And I need to speak again in the book MIDAS Technical Analysis ... The Start Midas SD Channel indicator combines the two in one, bringing the practicality and efficiency of Midas with the statistical calculation of the standard deviation. All of this with the practicality of the White Trader Start indicators, where you can plot the indicator and move them on the screen using keyboard shortcuts
Start Midas Fibo Bands
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Here we have the Start Midas Fibo Bands , I confess that it is an indicator that excited me enough to operate because I was able to find more defined rules. Well, the indicator has the functions of the other indicators of the Start line , which is a possibility to plot several Midas on the screen, you can move the anchor point using keyboard shortcuts and use the legend to differentiate one anchor from another. The rules that I have analyzed for my possible setup are recommended to the entry, st
Prior Lines
Ricardo Almeida Branco
This indicator shows on the current day some lines of interest, such as maximum, minimum and closing of the previous day, as well as the opening, maximum and minimum price of the current day. It can also show the GAP (closing of the previous day and opening of the current day) and projections of the amplitude of the previous day, according to the value you choose in the multiplier. Oh, I was going to forget. It is also possible to determine the time frame, which is daily by default. If this i
Auto Zig HTF Vwap Midas
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
The best Vwap Midas coding for Metatrader 5 you can find in White Trader indicators. The indicator has been optimized not to recalculate (improving performance) and has several visual settings for you to adapt in your own way. TRY IT FOR FREE by clicking the free demo button Where and why to use Vwap Midas (and Auto Zig Vwap Midas) can be used on a variety of indices, currencies, forex, cryptocurrencies, stocks, indices and commodities. Many successful traders use price and volume to get the
Danko Trend Color
Ricardo Almeida Branco
The Danko Trend Color indicator is actually a candle coloring to bring practicality, ease and information to your charts. Danko Trend Color combines PRICE AND VOLUME indicators to define the prevailing trend, so the colors are: Blue (indicates an uptrend) Orange (indicates a downtrend) White (indicates undefined trend) I don't like to promise anything with my indicators, I ask you to download, test it for free (for use in backtesting) and see if the indicator can, in some way, help your oper
Danko DTC Panel
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Do not buy before seeing the Danko Trend Color product, as this panel is a way to view a summary of this indicator on various timeframes. The Danko DTC Panel utility allows you to look at the trend in up to 5 timeframes. When clicking on the timeframe texts, a new window will open with the indicator plotted on the screen so you can see the complete chart. The width of the panel, with the amount of candles you want to see, is customizable, see the images below. Ao clicar nos textos dos timeframe
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