Aiuto per la codifica - pagina 769

Ciao programmatori

Spero che tu stia bene. Potresti per favore aiutarmi a rimuovere il filtro temporale su questo EA / renderlo falso e rendere il fattore moltiplicatore regolabile.

Grazie mille
EA.mq4  8 kb

Caro mladen, si prega di essere incoraggiato a vedere l'aspetto in M1



ciao a tutti

mi chiedevo se qualcuno può aiutarmi. Ho un indicatore che è fondamentalmente un canale di regressione con una deviazione di 2.0

L'ho messo in un meta editor in modo da poter aggiungere due linee in più all'indicatore che vuole a circa 2.6 e se possibile rimuovere la linea centrale.

dopo molti tentativi falliti sembra che non riesca a capire come fare, quindi ho bisogno del vostro aiuto, se possibile, grazie

i-Regr.mq4  6 kb

Caro Mladen,

Sto cercando di codificare i miei primi indicatori, qualcuno va bene qualcuno no.....con il tuo aiuto vorrei diventare un programmatore finora ho davvero bisogno del tuo supporto....

La mia idea è quella di codificare un indicatore che faccia l'EMA dell'oscillatore stocastico....EMA (EMA (Stchastic))).... Sto provando questo indicatore in una piattaforma online ed è stato facile programmarlo lì ma con MT4 è più difficile e sto facendo degli errori perchè non funziona...... vi dispiacerebbe per favore dargli un'occhiata e correggere gli errori che sto facendo?

Grazie mille per il supporto


Mladen Rakic :
Il file Ex4 non può essere modificato

Caro Mladen,

sarei anche interessato ad avere SL e TP in AngryBird..

Si prega di vedere il codice allegato



#property copyright "" 
#property link        ""
double Stoploss = 500.0 ;             // óðîâåíü áåçóáûòêà
double TrailStart = 10.0 ;
double TrailStop = 10.0 ;
extern double LotExponent = 2 ;   // íà ñêîëüêî óìíîæàòü ëîò ïðè âûñòàâëåíèè ñëåäóþùåãî êîëåíà. ïðèìåð: ïåðâûé ëîò 0.1, ñåðèÿ: 0.16, 0.26, 0.43 ...
extern bool     DynamicPips                   = true ; 
extern int      DefaultPips                   = 12 ;
extern int Glubina = 24 ;
extern int DEL = 3 ;
extern double slip = 3.0 ;           // íà ñêîëüêî ìîæåò îòëè÷àòüñÿ öåíà â ñëó÷àå åñëè ÄÖ çàïðîñèò ðåêâîòû (â ïîñëåäíèé ìîìåíò íåìíîãî ïîìåíÿåò öåíó)
extern double Lots = 0.01 ;           // ðàçåð ëîòà äëÿ íà÷àëà òîðãîâ
extern int lotdecimal = 2 ;           // ñêîëüêî çíàêîâ ïîñëå çàïÿòîé â ëîòå ðàññ÷èòûâàòü 0 - íîðìàëüíûå ëîòû (1), 1 - ìèíèëîòû (0.1), 2 - ìèêðî (0.01)
extern double TakeProfit = 20.0 ;     // ïî äîñòèæåíèè ñêîëüêèõ ïóíêòîâ ïðèáûëè çàêðûâàòü ñäåëêó
//extern double PipStep = 30.0;       // øàã ìåæäó âûñòàâëåíèå íîâûõ êîëåí
extern double Drop = 500 ;
extern double RsiMinimum = 30.0 ;     // íèæíÿÿ ãðàíèöà RSI
extern double RsiMaximum = 70.0 ;     // âåðõíÿÿ ãðàíèöà RSI
extern int MagicNumber = 2222 ;       // âîëøåáíîå ÷èñëî (ïîìîãàåò ñîâåòíèêó îòëè÷èòü ñâîè ñòàâêè îò ÷óæèõ)
int PipStep= 0 ;
extern int MaxTrades = 10 ;                 // ìàêñèìàëüíî êîëè÷åñòâî îäíîâðåìåííî îòêðûòûõ îðäåðîâ
extern bool UseEquityStop = FALSE ;
extern double TotalEquityRisk = 20.0 ;
extern bool UseTrailingStop = FALSE ;
extern bool UseTimeOut = FALSE ;             // èñïîëüçîâàòü òàéìàóò (çàêðûâàòü ñäåëêè åñëè îíè "âèñÿò" ñëèøêîì äîëãî)
extern double MaxTradeOpenHours = 48.0 ;     // âðåìÿ òàéìàóòà ñäåëîê â ÷àñàõ (÷åðåç ñêîëüêî çàêðûâàòü çàâèñøèå ñäåëêè)
double PriceTarget, StartEquity, BuyTarget, SellTarget;
double AveragePrice, SellLimit, BuyLimit;
double LastBuyPrice, LastSellPrice, Spread;
bool flag;
string EAName= "Ilan1.6" ;
int timeprev = 0 , expiration;
int NumOfTrades = 0 ;
double iLots;
int cnt = 0 , total;
double Stopper = 0.0 ;
bool TradeNow = FALSE , LongTrade = FALSE , ShortTrade = FALSE ;
int ticket;
bool   NewOrdersPlaced = FALSE ;
double AccountEquityHighAmt, PrevEquity;
int init() {
   Spread = MarketInfo ( Symbol (), MODE_SPREAD ) * Point ;
   return ( 0 );

int deinit() {
   return ( 0 );
int start()
 if (DynamicPips)  {
     double hival= High [ iHighest ( NULL , 0 , MODE_HIGH ,Glubina, 1 )];     // calculate highest and lowest price from last bar to 24 bars ago
     double loval= Low [ iLowest ( NULL , 0 , MODE_LOW ,Glubina, 1 )];       // chart used for symbol and time period
     PipStep= NormalizeDouble ((hival-loval)/DEL/ Point , 0 );         // calculate pips for spread between orders
     if (PipStep<DefaultPips/DEL) PipStep = NormalizeDouble (DefaultPips/DEL, 0 );
     if (PipStep>DefaultPips*DEL) PipStep = NormalizeDouble (DefaultPips*DEL, 0 );           // if dynamic pips fail, assign pips extreme value
   } // else PipStep = DefaultPips;
   //double filtr_MA = iMA(NULL,60,60,0,0,0,0);
   double PrevCl;
   double CurrCl;
   if (UseTrailingStop) TrailingAlls(TrailStart, TrailStop, AveragePrice);
   if (( iCCI ( NULL , 15 , 55 , 0 , 0 )>Drop && ShortTrade)||( iCCI ( NULL , 15 , 55 , 0 , 0 )<(-Drop) && LongTrade)) {
         Print ( "Closed All due to TimeOut" );
   if (timeprev == Time [ 0 ]) return ( 0 );
   timeprev = Time [ 0 ];
   double CurrentPairProfit = CalculateProfit();
   if (UseEquityStop) {
       if (CurrentPairProfit < 0.0 && MathAbs (CurrentPairProfit) > TotalEquityRisk / 100.0 * AccountEquityHigh()) {
         Print ( "Closed All due to Stop Out" );
         NewOrdersPlaced = FALSE ;
   total = CountTrades();
   if (total == 0 ) flag = FALSE ;
   for (cnt = OrdersTotal () - 1 ; cnt >= 0 ; cnt--) {
       OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES );
       if ( OrderSymbol () != Symbol () || OrderMagicNumber () != MagicNumber) continue ;
       if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () == MagicNumber) {
         if ( OrderType () == OP_BUY ) {
            LongTrade = TRUE ;
            ShortTrade = FALSE ;
             break ;
       if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () == MagicNumber) {
         if ( OrderType () == OP_SELL ) {
            LongTrade = FALSE ;
            ShortTrade = TRUE ;
             break ;
   if (total > 0 && total <= MaxTrades) {
       RefreshRates ();
      LastBuyPrice = FindLastBuyPrice();
      LastSellPrice = FindLastSellPrice();
       if (LongTrade && LastBuyPrice - Ask >= PipStep * Point ) TradeNow = TRUE ;
       if (ShortTrade && Bid - LastSellPrice >= PipStep * Point ) TradeNow = TRUE ;
   if (total < 1 ) {
      ShortTrade = FALSE ;
      LongTrade = FALSE ;
      TradeNow = TRUE ;
      StartEquity = AccountEquity ();
   if (TradeNow) {
      LastBuyPrice = FindLastBuyPrice();
      LastSellPrice = FindLastSellPrice();
       if (ShortTrade) {
         NumOfTrades = total;
         iLots = NormalizeDouble (Lots * MathPow (LotExponent, NumOfTrades), lotdecimal);
         RefreshRates ();
         ticket = OpenPendingOrder( 1 , iLots, Bid , slip, Ask , 0 , 0 , EAName + "-" + NumOfTrades + "-" + PipStep, MagicNumber, 0 , HotPink);
         if (ticket < 0 ) {
             Print ( "Error: " , GetLastError ());
             return ( 0 );
         LastSellPrice = FindLastSellPrice();
         TradeNow = FALSE ;
         NewOrdersPlaced = TRUE ;
      } else {
         if (LongTrade) {
            NumOfTrades = total;
            iLots = NormalizeDouble (Lots * MathPow (LotExponent, NumOfTrades), lotdecimal);
            ticket = OpenPendingOrder( 0 , iLots, Ask , slip, Bid , 0 , 0 , EAName + "-" + NumOfTrades + "-" + PipStep, MagicNumber, 0 , Lime);
             if (ticket < 0 ) {
               Print ( "Error: " , GetLastError ());
               return ( 0 );
            LastBuyPrice = FindLastBuyPrice();
            TradeNow = FALSE ;
            NewOrdersPlaced = TRUE ;
   if (TradeNow && total < 1 ) {
      PrevCl = iClose ( Symbol (), 0 , 2 );
      CurrCl = iClose ( Symbol (), 0 , 1 );
      SellLimit = Bid ;
      BuyLimit = Ask ;
       if (!ShortTrade && !LongTrade) {
         NumOfTrades = total;
         iLots = NormalizeDouble (Lots * MathPow (LotExponent, NumOfTrades), lotdecimal);
         if (PrevCl > CurrCl) {
             if ( iRSI ( NULL , PERIOD_H1 , 14 , PRICE_CLOSE , 1 ) > RsiMinimum ) {
               ticket = OpenPendingOrder( 1 , iLots, SellLimit, slip, SellLimit, 0 , 0 , EAName + "-" + NumOfTrades, MagicNumber, 0 , HotPink);
               if (ticket < 0 ) {
                   Print ( "Error: " , GetLastError ());
                   return ( 0 );
               LastBuyPrice = FindLastBuyPrice();
               NewOrdersPlaced = TRUE ;
         } else {
             if ( iRSI ( NULL , PERIOD_H1 , 14 , PRICE_CLOSE , 1 ) < RsiMaximum ) {
               ticket = OpenPendingOrder( 0 , iLots, BuyLimit, slip, BuyLimit, 0 , 0 , EAName + "-" + NumOfTrades, MagicNumber, 0 , Lime);
               if (ticket < 0 ) {
                   Print ( "Error: " , GetLastError ());
                   return ( 0 );
               LastSellPrice = FindLastSellPrice();
               NewOrdersPlaced = TRUE ;
         if (ticket > 0 ) expiration = TimeCurrent () + 60.0 * ( 60.0 * MaxTradeOpenHours);
         TradeNow = FALSE ;
   total = CountTrades();
   AveragePrice = 0 ;
   double Count = 0 ;
   for (cnt = OrdersTotal () - 1 ; cnt >= 0 ; cnt--) {
       OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES );
       if ( OrderSymbol () != Symbol () || OrderMagicNumber () != MagicNumber) continue ;
       if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () == MagicNumber) {
         if ( OrderType () == OP_BUY || OrderType () == OP_SELL ) {
            AveragePrice += OrderOpenPrice () * OrderLots ();
            Count += OrderLots ();
   if (total > 0 ) AveragePrice = NormalizeDouble (AveragePrice / Count, Digits );
   if (NewOrdersPlaced) {
       for (cnt = OrdersTotal () - 1 ; cnt >= 0 ; cnt--) {
         OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES );
         if ( OrderSymbol () != Symbol () || OrderMagicNumber () != MagicNumber) continue ;
         if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () == MagicNumber) {
             if ( OrderType () == OP_BUY ) {
               PriceTarget = AveragePrice + TakeProfit * Point ;
               BuyTarget = PriceTarget;
               Stopper = AveragePrice - Stoploss * Point ;
               flag = TRUE ;
         if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () == MagicNumber) {
             if ( OrderType () == OP_SELL ) {
               PriceTarget = AveragePrice - TakeProfit * Point ;
               SellTarget = PriceTarget;
               Stopper = AveragePrice + Stoploss * Point ;
               flag = TRUE ;
   if (NewOrdersPlaced) {
       if (flag == TRUE ) {
         for (cnt = OrdersTotal () - 1 ; cnt >= 0 ; cnt--) {
             OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES );
             if ( OrderSymbol () != Symbol () || OrderMagicNumber () != MagicNumber) continue ;
             if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () == MagicNumber) OrderModify ( OrderTicket (), NormalizeDouble (AveragePrice, Digits ), NormalizeDouble ( OrderStopLoss (), Digits ), NormalizeDouble (PriceTarget, Digits ), 0 , Yellow);
            NewOrdersPlaced = FALSE ;
   return ( 0 );

int CountTrades() {
   int count = 0 ;
   for ( int trade = OrdersTotal () - 1 ; trade >= 0 ; trade--) {
       OrderSelect (trade, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES );
       if ( OrderSymbol () != Symbol () || OrderMagicNumber () != MagicNumber) continue ;
       if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () == MagicNumber)
         if ( OrderType () == OP_SELL || OrderType () == OP_BUY ) count++;
   return (count);

void CloseThisSymbolAll() {
   for ( int trade = OrdersTotal () - 1 ; trade >= 0 ; trade--) {
       OrderSelect (trade, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES );
       if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol ()) {
         if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () == MagicNumber) {
             if ( OrderType () == OP_BUY ) OrderClose ( OrderTicket (), OrderLots (), Bid , slip, Blue);
             if ( OrderType () == OP_SELL ) OrderClose ( OrderTicket (), OrderLots (), Ask , slip, Red);
         Sleep ( 1000 );


int OpenPendingOrder( int pType, double pLots, double pLevel, int sp, double pr, int sl, int tp, string pComment, int pMagic, int pDatetime, color pColor) {
   int ticket = 0 ;
   int err = 0 ;
   int c = 0 ;
   int NumberOfTries = 100 ;
   switch (pType) {
   case 2 :
       for (c = 0 ; c < NumberOfTries; c++) {
         ticket = OrderSend ( Symbol (), OP_BUYLIMIT , pLots, pLevel, sp, StopLong(pr, sl), TakeLong(pLevel, tp), pComment, pMagic, pDatetime, pColor);
         err = GetLastError ();
         if (err == 0 /* NO_ERROR */ ) break ;
         if (!(err == 4 /* SERVER_BUSY */ || err == 137 /* BROKER_BUSY */ || err == 146 /* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || err == 136 /* OFF_QUOTES */ )) break ;
         Sleep ( 1000 );
       break ;
   case 4 :
       for (c = 0 ; c < NumberOfTries; c++) {
         ticket = OrderSend ( Symbol (), OP_BUYSTOP , pLots, pLevel, sp, StopLong(pr, sl), TakeLong(pLevel, tp), pComment, pMagic, pDatetime, pColor);
         err = GetLastError ();
         if (err == 0 /* NO_ERROR */ ) break ;
         if (!(err == 4 /* SERVER_BUSY */ || err == 137 /* BROKER_BUSY */ || err == 146 /* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || err == 136 /* OFF_QUOTES */ )) break ;
         Sleep ( 5000 );
       break ;
   case 0 :
       for (c = 0 ; c < NumberOfTries; c++) {
         RefreshRates ();
         ticket = OrderSend ( Symbol (), OP_BUY , pLots, NormalizeDouble ( Ask , Digits ), sp, NormalizeDouble (StopLong( Bid , sl), Digits ), NormalizeDouble (TakeLong( Ask , tp), Digits ), pComment, pMagic, pDatetime, pColor);
         err = GetLastError ();
         if (err == 0 /* NO_ERROR */ ) break ;
         if (!(err == 4 /* SERVER_BUSY */ || err == 137 /* BROKER_BUSY */ || err == 146 /* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || err == 136 /* OFF_QUOTES */ )) break ;
         Sleep ( 5000 );
       break ;
   case 3 :
       for (c = 0 ; c < NumberOfTries; c++) {
         ticket = OrderSend ( Symbol (), OP_SELLLIMIT , pLots, pLevel, sp, StopShort(pr, sl), TakeShort(pLevel, tp), pComment, pMagic, pDatetime, pColor);
         err = GetLastError ();
         if (err == 0 /* NO_ERROR */ ) break ;
         if (!(err == 4 /* SERVER_BUSY */ || err == 137 /* BROKER_BUSY */ || err == 146 /* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || err == 136 /* OFF_QUOTES */ )) break ;
         Sleep ( 5000 );
       break ;
   case 5 :
       for (c = 0 ; c < NumberOfTries; c++) {
         ticket = OrderSend ( Symbol (), OP_SELLSTOP , pLots, pLevel, sp, StopShort(pr, sl), TakeShort(pLevel, tp), pComment, pMagic, pDatetime, pColor);
         err = GetLastError ();
         if (err == 0 /* NO_ERROR */ ) break ;
         if (!(err == 4 /* SERVER_BUSY */ || err == 137 /* BROKER_BUSY */ || err == 146 /* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || err == 136 /* OFF_QUOTES */ )) break ;
         Sleep ( 5000 );
       break ;
   case 1 :
       for (c = 0 ; c < NumberOfTries; c++) {
         ticket = OrderSend ( Symbol (), OP_SELL , pLots, NormalizeDouble ( Bid , Digits ), sp, NormalizeDouble (StopShort( Ask , sl), Digits ), NormalizeDouble (TakeShort( Bid , tp), Digits ), pComment, pMagic, pDatetime, pColor);
         err = GetLastError ();
         if (err == 0 /* NO_ERROR */ ) break ;
         if (!(err == 4 /* SERVER_BUSY */ || err == 137 /* BROKER_BUSY */ || err == 146 /* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || err == 136 /* OFF_QUOTES */ )) break ;
         Sleep ( 5000 );
   return (ticket);
double StopLong( double price, int stop) {
   if (stop == 0 ) return ( 0 );
   else return (price - stop * Point );
double StopShort( double price, int stop) {
   if (stop == 0 ) return ( 0 );
   else return (price + stop * Point );
double TakeLong( double price, int stop) {
   if (stop == 0 ) return ( 0 );
   else return (price + stop * Point );
double TakeShort( double price, int stop) {
   if (stop == 0 ) return ( 0 );
   else return (price - stop * Point );
double CalculateProfit() {
   double Profit = 0 ;
   for (cnt = OrdersTotal () - 1 ; cnt >= 0 ; cnt--) {
       OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES );
       if ( OrderSymbol () != Symbol () || OrderMagicNumber () != MagicNumber) continue ;
       if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () == MagicNumber)
         if ( OrderType () == OP_BUY || OrderType () == OP_SELL ) Profit += OrderProfit ();
   return (Profit);
void TrailingAlls( int pType, int stop, double AvgPrice) {
   int profit;
   double stoptrade;
   double stopcal;
   if (stop != 0 ) {
       for ( int trade = OrdersTotal () - 1 ; trade >= 0 ; trade--) {
         if ( OrderSelect (trade, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES )) {
             if ( OrderSymbol () != Symbol () || OrderMagicNumber () != MagicNumber) continue ;
             if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () || OrderMagicNumber () == MagicNumber) {
               if ( OrderType () == OP_BUY ) {
                  profit = NormalizeDouble (( Bid - AvgPrice) / Point , 0 );
                   if (profit < pType) continue ;
                  stoptrade = OrderStopLoss ();
                  stopcal = Bid - stop * Point ;
                   if (stoptrade == 0.0 || (stoptrade != 0.0 && stopcal > stoptrade)) OrderModify ( OrderTicket (), AvgPrice, stopcal, OrderTakeProfit (), 0 , Aqua);
               if ( OrderType () == OP_SELL ) {
                  profit = NormalizeDouble ((AvgPrice - Ask ) / Point , 0 );
                   if (profit < pType) continue ;
                  stoptrade = OrderStopLoss ();
                  stopcal = Ask + stop * Point ;
                   if (stoptrade == 0.0 || (stoptrade != 0.0 && stopcal < stoptrade)) OrderModify ( OrderTicket (), AvgPrice, stopcal, OrderTakeProfit (), 0 , Red);
             Sleep ( 1000 );

double AccountEquityHigh() {
   if (CountTrades() == 0 ) AccountEquityHighAmt = AccountEquity ();
   if (AccountEquityHighAmt < PrevEquity) AccountEquityHighAmt = PrevEquity;
   else AccountEquityHighAmt = AccountEquity ();
   PrevEquity = AccountEquity ();
   return (AccountEquityHighAmt);

double FindLastBuyPrice() {
   double oldorderopenprice;
   int oldticketnumber;
   double unused = 0 ;
   int ticketnumber = 0 ;
   for ( int cnt = OrdersTotal () - 1 ; cnt >= 0 ; cnt--) {
       OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES );
       if ( OrderSymbol () != Symbol () || OrderMagicNumber () != MagicNumber) continue ;
       if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () == MagicNumber && OrderType () == OP_BUY ) {
         oldticketnumber = OrderTicket ();
         if (oldticketnumber > ticketnumber) {
            oldorderopenprice = OrderOpenPrice ();
            unused = oldorderopenprice;
            ticketnumber = oldticketnumber;
   return (oldorderopenprice);

double FindLastSellPrice() {
   double oldorderopenprice;
   int oldticketnumber;
   double unused = 0 ;
   int ticketnumber = 0 ;
   for ( int cnt = OrdersTotal () - 1 ; cnt >= 0 ; cnt--) {
       OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES );
       if ( OrderSymbol () != Symbol () || OrderMagicNumber () != MagicNumber) continue ;
       if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () == MagicNumber && OrderType () == OP_SELL ) {
         oldticketnumber = OrderTicket ();
         if (oldticketnumber > ticketnumber) {
            oldorderopenprice = OrderOpenPrice ();
            unused = oldorderopenprice;
            ticketnumber = oldticketnumber;
   return (oldorderopenprice);

Per favore qualcuno potrebbe essere così gentile da aiutare ad aggiungere a questo indicatore l'opzione finestra?

Non so nulla di codifica!

Grazie in anticipo Max

true_trend.mq4  32 kb


Sto cercando di fare in modo che il Trend Display di Lawgirl mostri la direzione dello stocastico invece dell'rsi. Qualcuno può farlo?


Ciao, ...
si prega di rendere l'indicatore in un semplice EA solo per le posizioni di chiusura, la linea fibo è solo per chiudere la posizione aperta (posizioni di chiusura con profitto solo) su ogni toccare la linea del Fibo...
OP con manualy

Grazie in anticipo

Forexpaco: Vorrei aggiungere
Avete solo quattro scelte: Non abbiamo intenzione di codificarlo per te (anche se potrebbe accadere se sei fortunato o il problema è interessante). Siamo disposti ad aiutarti quando posti il tuo tentativo (usandoSRC) e la natura del tuo problema.
Nessun aiuto gratuito
aiuto urgente.


Ho bisogno di aiuto se qualcuno può codificare questo un indicatore.

le regole sono così:

1. Utilizzare per H1 sopra ma altamente raccomandato per H4

2. Indicatore notificherà con avviso quando ci sono candela Bullish rottura alta bassa candela ribassista prima o candela ribassista rottura alta bassa candela Bullish prima almeno 1 pip

3. bisogno anche capacità diinviare la notifica al telefono mano.

Grazie per la vostra gentilezza