Cornelius Alexius Zuend
Cornelius Alexius Zuend
  • Information
3 years
demo versions
Beep boop.
Cornelius Alexius Zuend
Left feedback to developer for job Private job for Stan4o1 - Castillo Modification
Cornelius Alexius Zuend
Left feedback to developer for job Private Job Stan4o1
Cornelius Alexius Zuend
Left feedback to developer for job Private Job Stan4o1
Cornelius Alexius Zuend
Left feedback to developer for job Private Job Stan4o1
Cornelius Alexius Zuend
Left feedback to developer for job Simple MACD Crossover Advisor
Cornelius Alexius Zuend
Added topic Finding past Highs & Lows
Dear Forum, noob question for you! I am looking to use the iLowest & iHighest functions , to find the prices of past candles. I don't understand the output however - is it in pips or is it a price? For example I used iLowest to find the lowest
Cornelius Alexius Zuend
Added topic Strategy Tester Not Running EA in Optimization Mode
EDIT: I can see that it is labeling my results as insignificant in the log, which is a different issue and which means that the immediate issue is resolved and this post can be ignored
Cornelius Alexius Zuend
Added topic MQ4 / EX4 Naming Conventions?
Hi everybody. I am curious to know whether there are any rules regarding what you can input as a name for a .ex4 file? I have three EA .mt4 source files. When compiled into a .ex4 (with no errors), one of them runs perfectly live and during
Cornelius Alexius Zuend
Left feedback to developer for job Educational MACD-GRID Hybrid Strategy
Cornelius Alexius Zuend
Added topic CloseOrders() Function
Hi everyone. I'm looking to program an EA to close all orders related to a magic number. I've noticed that in certain older posts that there is discussion around the "CloseOrders()" function , however I am not able to find it in the online database
Cornelius Alexius Zuend
Added topic How to store array data over time
Hi everyone. I'm new to the MT language, haven't coded anything in a very long time, and yet... I am going try my hand at making an EA :p. I've already one running  and have some of my own ideas that I would like to try out. I'm starting by
Cornelius Alexius Zuend
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