
Are you concerned about Egypt?

I know this may come as a bit of an odd question especially to forex traders , but I was wondering if you are concerned at all about what is happening in Egypt. It has not impact at all on major currency crosses and the few exotics which may feel a ripple effect are most likely not traded by anyone

Never pay for advice or education

There are countless threads where new traders ask similar questions about a forex course which was marketed to them or one-one coaching by a forex ‘guru’. I always give the same response: Never pay for anything when it comes to forex; it is not worth the money. For starters, all the information that


My favorite trade this week is in the USDCHF, and I came across an analysis which is not my own but has a similar conclusion which is why I happily took it and thanks the guys at Paxforex for this chart which made my start into this trading week a bit easier. I have had this pair on my list of

FX traders, do you buy the equity or bond story?

I know the focus here is on forex trading, but it is always good to keep up with what other assets are doing. The equity story tells a one of strength while the bond story tells us one of weakness in the economy. I am selling the equity story and I am buying the bond story as I think we are due for

Are you a buyer or a seller of…

…the US housing market ? The recovery in the housing market in the US has been cited as one of the major drivers of current economic activity and some believe if housing dips the economy will face another recession. As Bernanke keeps fumbling the ball interest rates have started to increase and we

Abe wins Upper House

After Abe’s huge electoral victory over the weekend which saw his party gain control of the Upper House and strengthen their position as well as Abe’s mandate. He did confirm that his focus will remain on the Japanese economy and not shift to a nationalist agenda as rumors had it. I do not think

Carney, Draghi, Abe or Bernanke?

I am sure all of you have at least heard of the above gentlemen and either praises them for being somewhat intelligent or laughs at them for being ridiculously idiotic. How would you rank them from best to worst? Here is my list: 1. Carney (I have to give him the benefit of doubt since he just

What’s next for the U.S. Dollar?

We saw the U.S. Dollar strengthen over the past few trading sessions and most major USD crosses approached multi-week or multi-month highs/lows. Obviously the USD bull camp is now short on vacancies as most dumb money funds as well as retail traders have flocked to the USD amid hope of a strong

US Un-Employment Report on Friday

Another month, another US un-employment report is due on Friday and June has been a weak month and there is no reason for this year to be any different. I think most traders are looking forward to Friday’s employment report which comes in a holiday shortened week and therefore we may not see the

Last Trading Week of Q2 + H1

We are in our last trading week of the first-quarter as well as first-half of 2013 and I hope that my 2%ers had a good performance so far. A lot of institutional traders will close their positions in order to lock in profits or reduce floating trading losses in order to streamline their portfolios