
Indicator with 32 lines of code. Why does it keep displaying 2147483647?

Actually, it's putting 2147483647 in front of what the actual indicator value is. Can you help? I can't figure it out. My code below is for MT4. NOTE: I've number 2147483647 is significant because it shows up when you max out the " Max bars in history" or "Max bars in chart" of the MT4 Options Chart

"INITIALIZATION EXPECTED".....WTF!! Some one PLEASE help me with this simple crap!

All I'm trying to do is make sure my EA only trades once per candle. This is my test code. Just copy and paste this whole thing into a blank EA and tell me what the heck I'm missing. THIS IS REALLY GETTING ON MY LAST FREAKIN NERVE! I'M LOSING HAIR OVER THIS! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!! int previousbar