Futures for US stock indices resumed their growth. S&P 500 futures opened today's trading day with a gap up 300 pips to last year's close (at 3730.0). As of this writing, S&P 500 futures are traded near 3772.0...
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  • 65
4 January 2021, 11:24
We see an interesting and unusual picture. Stock indices are rising, but gold is not falling in price. It would seem that the enthusiasm of investors who continue to invest in risky assets of the stock market is on top...
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  • 82
30 December 2020, 13:38
At a press conference in December, when the ECB decided to keep its key interest rates unchanged and announced a decision to increase the Pandemic Emergency Procurement Program (PEPP) package by 500 billion euros to 1,850 billion euros, ECB Governor Christine Lagarde said that the incoming data s...
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  • 75
29 December 2020, 12:57
Last Thursday, EU and UK Brexit negotiators were still able to settle the final issues on a trade agreement that would allow the UK to leave the EU without tariffs on goods produced in the UK or EU...
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  • 64
28 December 2020, 12:40
The world is starting to prepare for the new year 2021. Trade and business activities are significantly reduced these days, which can not be said about the retail trade, for which the "golden" days are coming, despite strict quarantine restrictions...
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  • 85
24 December 2020, 13:09
The dollar remains under pressure amid the Fed's extra soft monetary policy and investor optimism betting on further growth in the stock market and ignoring information about the increase in the incidence of Covid-19 and the detection of a new strain of coronavirus in Europe...
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  • 74
23 December 2020, 12:49
The pound gained support after the publication on Tuesday morning of the final estimate of the UK GDP for the 3rd quarter. GDP growth in the third quarter of 2020 amounted to 16.0% against the forecast of +15.5% and a fall of -19.8% in the previous quarter...
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  • 1
22 December 2020, 13:05
At the start of today's European session, S&P 500 futures are traded near 3630.0, 100 pips below the local and all-time high of 3730.0 reached late last week...
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  • 80
21 December 2020, 13:25
The USD / CAD, which increased by 0.35% today, to the current mark of 1.2763 (see " Technical analysis and recommendations") , retains its downward trend, primarily due to the weakness of the US dollar...
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  • 70
18 December 2020, 12:46
After yesterday's decision and statements by the Fed leaders, the DXY dollar index dropped to a new local almost 3-year low of 90.05 and continued to decline today, reaching 89.80 mark...
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  • 83
17 December 2020, 13:09