Eric Moore
Eric Moore
As an experienced financial software developer, my passion for problem-solving and logic has led me to explore various fields, including finance. I have found great satisfaction in applying my analytical skills to the foreign exchange market. My focus is to make the most of the compounding effect and end the day with a fully invested portfolio.

My approach to Forex is to take a steady and persistent approach, like a marathon runner, not a sprinter. I believe in taking a measured and calculated approach to investing, rather than trying to make quick gains. This approach is also in line with my belief in the importance of logical and systematic thinking in solving complex problems.

So, overall, my goal is to continue developing my skills and knowledge in the field of finance and apply them to create a successful and sustainable Forex trading strategy. I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow, and I am excited to see where my passion for problem-solving and logic will take me in the future.

Telegram: @ericmoore_hi