How to code this strategy ?


As the image attached.

Buy on lowest of each candle, and sell on highest of each candle. 

AudCad.png  27 kb

As the image attached.

Buy on lowest of each candle, and sell on highest of each candle. 

Okey than tell me please, how do we know if a live candle is at the high? You do only know at the time when the candle closed. If you solved this riddle you made the holy grail :)
Bernhard Schweigert:
Okey than tell me please, how do we know if a live candle is at the high? You do only know at the time when the candle closed. If you solved this riddle you made the holy grail :)
CurHighestMax = high[ArrayMaximum (high, i, 0)];
CurLowestMin = low[ArrayMinimum (low, i, 0)];

isnt this ??


just lose big on manual trade,  would like to try auto trading.