Libraries: CComment Class


CComment Class:

The ССomment class was designed to extend the capabilities of the standard Comment function. Its purpose is to display a multi-line comment on a panel. Methods of this class allow you to specify text color, font, style and line spacing. You can move the panel within the screen space with the mouse.

For the purpose of backwards compatibility, we preserved the standard way of outputting the comment in the upper left corner of the chart. The class has the ability to automatically adjust the colors in case the color scheme is changed regularly. In this mode, the background color is analyzed and contrasting text color is set automatically.

The panel is useful for displaying main settings of an Expert Advisor. An example of such EA is included. Its code is compatible with MQL4.

Author: Andrey Voytenko


CComment Class:

Author: Andrey Voytenko

Thanks for the awesome tool! I modded it a bit to suit my needs so I'm going to post it here... 

I added a Zone method that return a bool if the x,y on chart click was on the comment window so nothing behind it can get activated. I also overrode the OnChartEvent method to move the comment when resizing the window. 

MyComment.mqh  4 kb
It's great, but how to remove (or reduce) the space between the top of the frame and the first line of text?
Thanks for your comment class, it's very useful.  I'm using it to help build my EA.
Is there a way to use tab or /t or anything similar, such that words or numbers can be placed below each other in a straight column?
Flying Dutchman #:
Is there a way to use tab or /t or anything similar, such that words or numbers can be placed below each other in a straight column?

You can use spaces within the string like this:

comment_panel.SetText(3,"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:         "+ string(a),COLOR_WIN);
comment_panel.SetText(4,"yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy:            "+ string(b),COLOR_WIN);
comment_panel.SetText(5,"zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: "+ string(c),COLOR_WIN);

Happy coding!

First, Thank you for making this. 

I found a bug that when we move the panel and later call the show method to update some comment, the panel returns to its original location on the chart. Is there a modification that can be done on the comment.mql for it to retain the moved location?


i use the  Free download of the 'CComment Class' library by 'avoitenko' for MetaTrader 5 in the MQL5 Code Base, 2015.10.12 to display in a easy way some infos.

I have two problems with it.

1) The Panel is not in the very first front of the chart, some lines lay above - why it is so and is there a way to change it in a way to have the comment panel everytime in front?

2) As you can see in my sample code, some text should have different colors, but the fontcolor is always the same and i dont know what i do wrong?
//For Commentsettings
#define COLOR_BACK      clrBlack
#define COLOR_BORDER    clrDimGray
#define COLOR_CAPTION   clrDodgerBlue
#define COLOR_TEXT      clrRed
#define COLOR_WIN       clrLimeGreen
#define COLOR_LOSS      clrOrangeRed

//OnInit() i do
 //panel Setting
   int y=30;
   //--- panel name
   string name="panel_"+IntegerToString(rand());
   //--- panel style
   comment.SetFont("Lucida Console",13,false,1.7);
   //comment.SetText(0,StringFormat("Expert: %s v.%s","MYNAME","My_version"),COLOR_CAPTION);
   comment.SetText(0,"ANALYZER - Report (max poss. profit/loss)",COLOR_CAPTION);
   comment.SetText(1,"wait for datas....",clrWhite);
   comment.SetText(21,"coming soon...",clrWhite);
   comment.SetText(22,"Profitfaktor: XY - Tendenz +/-",clrWhite);
   comment.SetText(23,"Qualität Entryignal: XY VS wie nah am Tief/Hoch/Wendepunkt",clrWhite);
   comment.SetText(24,"Qualität Exitsignal: XY VS max-possible",clrWhite);
   comment.SetText(25,"Sonstiges: Formationen, Candles, Unterstützungslinien, Pivotpunkte...",clrWhite);

//ontick i do for example this to change/update line 17
string test1="my content";
comment_class_update(17,test1+" Text...",COLOR_TEXT);

//The text will updated but not in the given color - in this case it should be red ...

Arpit T #:
m_name=NULL;       m_font_name="Lucida Console";       m_font_size=14;       m_font_bold=false;       m_font_interval=1.7;       m_border_color=clrNONE;       m_back_color=clrBlack;       m_back_alpha=255; // look at this       m_graph_mode=true;       m_auto_colors=false;       m_chart_back_color=(color)ChartGetInteger(0,CHART_COLOR_BACKGROUND); // look at this       m_auto_back_color=clrBlack;       m_auto_border_color=clrNONE;       //---       ChartSetInteger(0,CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE,true);


this is my part, seem ok?

void  CComment(void)
      m_font_name="Lucida Console";

The author dosn not support this class any longer, that the reason why i use the forum. May there is a kind a some class i can use, but i cannot find any one...?


Analyse the class functions like 

  void  CComment(void)
      m_font_name="Lucida Console";
      m_back_alpha=255; // look at this
      m_chart_back_color=(color)ChartGetInteger(0,CHART_COLOR_BACKGROUND); // look at this

If you post that issue in "Comment Class" codebase page then it would get author attention and you may get more better answers.

ReLor2 #:


this is my part, seem ok?

The author dosn not support this class any longer, that the reason why i use the forum. May there is a kind a some class i can use, but i cannot find any one...?

please read this article, its much better than CComment class.

Making a dashboard to display data in indicators and EAs
Making a dashboard to display data in indicators and EAs
In this article, we will create a dashboard class to be used in indicators and EAs. This is an introductory article in a small series of articles with templates for including and using standard indicators in Expert Advisors. I will start by creating a panel similar to the MetaTrader 5 data window.