How to avoid zero divide error in runtime ? - page 2

balachandran chandrasekar:

My total code length runs beyond 27000+ lines.

Defending every division is going to be a very long task. 

One thing I have seen recommended is when building the code, to include print statements (to display or log file) for potential problem areas that output either what variable you are expecting back from a certain thing, and what variable is actually being used by the program.  Then, after all testing is done, comment them out.  It is extra work, but it can help you find a troubled spot.  Since your code is so large now, obviously, this would not be feasible, but at least go to the spot you think is most likely.  Hopefully you will be able to track it down relatively quickly.
balachandran chandrasekar:

My total code length runs beyond 27000+ lines.

Defending every division is going to be a very long task. 

Are you sure it's not 2700 ? i do not think the compiler will handle 27000 easily.

you either make it work of fail.

if you coded it in a specific way you can use find and replace / replace all.

Marco vd Heijden:

Are you sure it's not 2700 ? i do not think the compiler will handle 27000 easily.

you either make it work of fail.

if you coded it in a specific way you can use find and replace / replace all.

no problem with the compiler. it compiles it in secs.
what's the file size after that?
Marco vd Heijden:
what's the file size after that?
1 MB