strategy tester cannot open file in the "...\MetaTrader 5\Tester\Agent-\MQL5\Files"


Client Terminal Build and Version (32 or 64 bit)

build 555

Problem description

Strategy tester can successfully open file with "FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV" flag in the "...\MetaTrader 5\Tester\Agent-\MQL5\Files" directory,but it  fail to open file  when using "FILE_READ|FILE_CSV" flag and delete this file auto

Sequence of action


Obtained result


Expected result


Additional details


Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Input/Output Constants / File Opening Flags
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Input/Output Constants / File Opening Flags - Documentation on MQL5
test.mq5  2 kb
Stanislav Starikov 2011.12.21 11:43
Use #property tester_file "hello.csv" to transfer your file to tester agent.
You cannot open non-existing file with FILE_READ flag

jianhua296 2011.12.21 17:48
After adding the code #property tester_file "hello.csv" to ea and putting file "hello.csv" into "...\MetaTrader 5\Tester\Agent-\MQL5\Files" directory before running,the result still give error and delete file automatically!
Documentation on MQL5: File Functions / FileDelete
File Functions / FileDelete - Documentation on MQL5
Stanislav Starikov 2011.12.21 11:43
Use #property tester_file "hello.csv" to transfer your file to tester agent.
You cannot open non-existing file with FILE_READ flag

jianhua296 2011.12.21 17:48
After adding the code #property tester_file "hello.csv" to ea and putting file "hello.csv" into "...\MetaTrader 5\Tester\Agent-\MQL5\Files" directory before running,the result still give error and delete file automatically!

Hi Jianhua,

I have had to deal with similar situations. It might do you some good if you could show some of your code so we can better identify the problem... 


Problem was solved in the service desk

You can open file with FILE_READ flag if this file exists. If file does not exist you cannot open it

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Input/Output Constants / File Opening Flags
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Input/Output Constants / File Opening Flags - Documentation on MQL5