Wrong coutation

I have a problem with a brocker company use the meta trader, a wrong price apears on the screan for over 300 times, and I take a position at these prices and the server accept all my orders, the wrong price was on Crude oil, and it was give a wrong price for 15 pip, I take the profit, and all the the profit added to my balance and equity. the brocker company tell me that they will not pay the profit for me. Is it leagal? or these profit for whom?? I need an answer, because they delete all of the orders from the acount history after 4 hours, is that Leagal, or I should get these profit??

please replay for me as soon as possible
Refer to broker support team please.
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Refer to broker support team please.
Read our rules also:
Our Forum is specific. It only intended for discussions on technical properties and features of our software.

Dear sir,
It is a technical problem, who should I have to ask if the brocker team support havent an answer. or tell me it is a secret. we cant told you.

How could I solve my problem.??