Reviews on Products

Should there be a time frame for a review to show as legit review?  Some just buy and immediately give a bad review without even a message or a reasoning. 
Thomas Bradley Butler:
Should there be a time frame for a review to show as legit review?  Some just buy and immediately give a bad review without even a message or a reasoning. 

I have suggested to the admins a 7-day period during which a posted review would only be visible to the user who wrote it and the seller. This would allow them to address any issues or concerns directly.

I hope they will take this into consideration.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

I have suggested to the admins a 7-day period during which a posted review would only be visible to the user who wrote it and the seller. This would allow them to address any issues or concerns directly.

I hope they will take this into consideration.

How long ago did you propose it?  

Thomas Bradley Butler #:

How long ago did you propose it?  

A week ago.



This is a great solution because some customers, without checking the product or contacting the seller, immediately post negative reviews, as if they were doing so on purpose.

Have a nice day